Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why does the ghost press hurt?

Why does the ghost press hurt?

The ghost presses the bed, which means that when you sleep, you suddenly feel unconscious but your body can't move. Actually, you have a sleep disorder. The phenomenon of "ghost crushing the body" belongs to a symptom of sleep paralysis in sleep neurology. During sleep, the patient is half awake and half asleep, and the brain waves are awake. Some people will also have hallucinations, but the muscle tension of the whole body is minimized.

Definition 1: nightmare

When people are sleeping, they suddenly feel as if there is a thousand pounds of weight on their bodies, and they can't breathe. They seem to wake up and want to shout, but they can't move. People are confused and frightened. It's as if there is a transparent thing pressing on them, coupled with dreams, giving them a name called "pressing ghosts." In fact, this is called "nightmare" in medicine.

Like dreaming, nightmares are also a physiological phenomenon. When a person suddenly wakes up from a dream, a part of the nerve center of the brain has woken up, but the nerve center that dominates the muscles has not fully woken up, so even if he feels uncomfortable, he can't move. At this time, if someone wakes him or pushes him, the nightmare will disappear immediately.

In fact, this phenomenon is very common. For example, when we just wake up, we can't completely swing our fists; Many people have to wait a few minutes after waking up, which is why the central nervous system works out of sync.

Lying on your back, being covered with a thick quilt or putting your hands on your chest, being too nervous during the day and overeating at dinner are all the reasons for nightmares. If readers are careful, they will find that people who are "haunted" are lying on their backs. If they sleep on their side and avoid the above incentives, nightmares will not happen.

Ghost news comics

Sometimes, just after a dream, I associate the lack of intuition with the dream. Maybe you are familiar with the term ghost bed. People have had various explanations for ghost beds. Growing up, the most authoritative, scientific, supportive and convincing explanation I have heard is "You just fell asleep, and you may have inadvertently put your hand on your chest, which increased the burden of breathing." Some people are accompanied by cold sweat, lack of oxygen and even hallucinations caused by rapid heartbeat. These are all caused by bad sleep habits. Of course, it does not rule out that some people have sleep problems due to organic diseases, and they will die suddenly in severe cases. "

Definition 2: Sleep paralysis

Ghost news comics

The so-called "ghost pressure" is definitely not a "ghost" pressure bed, let alone a "ghost" obsession. In fact, it is a disease of sleep disorder. The phenomenon of "ghost crushing the body" belongs to a symptom of sleep paralysis in sleep neurology. At this time, the patient is half awake and half asleep, and the amplitude of brain waves is also awake. Some people will also have hallucinations, but the muscle tension of the whole body is minimized, which is similar to the "paralyzed" state, and the whole body can't move, just like being put on a golden bell jar, which is what most people call a "ghost."

The patients with "cataplexy narcolepsy" often have the situation that "ghosts crush their bodies". Such patients can fall asleep at any time, showing a state of being half awake and half asleep at any time, and often have "sleep hallucinations" and dream of strange people, things and things. When the patient is awake, whenever he is excited, laughing or angry, he will suddenly feel weak and fall down.

Our sleep cycle is from falling asleep, shallow sleep, deep sleep, deep sleep, and finally into the "rapid eye movement (dreaming) stage". Sleep paralysis is mainly due to the early appearance of rapid eye movement, which leads to the uncoordinated rapid eye movement stage. In fact, in the rapid eye movement stage, the body is essentially at rest, and the connection signal with the brain is temporarily interrupted. This is a defensive measure, so that the human body will not realize the dreams in real life. For example, when dreaming of hitting people, it will not really act, and it will not punch and kick people at the bedside.

When the sleep nerve is paralyzed, the brain recovers from sleep rest, and it is too late to reconnect with the body, which makes people half asleep and half awake, and dreams are intertwined with reality, resulting in disharmony between the body and the brain. At this time, the whole body muscle tension is the lowest, so it will cause you to remember, but you can't get up; I want to exert myself, but I have no strength at all. This is the most common situation of "ghost pressing the bed".

Generally speaking, under the circumstances of excessive pressure, anxiety, nervousness, extreme fatigue, insomnia, lack of sleep or jet lag, sleep will enter the rapid eye movement (dreaming) stage ahead of time, and there will be a situation of "ghost pressing the bed"-sleep paralysis. This happens to people of any age, mostly in adolescence, and few people happen continuously. Unless it happens frequently, you need to seek the help of a sleep doctor. As long as you know this symptom, you don't have to worry too much.

