Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Feng Nanxing's fortune telling

Feng Nanxing's fortune telling

On the model essay of community library

Community libraries play an important role in improving the comprehensive quality of citizens, promoting the development of local economy, science and technology and culture, and promoting the construction of local material civilization, spiritual civilization and political civilization. The following is the content of the model essay on community library that I compiled for you. Welcome to read the reference!

Model essay of community library 1

Talking about the Construction of Community Library

From a macro perspective, this paper analyzes the service function and management status of community libraries (rooms) in the process of building a harmonious urban community, interprets the functions of community libraries (rooms), and puts forward management models, so as to promote the construction and perfection of community libraries.

Keywords: community library; Management; Fang ce research

1 current situation of community library construction

Community library (room) is an important part of cultural undertakings and public cultural facilities. Carrying out library services in the community is the starting point for integrating book culture into society, participating in creating a good cultural environment and civilized social customs, and expanding social services. At present, the main problems existing in the construction of community libraries (rooms) are: unclear service targets and insufficient openness; The technical means of service is backward and can't keep up with the development of information technology; The items and means of service reading are single, which can not meet the changing and multi-level reading needs of readers; It still obviously has the traditional inward service characteristics and closeness of the library (room). Therefore, we must correctly understand the significance of community library construction, establish a correct concept of construction, so that the construction of community libraries can be implemented and play its due role.

2 The purpose of community library construction The purpose of community library (room) construction is mainly reflected in three aspects:

2. 1 community library (room) should become the information center of the community.

In the information society, community residents need a smooth channel to communicate with the outside world and a platform and center to obtain information. It not only has the traditional service function of the library, but also enables community residents to obtain information through borrowing, and should also meet the different cultural and information needs of community residents. For example, providing community psychological consultation, employment consultation and national policy consultation to meet the multi-level and multi-faceted information needs of community residents.

2.2 Community libraries (rooms) should be places for community cultural education.

Community cultural education is a kind of education with a wide range of contents, including both school education, social education and family education; There are general education, vocational education and adult education, as well as formal education and informal education; Not only the education of teenagers, but also the continuing education of working people and the leisure education of retirees. Therefore, community libraries (rooms) should meet the needs of readers to borrow books and find information through various channels. Only by completing these educational functions can the community library (room) become a training base and place for community education.

2.3 Community library (room) should be a place for cultural leisure of community residents.

Community libraries (rooms) should also strengthen the service function of cultural leisure. With the progress and development of society, the leisure function of libraries is becoming more and more important, and it is also an important means to improve residents' cultural literacy and quality of life. The service management of community libraries (rooms) should fully reflect this function.

3 Community Library Construction Mode

In order to change the service role, optimize the service resources, deepen the service content, improve the service facilities and realize the co-construction and sharing of knowledge, the construction of community libraries (rooms) must change and innovate the service mode, and establish the knowledge management mode and service mode suitable for the actual situation of the community.

3. 1 Overseas experience and model

Community libraries in the United States, Japan, Singapore and other countries have excellent services, which can not only meet the reading needs of local residents, but also expand the service scope to community news release, citizens' tax payment guidance, meteorology and travel guides, and become the gateway for residents to understand the community and integrate into community life.

(1) American model

The community public libraries in the United States are the best in the world, with tens of thousands, benefiting the people of the United States, and their collections are amazing. More than 90% community public libraries in the United States are connected to the Internet, more than 80% provide free online services for readers, and more than 70% provide online lending services. Community public libraries in the United States are divided into adult reading areas, adolescent reading areas and children's activity reading areas according to the different age levels of residents. It's easy to get a library card in America. You can apply for a library card for free as long as you show your nearest utility or telephone bill and your driver's license.

(2) Japanese model

Every community in Japan has a library. In community construction, the government is responsible for the planning of the library and provides funds according to regulations, while the daily affairs are managed by the consortium legal person. This consortium is a social organization that manages community welfare affairs. The government provides funds for it, formulates management regulations and conducts audit supervision every year.

