Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Tell Sun Simiao's fortune _ Who tells Sun Simiao's fortune?

Tell Sun Simiao's fortune _ Who tells Sun Simiao's fortune?

Sun Simiao's superb medical skills can bring people back to life. What cases can be proved?

There are too many cases of saving people in Sun Simiao's life. Here are just a few. For example, when Sun Simiao was still an apprentice, she once saw an old woman passing by with a 5-year-old son in her arms, but she didn't know what she tripped over and fell heavily.

When Sun Simiao walked over to help the old lady and the child up, he found that the child was very pale and touched it with his hand under his nose. He can only feel a faint breath, and then he feels the pulse for the child. It didn't take long to know the cause, but at this time he didn't have any medicinal materials in his hand. Just when he didn't know what to do, he suddenly found a sandalwood beside him, and then he conveniently brought it to the old woman.

And tell her, when you go home, saw this sandalwood into powder and cooked it with ginger, and you can cure his illness. At first, the old woman was a little skeptical, but there was no better way, so she adopted Sun Simiao's suggestion. Miraculously, the child got better after drinking this soup.

For example, when Sun Simiao became famous, a patient came to see him at this time, and then told Sun Simiao that he could not urinate at all now. He also looked for many doctors, but none of them were cured. When Sun Simiao saw his bulging belly, he knew the reason why he was ill. He asked his big apprentice to go outside and pull some onions in the vegetable garden. Then he inserted them into the patient's urethra, and soon urine came out, just like this case.