Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Feel dumb after reading

Feel dumb after reading

Mute House is a book about antiques. It is set in an antique shop called Mute House, which gives the soul a thousand years of silence, tells the history behind the antiques and depicts the life behind the history. It also tells the story of a boss who has lived for more than 2,000 years, looking for his royal highness the prince he followed in the long river of history. Share with you the feeling of being speechless after reading it. Welcome to read!

I feel dumb after reading 1. I like all the books I have read. Every book is a world. This is my favorite recently: the silent house. I should be attracted by its title, and I have been out of control ever since.

At first glance, it was a complete accident. At that time, I was sitting in a taxi, lying in front of the window bored, and the scenery outside the window quickly regressed. Suddenly, a big poster of Zhang Huali caught my eye, and I even saw two names that usually attract me: Silent Room.

I really did. I begged my mother for days. Before that, I read two books of Silence by my deskmate Bao arrogantly. My favorite is the mysterious and wonderful opening remarks: "They (that is, antiques) have been immersed in hundreds of thousands of years. Every piece of work embodies the painstaking efforts of the craftsman and pours into the feelings of the users. Everything belongs to a different owner and has a different story. Everything is so different, even every crack and crack is a unique history. "

This book is related to history, but the events have a little fantasy flavor. A boss opened an antique shop with a small surface, but in fact there is a world inside. The boss is strange. He doesn't sell antiques. He wears red dragon clothes all day. He can give away priceless antiques. He goes to the store every few years. Why?

Eldest brother, he lived for two thousand years. In the first emperor's period, Ganluo was named Shangqing at the age of twelve. He is an experiment. He tried the elixir refined by Master for Qin Shihuang, and accidentally got the red dragon suit, so that he could live forever. Wandering around the world, helping Fu Su in every life reincarnate and finding the real owner for every antique. Gan Luo, Fu Su, Lu Zigang, Hu Hai. The story of four people began like this.

Open-book is beneficial, and you can really learn a lot from it. It is dark, and the author's imagination is rich: an ancient mirror can connect ancient and modern time and space, a mermaid candle can shed tears for thousands of years, and a fragrant princess chain can realize her wishes. Deep black, admire! Gan Luo and Hu Hai have been looking for Fu Su for thousands of years, and this persistence is by no means ordinary. In Liubo chess designed by Hu Hai, everyone has realized their initial heart for their loved ones, and would rather die than let their loved ones get hurt. Zhao Gao is a villain, but when he taught his youngest son Hu Hai the word "justice", he used extremely simple and easy-to-understand examples in life.

Every world is unique. With your heart, you can always find that unique self. Shuttle through the world, all kinds of life, there will be different ideas and secret themselves. When it flows into the heart, it is the soul!

It took me two hours to finish reading a book, Silent House, which my child lent me. After reading only two chapters, I stopped reading and lost in thought. ...

"The antiquities in the dumb house have their own stories, which have been passed down for many years and have been ignored. However, they are all waiting ... "Waiting for someone to read.

Heavenly axe-the owner of this treasure is the king, and the person who gets this treasure will become the king. If so, Zhao Kuangyin won the world after winning this treasure and established the Northern Song Dynasty. He was in office for 16 years, during which he strengthened centralization and advocated literati politics, thus creating a prosperous period for China's civilian administration. He was a wise and kind emperor and an outstanding figure who promoted the development of history. When this chapter is closed, Wu Zetian, the queen of the Tang Dynasty, comes to mind. Her birth was accompanied by mystery. First, after she was born, the fortune teller said that this woman's future was limitless. Then, after entering the palace, a book began to spread around the world, saying that there was a man named Wu in the Tang Dynasty who changed dynasties within three generations. Such legendary beliefs and miscellaneous books run through the TV series from beginning to end. Wu Zetian finally succeeded and changed the dynasty. I wonder, did the axe really make Zhao Kuangyin? Is it really the "book" circulating in the stall that made Wu Zetian?

Unique jade Buddha-this kind of broken jade Buddha, anyone who sees it will bring fatal disaster. It is not so much a fatal disaster as a woman's sustenance for the country's prosperity, a woman's disappointment with the current emperor, and a woman's revenge for the country's demise. Jade is auspicious, but broken jade is evil, and broken jade Buddha is even more depraved. Really? There really is, and I think it is also the inevitability of historical evolution!


When I closed the book, I seemed to see the author coming to me in the dark, telling me a philosophy: good things are always short-lived, and only by grasping what you have in front of you, do your best and show your best. Life is not a dream, you can control it. However, if you regard him as a dream and don't want to wake up, then your life is meaningless!

Silence tells me that life is a dream, and dreams are also a kind of life. Life is controllable, dreams are controllable. It depends on whether you are willing to control it, and how to control it!

After reading the book, I think my classmate borrowed a book by accident. This is a book full of mystery, unforgettable and fantasy, and it is also the most "favored" one of my many "favorite" books. In my spare time, I always think of him-silence.

"Mute House" is the name of an antique shop, and it is also the name of this book. Because the antiques in the antique shop have been deposited in the long history of thousands of years, they can't talk, and no one listens to their stories, quietly waiting for this destined person in the years. Silent House was written by a writer whose pen name is Heihei. In her works, every antique will become a mysterious and living object. She veiled every antique with mystery. Mainly writing stories about antiquities. Take the owner of the antique shop as a clue to tell the story behind each antique. These stories are all rewritten according to historical facts, some of which are in line with historical facts and some are not. Even changed the historical facts. But it didn't affect my love for it at all. On the contrary, it makes it more mysterious and impressive.