(3) Singapore model

The government promulgated the Law on Community Housing Planning, which stipulates that each community must establish a library, which is jointly established by the National Library and the community foundation. Its operating funds are subsidized by the government, and its management adopts the mode of branch library system, which is planned, organized and managed by the National Library Administration.

(4) There are few large libraries in developed countries and Hong Kong and Taiwan, but there are many community libraries, and it is very convenient to find one just a few steps away from home. Compared with the mainland, the development of community libraries in Hong Kong is very distinctive and worth learning from.

(A) the participation of the Hong Kong Government

The Hong Kong Public Library has a history of more than 40 years and is led by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In order to encourage the public to participate more in district affairs and coordinate the services and facilities provided by the government at the district level more effectively, the Hong Kong government has set up district councils in various districts to improve the environment and city appearance of each district and promote various cultural and recreational activities in the community. In 2005, one of the focuses of the policy address of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was to strengthen regional work and implement the SAR administration at the grassroots level, so as to enhance the regional ability to solve problems, help deal with people's livelihood issues, strengthen community building and promote regional public welfare activities. In line with the relevant administrative concepts, the SAR Government has expanded the functions of the District Councils, opened up some district facilities originally managed by the Government, and allowed the District Councils to participate in the management of community halls, rest places, sports venues, swimming pools and libraries in various districts.

(b) Hong Kong Community Library Partnership Scheme

Over the years, public libraries in Hong Kong have provided services to people of different communities through group lending services and mobile book carts. However, due to time, geographical or other constraints, nearly half of the population still cannot enjoy the services of the library.

Therefore, at the end of 2005, Hong Kong Public Libraries cooperated with the community and launched the Community Library Partnership Program. The community first applies to the Hong Kong Public Library for a group library card. After approval, the library provides professional advice and guidance to all walks of life, such as how to choose suitable books for special readers such as children, teenagers, housewives and the elderly, how to design reading areas, how to establish a book circulation system, and how to provide reference and consultation for readers. After all the hardware is ready, the Hong Kong Public Library will borrow a batch of library materials from the community library. The quantity depends on the size of the library or individual needs, and the Hong Kong Public Library will also assist in changing the borrowed materials regularly. Generally speaking, public libraries in Hong Kong only require the organizers to provide the borrowed library materials to the public or their service communities free of charge. As for the operation mode, rules and opening hours of community libraries, they are usually formulated by the organizers after consulting the professional opinions of librarians. Community libraries can also increase their library facilities and the number of books due to existing resources. After the launch of the plan, DC members generally expressed their support. According to local needs, they set up community libraries with different themes, set up reading rooms, buy more newspapers and magazines, hold reading parties and implement the reading card program, thus widely implementing the community library partnership program, so that a good reading atmosphere can penetrate every corner of the community and take care of the needs of different communities.

Convenient service of community library

After the establishment of the community library, due to the perfect network system, community residents can visit the book retrieval system of the Hong Kong Public Library at home. Through retrieval, readers can clearly see the author, publishing house, page number of a book, and whether the book has been lent out or on the shelf of which library. It is more convenient to return books, just send them to the book return counter of any community library in Hong Kong. If the community library doesn't go to work, it's ok to stuff books into the bookcase. In addition to the basic services of libraries, some community libraries in Hong Kong also set up convenience stores according to specific conditions. This kind of convenience store located in the community library will generally do full market research and arrange book allocation according to the main readers of the local community. For example, in the community where the elderly are the majority, the collection of books is mainly based on traditional Chinese medicine and health food therapy, and commodities with the characteristics of the elderly are also sold. If the elderly want to borrow books from other libraries, they can also borrow books from community libraries, which is very convenient.

(d) Volunteers become the landscape of community libraries.

Volunteer organizations in Hong Kong are very mature, and many citizens are willing to volunteer. In the community library, many community residents act as administrators and become a landscape. They spontaneously help to organize materials, books, manage the reading room and plan various publicity activities. As a group with dual identities, volunteers are both readers and library employees. They can directly express their demands to the library from the standpoint of readers, and at the same time they are aware of the difficulty of library work.