According to a research report in the United States, 40% to 50% people will experience sleep paralysis at least once in their lives, and the proportion is not low. Therefore, when you are possessed by ghosts, you don't have to worry, and don't go to the so-called "master" to solve your bad luck. Knowing the truth of sleep can make you feel at ease and sit back and relax.

The above scientific analysis is simply "mentally active and physically exhausted".

1. Because you sleep on your back, sleeping on your side at night is less likely to happen.

I usually relax because of my nervousness, but not at night.

3. Enough rest

Many people have felt this way. When they just fall asleep or wake up, they will feel that their consciousness is clear, but their bodies can't control themselves and can't remember. They feel that they are wrapped in something and can't say anything if they want to. They can't open their eyes and sometimes they may feel chest tightness. No matter how hard you struggle, it's no use trying to get your body moving. Some people even have hallucinations, including seeing black visions. People often call this feeling a ghost bed or a nightmare.

After reading the scientific explanation above, I understand the "ghost press bed" scientifically. . .

However, all the explanations do not give an immediate and effective solution.

Because I am often "crushed", I have summed up a set of effective and immediate solutions:

1. Being crushed, you know very well, don't be in a hurry to resist (resistance is futile), and don't be afraid.

Relax, or have a rest, or go back to sleep. Press it and press it. Ignore him.

2. If you want to clear the "ghost press" immediately, press the process:

1. All parts of the body can't move,

2. Can't keep your eyes open (sometimes you can open your eyes forcibly, but you can't see clearly)

3. Can't talk

But you can hear the sound

Everything is not absolutely motionless.

After the ghost pressed the bed, I found that the only thing that "moved" outside my body was "mouth" (I didn't ask you to talk, of course I couldn't say it at the time)

6. suck up and down with your mouth (just like kissing makes a sound, or feeding chickens with your mouth makes a sound) and let your ears hear it with your voice (point 4, your ears can hear it).

It worked. You can wake up immediately, that is, quickly solve the "ghost bed."

7. There is another one that can be used. I've tried it many times ~ In fact, you can control your breathing when you press the bed, so that you can take a deep breath quickly and force your body to move.

8. Another effective way is to kick your feet hard after being crushed by a ghost and wake up in a few seconds.

Most of your body can't move, but your tongue can still be flexible. You can try to stick your tongue out, and if you can stick it out, you will succeed. Or stick out your tongue and shout it out as loudly as possible so that your ears can hear your own voice.

Just hit the nail on the head in one sentence: "I'm energetic and tired". Are the others people who have never eaten grapes?

The muscles are not fully awake, I agree. But how to explain the following phenomenon?

When you are crushed, something really weighs on you.

Anyone who has worked in chemical industry knows that it is necessary to wear protective clothing when handling poisonous gas and venom, but what will happen if our protective clothing leaks?

Similarly, what happens if the human body is used as a protective suit and occasionally fails?

And what's the poison gas outside? Think for yourself.

Another reason is that I am too nervous before going to bed, afraid of thieves. Twice, I met a thief who came in and stole something, and then watched him steal it.

So close the doors and windows before going to bed, make sure your room is safe and not nervous, and you can avoid the ghost bed.

You can also take a laissez-faire attitude when you meet a ghost press, knowing in your heart that this is just a ghost press. You have to go back to sleep as you like and let it go. Especially for people in their twenties, they may often encounter it. Just get used to it!

Another way to avoid it is to watch less movies or TV that can arouse strange imagination and put an end to ghost movies.

3. How do you sleep when you are often pressed by ghosts?

Sleep with your arms half-propped. In this way, when pressing, the arm will automatically hang down, and consciousness can control the body in the process of hanging down the arm. On the contrary, you can't feel your arms drooping when you sleep normally.

Make the room opaque at night and hang curtains on the second floor. Because the light outside the window may make you wake up suddenly when you are asleep, you have sleep paralysis!

Mental relaxation is inseparable from a person's real life. If the real life is not good, then sleep paralysis can be solved, but the root can't be solved. Therefore, I hope patients can live a real life. Usually do things with a clear conscience! !