Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Look at boys and girls without protruding navel.

Look at boys and girls without protruding navel.

When a female friend is pregnant, her stomach is very different. Some pregnant women's navel will protrude, and some pregnant women's navel will not. People often judge the sex of the fetus according to the performance of the navel eye. So, if the navel is not protruding, do you see a boy or a girl?

If the navel is not convex, it has little to do with the sex of the fetus. It varies from person to person. If it is necessary to determine the sex of the fetus, ultrasound examination can be performed after 16 weeks of pregnancy, and it can be judged by observing the genitals of the fetus. However, it is illegal for the hospital to conduct appraisal. Here are a few folk sayings:

1, look at the navel shape: Folklore says that after pregnancy, the mother's navel is sunken, and the baby will be a boy in most cases. If the navel protrudes, the baby will be a girl.

2, look at the type of belly: the belly of the mother who gave birth to a girl, the lower end is mostly in the shape of an inverted ladder, and the lines are more prominent, which can almost be called angular. The more obvious the trapezoid, the higher the accuracy. The lower part of the boy's mother's stomach is smooth and full, and there is no such prominent line. But this situation is not very absolute. Here are the bellies of girls and boys' mothers.

3, look at the thickness of the navel line: during pregnancy, the mother's navel line is thin, and the baby will be a boy in most cases. If the navel line is thin, most babies will be girls.

4, look at the length of the navel: if the mother's navel line is long, the baby in the stomach is mostly a boy. If the navel line is thick, the baby is mostly a girl.

It is also said that the fetal position is higher than that of girls and lower than that of boys. Hearing the music melody, the baby will have obvious movements and the girl will enjoy it quietly. But remember that these situations are not absolute.

Generally speaking, male sperm can be divided into two types: one with X sex chromosome and the other with Y sex chromosome. If the X chromosome sperm is attached to the egg, the girl will be born. If the Y chromosome sperm combines with the egg, a boy is born. Some people say that giving birth to boys and girls depends on the man's sperm. Others say that giving birth to boys and girls depends on the woman's egg choice. French scientists have found that the chorionic charge of a female egg affects sex, that is, when it is positively charged, it can attract X sperm and become a female fetus. When negatively charged, it will attract Y sperm and become a male fetus. Normal people have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Among them, 22 pairs are autosomes, both male and female. There is also a pair of sex chromosomes, which are different between men and women. Women have two X chromosomes, while men have only 1 X chromosome, and the other is Y chromosome. There are more than 50,000 genes on 46 chromosomes, and each gene carries genetic information. Chromosomes accurately transmit genetic information to future generations through a series of activities.

Germ cells (sperm and eggs) undergo two meiosis, which reduces the original 23 pairs of chromosomes by half to 23 pairs. When sperm and egg combine to form a fertilized egg, each chromosome in the sperm nucleus is paired with the corresponding chromosome in the egg nucleus, so that the number of chromosomes in the fertilized egg is restored to 23 pairs. One chromosome in each pair comes from the father and the other from the mother, so the formation of new life has the genetic information of both parents.

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