4 model reference and thinking

As a library around residents, community library has irreplaceable advantages. In order to change the status quo, I think there are the following development countermeasures:

4. 1 Intensify publicity to win the support of governments at all levels.

Community construction without community library is not perfect, and the understanding of community library has a deepening process. Its construction is also a systematic project involving people and property. Without the vigorous promotion of the government, it is difficult to do this well by relying on the efforts of any party or department. Even if it is established, it is difficult to achieve sustainable development. It is necessary to intensify publicity, actively strive for the support of governments at all levels in terms of public opinion orientation, policies, funds, personnel, etc., so that community libraries, a cultural undertaking that benefits the majority of community residents, can be included in the important agenda of community construction, make overall plans, and effectively increase investment.

4.2 Give full play to their own advantages and attract community residents.

The purpose of establishing community library is to stimulate residents' reading enthusiasm, popularize scientific and cultural knowledge and enrich community cultural life. Therefore, community libraries can help community residents to establish information concepts through community radio, television, publicity windows, community newspapers, the Internet and other forms. We can also hold various lectures and unique reading activities to attract community residents to participate, and constantly enhance the influence and cohesion of the library, so as to cultivate residents' recognition and love for the community library, make people feel inseparable from the library in their daily lives, and gradually become dependent on the library, thus causing the society to pay attention to the community library.

4.3 Take the road of resource sharing and integrate information resources.

For community libraries, the funds are limited, and it is a difficult problem to meet the growing information needs of residents. Therefore, community libraries cannot be solved by conventional methods. We should integrate ourselves into the community, let members of the community participate in the construction of community libraries, and build community libraries into a platform for integrating community resources. Community libraries can win the support of public libraries, university libraries or powerful information service institutions, coordinate and cooperate in information resources construction and information services, and take the road of resource sharing. It can also attract institutions, social groups and individuals in the community to jointly build community libraries, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of units and individuals in the community, and promote the construction of information resources in community libraries.

4.4 Take the road of combining commercial operation with public welfare.

Community libraries can seek enterprise cooperation closely related to community and residents' lives. For example, property management companies can build a bridge for them to communicate with residents and better coordinate the relationship between property and owners. If the property comes forward to contact the enterprise, the community library can be named after the enterprise, which on the one hand improves the visibility and reputation of the enterprise, on the other hand, it also improves the visibility and enthusiasm of the community library. Strive for various donations through various means, such as borrowing bookshelves eliminated by public libraries, using their idle books and periodicals, and encouraging community merchants and residents to donate books. We can also learn from the Hong Kong community library to manage some special commodities that residents need, and combine the advantages of collection, focusing on public welfare, supplemented by paid services, to jointly build. You can also set up community readers' clubs, cooperate with radio stations, television stations or enterprises, hold various activities and provide venues to make them closer to community residents.

4.5 Create conditions and use various human resources.

As a community library with relatively weak financial support and its own economic strength, it has almost no advantage in attracting talents, but it should create conditions to carry out services with the help of various available talent resources. For example, the existing managers of community libraries should be trained in relevant knowledge, so that they can correctly master classification, cataloging, scientific shelving and computer retrieval. Find talents, let them participate in the construction of community libraries, become consultants and guides for community libraries to carry out services, and voluntarily undertake part of the work to solve the problem of insufficient personnel. You can contact volunteer organizations to recruit volunteers to participate in community library services. In summer and winter, students can be recruited as temporary librarians to increase their social practice.

The service of community library is both close to the people and complicated. If we copy the traditional construction mode of public libraries, the road will only get narrower and narrower under the current situation of insufficient investment. Only by taking it as a business that needs long-term operation, breaking through the tradition and building it step by step in a planned, targeted and selective way will there be broad development prospects. Whether it is the main branch library or the trusteeship mode, it is necessary to carry out the necessary feasibility investigation and adopt the appropriate mode. It is necessary to comprehensively consider the characteristics of community residents' personnel structure, information demand, cultural level and environmental conditions, and provide targeted literature information resources. Set up community libraries with distinctive themes, such as music library, health care library and toy library. Give full consideration to the utilization rate of the library.

