Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What does it mean to dream of wearing a diamond and gold chain on your feet?

What does it mean to dream of wearing a diamond and gold chain on your feet?

Dream is a strange phenomenon, which often appears after people sleep. Everyone has the experience of dreaming. Dreaming is like a mirror that can spy on people's inner privacy, which is another illusory but real life experience. Just like Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly, we are often shocked and confused by strange and grotesque dreams. What does a dream mean? What does it imply to people? Dream is the communication between consciousness and body, the best opportunity to eavesdrop on one's subconscious, and it opens the door for people to integrate themselves. ...

Dreams have always been a mystery in ancient culture. Many people pray to God and worship Buddha, and even ask fortune tellers to find a clever way to interpret dreams for themselves. But in modern human civilization, dreams are a psychological activity after people fall asleep. In the old society with backward science, people often regard dreams as the instructions of God or the work of the devil, and even continue this superstitious old concept to the present. There are many stories about dreams in the cultural refinement of our country. Such as: Zhuang Sheng Meng Die, Meng Ke, Meng Ke, Cai Ji, Meng Ke, etc. They are all dream stories that people have been talking about. In fact, there is no distinction between good people and bad people, and there is no distinction between sages and fools. Everyone dreams, even animals dream, because animals' eyes beat fast when they sleep. The difference is that animals can't talk in their sleep like people after waking up.

Scientifically, dreams are psychological activities that occur spontaneously at a certain stage of sleep. In this psychological activity, the whole process of individual physical and mental changes is called dreaming. In a typical night sleep, the first dream of the average person appears about 90 minutes after falling asleep, and the duration of the dream is about 5 ~ 15 minutes. People will have dreams at all stages of sleep, and they will have about 4 ~ 6 dreams in one night, accounting for 1 ~ 2 hours of the whole sleep.

Dreams are the most common and indispensable physiological and psychological phenomena in the human body. After people fall asleep, a small number of brain cells are still active, which is the basis of dreaming. Why do people dream and what happens if they don't dream? Normal dream activity is one of the important factors to ensure the normal vitality of the body!

Someone has done such a dream experiment. When there are dreaming brain waves in people's sleep, they will immediately wake up the sleeper and stop the dream from continuing. It turns out that deprivation of dreams will lead to a series of physiological abnormalities. For example, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature and skin's electrical reaction ability tend to increase, and the function of autonomic nervous system tends to weaken. At the same time, it will also cause a series of adverse psychological reactions, such as anxiety, tension, irritability, perceptual hallucinations, memory disorders, disorientation and so on. The experimental results show that normal dream activity is one of the important factors to ensure the normal vitality of the body.

Similarly, normal dream activity is also a way to coordinate the balance of human psychological world. Because the right hemisphere is dominant when dreaming and the left hemisphere is dominant after awakening, the dynamic balance between neural regulation and mental activity can be achieved by making "waking" and "dreaming" appear alternately in the body's 24-hour day and night activities. Therefore, dreams are a way to balance people's psychological world, especially for people's attention, emotions and cognitive activities.

Many people think that dreaming every day affects their sleep. On the contrary, dreamless sleep will be better. In fact, such an idea is unscientific. Dreamless sleep is not only of poor quality, but also a sign of brain injury or disease. Dreams are the result of the brain's regulating center balancing various functions of the body, and dreams are the need for the healthy development of the brain and the maintenance of normal thinking. If the brain's regulatory center is damaged, dreams will not form, or only some incomplete dream fragments will appear. If you sleep for a long time without dreams, it is worth people's vigilance. Of course, if you have nightmares for a long time, it is also a sign of some diseases in your body, which requires people to pay more attention.