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The fortune teller asked me _ to tell others about fortune telling?

Why do many people like to address each other as teachers?

Teacher is a kind of honorific title for teachers, so it is also called teacher, tutor, teacher, etc. It is a special profession, which has existed since ancient times and refers to people who impart knowledge, morality and so on to students. Professionally, such as teacher Xue in ancient times, teachers and professors in schools now, various coaches and so on. Of course, it was later used to refer to people who are worth learning in some way, can bring you some correct knowledge and guidance, and have certain abilities and talents. This used to mean "master", because in ancient times, teachers were often called: masters, masters, teachers and so on. There are indeed many titles for teachers, but there are mainly two honorifics, that is, teacher and Mr. Teacher are the titles for local primary school teachers in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, while Mr. Wang is the title for older and learned people.

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Once upon a time, on many occasions in today's society, it suddenly became popular to call others "teachers". The most common thing is that in many TV variety shows, regardless of age and seniority, people call each other teachers, and the host even calls the judges or guests teachers. In addition, many people will call each other teachers in communication occasions or in daily life. Understandably, calling others teachers means showing respect for others, while showing some modest attitudes and gestures, which of course means learning from others. There seems to be nothing wrong with it. It is polite, modest and courteous, learning from each other's strengths. The scene is beautiful. But sometimes it sounds a bit awkward, because it's a bit unnatural to call a teacher whether you can or not.

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In fact, since ancient times, many teachers have been called Mr, and they involve many industries, which can be described as a wide range. For example, teachers who teach, intellectuals with status, doctors, etc. There are also people who used to manage accounts, watch feng shui, tell fortune and tell stories; In addition, you can call a man, yourself or someone else's husband a gentleman, or even those talented women a gentleman. Teachers who are really engaged in education also have many nice nicknames to show their respect. Such as gardeners, candles, spring silkworms, spring rain, ladders, willing cows, engineers of human souls and so on. To sum up, as a respected so-called "teacher", you must be worthy of the name and have a certain moral demeanor and knowledge, otherwise it will be unworthy of the name.