Model essay of community library II

Community libraries in the Republic of China

Abstract: Feng Yuxiang attached great importance to cultural and educational undertakings during his administration in Henan. With his strong advocacy and support, he expanded public libraries and established many civilian libraries in various communities to enlighten people's wisdom. In fact, that is the community library in the modern sense. The construction of Henan community library during Feng Yuxiang's period made Kaifeng public library prosperous. It has a far-reaching impact on people's knowledge level and mental outlook, and even on the society at that time, especially on the construction of a contemporary harmonious society.

Keywords: Feng Yuxiang; Library; Community; harmonious society

Community library is characterized by public welfare, education and leisure, which serves all residents in a certain area to collect and distribute literature information. Its main functions are to cultivate community culture, transmit practical information, carry out social education and develop leisure time. Community library is an important platform for "building a learning society with all-people learning and lifelong learning" and a place for community residents to read and relax and increase their knowledge. Community public libraries in developed countries are very mature, and a large number of state-owned public community libraries are built and opened with the support of the government. The number of community libraries in China has also increased significantly. The function of the library has changed from "collecting books" to "social education", and its position and role will become more and more important. In recent years, academic circles have expressed many insights on the function, development model and resource co-construction and sharing of community libraries. However, few people talk about the origin and embryonic form of China community library. In fact, as early as Feng Yuxiang's reign in Henan, with his advocacy and support, the community library in Kaifeng has developed quite prosperously.

1. When Feng Yuxiang was in charge of Henan, he attached importance to cultural and educational undertakings and advocated knowledge popularization.

Feng Yuxiang calls himself a civilian general. He comes from the lower class and is proficient in illiteracy. During his administration, he paid attention to the cultivation of talents and the improvement of people's cultural literacy.

Feng Yuxiang was in charge of Henan twice and gave great support to the cultural and educational undertakings in Henan at that time. I was in charge of Yu for the first time from May 1922 to 10/0. At that time, he formulated ten outlines for Henan Province. One of them is: "implement compulsory education and enlighten the people." He confiscated all the property of warlord Zhao Ya, most of which was used for civilian education and running civilian factories. The second time is from the summer of 1927 to the spring of 1929. In the name of Commander-in-Chief of the Second Army and Chairman of Henan Province, he put forward the policy of "building a new Henan", made great efforts to govern, and carried out a series of measures such as "reforming the old system", "breaking superstition", "advocating science" and "attaching importance to education" to improve the people's knowledge level and form a good social atmosphere.

Feng Yuxiang is very supportive of the independence of education funds in Henan. On his initiative,1August, 922, the Provincial Department of Finance decided to set aside a part of the deed tax revenue in the province as special funds for education. On June+10, 5438, the Henan Provincial Education Special Funds Supervision Committee was established, which was responsible for the management and distribution of education funds, so that education funds were independent and earmarked, and the county governor was responsible for the collection. 1927, Feng Yuxiang expanded the Henan Education Fund Supervision Committee into the Henan Education Fund Management Office, which was divided into three parts: evaluation, supervision and management. On June+10, 5438, the Provincial Department of Education established the Social Education Promotion Office. In the same year, Feng Yuxiang ordered the adjustment of the education fund management office and the cancellation of the county deed paper distribution office, so that the functions and powers of the county deed tax bureaus were unified and the education funds were guaranteed and evenly distributed. 1928 10 Feng Yuxiang instructed that 10%-20% of the education funds should be earmarked for social education. This ensures social education economically. These measures not only ensured the special funds for education, but also increased the funds for education from 670,000 yuan to 89 million yuan, which promoted the development of culture and education in Henan.

Second, the community library is the main measure for Feng Yuxiang to popularize cultural education.

