Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What wonderful requirements did you encounter from hr during the interview?

What wonderful requirements did you encounter from hr during the interview?

Many people have encountered the following wonderful requirements in the process of job hunting:

1, not through formal channels

Recruiter recruitment is an important work of the unit and an important part of the corporate image. The general unit attaches great importance to this work and will send special personnel to recruit through formal channels. However, when recruiting, some enterprises pay attention to the packaging of their units, exaggerate the facts, and confuse college students with various signs, honors, treatment and development prospects of their units. Once college students are seduced by them, their faces suddenly change, and they look like I am a gangster and I am afraid of someone.

2. Say the salary is high, but you have to charge first.

The main performance is that the recruitment unit gains the trust and high expectations of college students with strong false propaganda, sincere false promises and enthusiastic hypocrisy, and then puts forward harsh conditions in the agreement to hide various illegal purposes. Trying to defraud graduates of so-called deposits, training fees, clothing fees, etc. under the guise of high salary.

Please introduce others to join us.

Some students got involved in illegal marketing because they were cheated, and finally regretted it.

4. Don't sign an employment agreement.

Employment agreement is the basis of transmitting graduates' personnel relations, and the handling of these relations involves the vital interests of graduates. Therefore, the unit does not sign employment agreements with graduates, which is unfavorable to the work, life and career development of graduates.

5. Retain talents in violation of regulations

In order to retain talents, some students have their registered permanent residence and certificates detained, making it difficult for them to go. Some people who force college students to sign and sell themselves, sell themselves, sell themselves, sell themselves, sell themselves, sell themselves, are ghosts who died in the unit of selling themselves. Some combine hard and soft, on the one hand, writing empty promises, on the other hand, forcing college students to gradually accept the unfair and unreasonable reality. The other is cheating, which makes college students fall into the trap of high salary, training, intermediary, and even tricking college students into shares, sales promotion, pyramid schemes and so on. Some employers set an agreement trap, a contract trap or a probation trap for college students, which makes them feel unable to stop and have nowhere to pursue.

6. Don't write the promise into the contract.

The employer does not have to undertake the obligation to fulfill the recruitment content. As a graduate, if the person who wants to recruit has fulfilled the promise in the recruitment advertisement, it is best to write these promises into the terms of the labor contract between the two parties, and urge the employer to fulfill the promise to the graduate with the binding force of the labor law.