The fish-pattern mirror is an ordinary ancient mirror, but the fish-pattern mirror under the dark mirror connects two men and women in time and space, and becomes a matchmaker for them to meet, know each other and fall in love, thus achieving a love that spans thousands of years. Every time I recall this story, I always marvel at the imagination of Dark Superman. ChristianRandPhillips Chain, a seven-color bracelet, can help you find what you lost. That is the seven-color bracelet of a princess named ChristianRandPhillips in history. And it was given to a high school girl by an antique shop owner in the 2 1 century. Every time you find something on ChristianRandPhillips's chain, a bead disappears, and you can't take it off after wearing it, otherwise you will lose it again. The girl found the lost birthday video with a bracelet, but found the hypocrisy of her primary school classmates, which made her very sad. The bracelet was accidentally dropped. The girl found the lost puppy with a bracelet, but the bracelet accidentally fell off again, and she lost the puppy because of a car accident. Finally, the girl understood a truth and returned the bracelet to the antique shop owner with relief. At the end of this story, Dark Black wrote: In fact, sometimes what you find is not as beautiful as what you remember. And I also learned a truth from it-the lost things don't need to be too persistent, and sometimes it is a good ending. There are also some mysterious and fantastic antiquities, such as Huang Liang Pillow, Yue Wang Jian, Shan Hai Jing, Aquamarine Jade, etc., which are full of mysterious colors in dark black works.

Every time I think back, I can't restrain my curiosity and fanaticism. I am amazed at the way the author freely switches between ancient scenes and modern scenes. There is no contradiction in the transformation of two completely different scenes, as if it happened so real. The author outlined the scene at that time with concise sentences, which made me feel like I was in it and "witnessed" what happened as a bystander. The occasional abrupt ending is more meaningful and thought-provoking.

Now several books have been published, and the corresponding comics are also available in various comic software. But I finally feel that paper reading, e-books and comics are irreplaceable. Unfortunately, at this point, I didn't have a chance to read it, because books are really expensive and I don't want to buy them. However, the feeling brought by Silent House is unforgettable.

After reading Mute House 4, Mute House is a novel telling an antique story, which is elegant without losing interest, interesting without losing the original. I feel great after reading it, such as the wordless tablet, the yellow tube porcelain pillow, the longevity lock and the unique jade Buddha ... I seem to have pushed open the carved wooden door. ...

What impressed me the most was the wordless tablet located in the tomb of Wu Zetian.

There is no word tablet, no word, but it records the glory and glitz of Wu Zetian's life and the evil of her life! Wu Zetian is a controversial figure with different opinions. When the female emperor was in power, she hired talented people to get rid of disadvantages, develop production and improve the imperial examination. She followed the historical trend and carried out drastic reforms. During her half-century rule, she formed a strong centralization, inherited the "rule of Zhenguan", and created a "prosperous era of Kaiyuan", with economic development and social stability. It can be said that her achievements are obvious to all and well documented.

At the same time, the "cheerful" queen on the other side appointed cruel officials and killed innocent people, causing many civil servants and military commanders to suffer injustice; She also went her own way, building temples, halls, Shu Tianhe and Jiuding. Especially the queen in her later years, she was overjoyed, lived in luxury and spent a lot of money.

Perhaps the queen was a little "self-aware" at the beginning, so she set up this wordless tablet for herself. She wants to leave a mysterious answer to future generations, a blank without words, and let history fill its own merits and demerits.

The wordless tablet also tells the story of Wu Zetian's conceited life in an alternative way, and I can't help smiling bitterly. Said Wu Zetian terminating, at that time, shuddering, no status, don't step on others, accidentally lost his life! Who gave Wu Zetian the power of conceit? Who do you blame? Oh, my god. She is just a woman, but she shoulders such a mission. Why doesn't she want to live an ordinary life and be like other women? It's just that fate doesn't want her to bear a heavy burden, to be as proud as her, and to be as conceited as her. Who dares to talk about her? This is also the original intention of her wordless tablet, but unfortunately. How can she be peaceful underground?

Fame and fortune are empty dreams. Why do you get addicted, lose your nature, get ambitious, and finally get stuck? You have been addicted to glitz all your life, which is the most pitiful thing, and finally there is no peace.

The antiquities in the dumb house have their own stories, which have been carried for many years and no one has listened to them. However, they are all waiting. ...

The Silent House is a fantasy novel related to history. The house of silence is the name of the protagonist's antique shop in the novel, and its meaning comes from Guangya: Sheye. "I" also has a common sound, which is "cool", but the pronunciation is not "ku", but "she", just like "she". Dumb words come from the mouth, from Asia, and from Asia. Among them, the mouth refers to the sound, the original meaning is Miyagi ouchi. The word "shed" means library, so the name "dumb shed" actually means the emperor's inner library at the earliest time, which means that those treasures can only speak within Miyagi.

The hero of the novel is an antique shop owner who has lived for more than 2000 years. He has collected antiques with different stories since 2000. They have been immersed in hundreds of thousands of years. Every piece of work embodies the painstaking efforts of the craftsman and pours into the feelings of the users. Everything belongs to different owners and has its own story. Everything is so different that even every crack and gap has a unique history. Who can say that antiques are just cultural relics and lifeless dead things?

After reading Silence, from one story to another, I realized different life truths. What impressed me most was that one of them was woven into a skirt. The story is about Princess Anle in the Tang Dynasty. She pursued all kinds of luxurious clothes and was finally made into dresses worth hundreds of millions. She was not satisfied with the first one and had to make another one. Such luxury also led to her later physical death, and one of the woven skirts was also made by Tang Xuanzong. Finally, the author's words deeply touched me-people are graded, not clothes.

The novel tells history with these ancient stories and learns all kinds of historical knowledge in fantasy stories. This interesting way impressed me deeply with this knowledge and deepened my interest in learning history. The author also wrote various life truths in the story, which made people feel deeply.