During the period of warlord scuffle, it was difficult for the authorities to give consideration to social education. People's education can not be separated from the development of library cause. Library is an inseparable part of civilian education. Kaifeng was the capital of Henan at that time. There was only one public library in Henan, and the scale was very small. Feng Yuxiang believes that public libraries at that time were far from meeting the needs of society. Therefore, on the grounds that there are many residents in Kaifeng, and there is not a large-scale library, which is not enough for citizens to study, the Provincial Department of Finance is specially requested to allocate 50,000 yuan for the expansion of Henan Library. Under his initiative, libraries such as Kaifeng Civilian Library, Zhongshan Library, Jinsheng Library and Kaifeng Citizen Library were newly built. These libraries are managed by the relevant government departments and receive a certain amount of funds on a monthly basis. In particular, the civilian library founded by Feng Yuxiang has set off a reading craze among people in all districts. Civilian libraries have been set up in all streets and districts for people to learn new knowledge, accept new ideas, broaden their horizons and promote the formation of a good social atmosphere. Regarding the practice of non-governmental community libraries, the specific situation is as follows:

1927 12. Feng Yuxiang ordered the west wing of Zhongshan Market in Kaifeng to be converted into a civil library. There are more than ten bookcases, two newspaper reading tables, four newspaper racks, two desks and dozens of reading desks and chairs. There are hundreds of books and several newspapers, and there are all kinds of books and facilities that citizens should read. At the same time, a number of civilian libraries have been established in various districts and streets of Kaifeng. For example, there are five civilian libraries: the Ministry of Education Street, the Financial Department Street, the Baiyige in the East District and the Jinghutong in the North Suburb. There are three civilian libraries at the entrance of the college in the southern district, mountain products Store Street and Yuan Gong Temple. There are two civilian libraries in Nanguan District in Kannonji, the Empress Dowager Temple in Nanguan District. There are eight civilian libraries in Shengfu Street, Xiaomayuan Street, Tingmen, Houyingmen, Xili Martyrs Temple and Zhongshan Middle Street. There are ten civilian libraries in Gong Yuan Street, Wuliangsi, Dongpengban Street, Construction Hall Street, Brush Pile Street, Laofumen Street, Court Street, Sanyuan Palace in North District and Beicang. Although the conditions of these numerous libraries are relatively simple, they have considerable scale and strong vitality because the government has allocated special funds to buy a certain number of books, newspapers and related facilities.

When Feng Yuxiang was in charge of Henan Province, he set up civilian libraries (rooms) in various streets and districts of Kaifeng. These "civilian libraries" in the form of community libraries may be far from modern community libraries in scale, but their original intentions and educational functions are strikingly similar. It can be said that "civilian library" is a community library in modern sense. The establishment of this folk library marked the initial formation of the Kaifeng community library network.

Third, the significance of establishing community libraries in the Republic of China.

In the history of Kaifeng, Feng Yuxiang can be said to be the father of library cause. During his tenure in Henan, Kaifeng's librarianship entered a peak in the 1920s and 1930s, and Feng Yuxiang created a legend for Henan's librarianship. With his strong advocacy and support, he not only further expanded the original public library in Kaifeng, but also built a large number of civilian libraries in various communities, which made the community library cause enter an unprecedented period of prosperity. At that time, the establishment of numerous civilian libraries was a great pioneering work in the history of China libraries, with outstanding historical contributions.

(A) embodies the foresight of the older generation of revolutionaries to popularize knowledge.

Feng Yuxiang advocated the establishment of civilian libraries in various blocks of Kaifeng, and initially formed a network of grassroots community libraries. His practice of library entering the community is half a century earlier than the theory of "library entering the community" put forward by contemporary politicians. This shows how far-sighted General Feng Yuxiang is. The educational concept in society is the reflection of that social value, and one's educational concept is the reflection of one's own value. Feng Yuxiang's educational idea embodies his idea of advocating democracy and equality for all. His constant love and support for the library cause is inseparable from his personal knowledge, vision and accomplishment. Feng Yuxiang has a broad vision, advocates science, attaches importance to cultural education and pays attention to civilian education. The civilian library founded with his support has made indelible contributions to spreading new knowledge and ideas and improving people's literacy. It has played an active role in invigorating people's lives, strengthening neighborhood relations, enhancing community vitality, satisfying community residents' respect for civilization, healthy entertainment and increasing knowledge. (2) It provides a historical reference for the development of contemporary community libraries.

To see whether a city is attractive and competitive, it is very important to look at its cultural resources, cultural atmosphere and cultural development level. It can be said that, to a certain extent, winning or losing a city depends on cultural theory. Community is the basic unit of the city, and the construction of community culture is the embodiment of the comprehensive strength of the city and the important content of social civilization. As a means of people's lifelong continuing education, community library is an important guarantee for the progress of civilian education. Feng Yuxiang advocated that the library should enter the community, and that "anyone who can read words can come to the library to read for free", which was very popular among the people. His policy of library entering the community is a valuable asset of library science in China. His educational thought of popularizing cultural knowledge is scientific and avant-garde. Due to Feng Yuxiang's vigorous development of community libraries during his administration in Henan, Kaifeng has formed a good social and cultural atmosphere, which has positive reference significance for the construction of contemporary community libraries.

(3) Feng Yuxiang is one of the pioneers in building a harmonious society.

During the reign of Henan Province, Feng Yuxiang cultivated and guided people to treat and deal with various problems with a tolerant attitude, and then formed a social fashion of respecting labor, caring for others, maintaining fairness, caring for each other, and uniting and helping each other. This coincides with the construction thought of contemporary harmonious society and learning organization. A harmonious society requires a high degree of coordination between people and society, and unity and friendship between people. To build a harmonious socialist society is to realize social harmony and harmony by adjusting and handling various interest relations and social contradictions. To achieve this goal, we must have a learning society as a guarantee. At that time, the community library was the product of Feng Yuxiang's emphasis on the combination of cultural education theory and practice. Community libraries can guide people to study actively, work hard and improve their political and cultural quality. Community library is the spiritual home for community residents to update their knowledge and learn new technologies, and it is the foundation of building a learning society. Feng Yuxiang is one of the pioneers in building a harmonious society. His community library practice has left us a valuable cultural heritage, which will have a far-reaching impact on the development of modern library cause.

(D) to provide historical materials for the establishment of a learning society

Most westerners are devout followers, and they advocate "never too old to learn". The Bible says that every Christian, rich or poor, healthy or sick, should keep practicing and studying every day. No matter who should be educated, school education is only an education system, social education is a lifelong career, and everyone has the right and obligation to study and provide for the elderly. At present, our country and society are also calling for the establishment of a learning society, and the country has paid more attention to education and increased investment. For individuals, everyone is more and more aware of the importance of receiving education and knowing the importance of acquiring knowledge. Lifelong learning and education have become the consensus of people from all walks of life. During Feng Yuxiang's reign in Henan, the style of learning society has begun to take shape. Due to Feng Yuxiang's active appeal, libraries have mushroomed. A few years later, people's love for books gradually developed and reading habits gradually formed. With the improvement of facilities, the library occupies a place in the functional structure of cultural education, which no longer exists for compilation, but becomes an independent demand of people themselves. Reading a lot of books has played a certain role in promoting people's democratic consciousness, innovative ideas and realistic spirit.

The rapid development of Kaifeng Library was realized after Feng Yuxiang took charge of Henan. He made active efforts for the construction of civilian libraries in Kaifeng, the provincial capital, and counties and cities in Henan. Many folk libraries in Kaifeng have been set up and opened to the public free of charge. Gradually meet the needs of those who can't get books but are eager for knowledge. Subsequently, Xinyang, Luohe, Nanyang and other cities followed suit and established civilian libraries. Therefore, the civilian library has become an important part of studying Feng Yuxiang himself and his educational thought system. Of course, due to the limitation of the times, it is impossible for Feng Yuxiang to clearly put forward the idea of community library construction in today's sense, but Feng Yuxiang's influence on the formation of Henan community library cannot be ignored.


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