Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What are the signs of a serious illness? Signs before a serious illness strikes.

What are the signs of a serious illness? Signs before a serious illness strikes.

In fact, our bodies are very sensitive. When our bodies may be earlier than some major changes, they will provide us with some signs of pioneers. As long as we master these abnormal phenomena of the body, check them in advance and take corresponding measures, we can minimize the injury as much as possible. So, what are the signs of a serious illness? Signs before a serious illness strikes.

1, a sign before a serious illness strikes.

1 Sudden weight loss for unknown reasons

Richard, chief expert of the American Cancer Society? Dr. Wende said that if you suddenly lose more than 5 kilograms without changing your diet and exercise, you need to check it in time, which may be a manifestation of diseases such as cancer or diabetes.

2 Tooth damage

Evan, a gastroenterologist at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine? Delong introduced that patients referred by dentists are often encountered in clinic. Although they have no heartburn or other symptoms of gastric acid reflux, their enamel has been completely worn out.

Gastric acid can dissolve enamel, which not only leads to tooth decay, but also increases the risk of esophageal cancer.

3 defecation habits change

Constipation, diarrhea or bloody stool may mean colon cancer (or ovarian cancer). If the above symptoms persist for more than a week, you need to see a doctor.

4 handwriting change

When it comes to Parkinson's disease, you may think of tremor, but one of its more obvious early signs is that handwriting is getting smaller and smaller.

Israeli scholars found in 20 13 that handwriting analysis can identify more than 97% patients with early Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease can cause hand or finger muscle stiffness, which affects writing.

5 get angry at will

Depression is not completely manifested as crying or lying on the sofa listlessly.

More than half of patients with depression are prone to anger and irritability. If you always yell at others, or even the slightest worry will make your heart beat faster, when these symptoms last for more than two weeks, you should see a psychologist.

6 keep coughing

Cough usually does not mean cancer, but if it persists and is not caused by allergies, asthma or sinus problems, you need to be vigilant.

Persistent cough may be lung cancer, if accompanied by hoarseness, laryngeal cancer and lung cancer should be ruled out.

7 is not clear.

Although everyone will be confused, if this problem persists, we need to be highly vigilant.

With the development of Alzheimer's disease, the function of cerebral cortex (participating in thinking, planning and memory) will shrink, which makes daily financial management very difficult.

8 Snoring

Snoring (sleep apnea syndrome) will increase people's risk of cardiovascular disease.

A study of 20 13 found that snoring is related to carotid artery thickening, which is a precursor of stroke and heart attack.

Compared with smoking, high cholesterol or overweight, snoring is more related to carotid wall injury.

Unexplained bleeding

At any time, strange bleeding may be a signal of cancer, such as coughing up blood may be lung cancer, uncommon female private bleeding may be cervical cancer or endometrial cancer, hematochezia may be colon cancer or rectal cancer, hematuria may be bladder cancer or kidney cancer, and nipple bleeding may be breast cancer.

10 erectile dysfunction

Australian researchers found in 20 13 that for men over 45 who have no heart disease, if they have moderate or severe erectile dysfunction, the possibility of being hospitalized for heart problems within 4 years is 60%.

The arteries leading to the penis are narrower than those in other parts of the body, and they may be blocked before men show other signs of heart disease.

1 1 gingival swelling

A preliminary study by researchers at the University of Florida found that bacteria that cause gum disease may also cause heart disease.

Other studies have shown that the carotid artery will thicken in the elderly with high bacterial content in the mouth, which is an early warning signal of heart attack and stroke.

This correlation is related to the inflammatory reaction of the body. Cleaning teeth every six months is helpful to control early gum disease.

Forget the name

Occasionally forgetting a friend's name may be caused by stress or fatigue, but if this problem occurs frequently, it may be hypothyroidism.

Other signs of hypothyroidism include always feeling cold, low desire and poor appetite.

2. How to improve disease resistance?

1, get enough sleep. Poor sleep can lead to decreased immune system function. Adults had better sleep for 8 hours. If they stay awake for 8 hours, they can wake up in the morning and feel refreshed.

2. Keep exercising. Exercise for 30 ~ 45 minutes a day, 5 days a week, and after continuous exercise 12 weeks, the number of immune cells will increase and the resistance will increase relatively. As long as you jump fast, a walk after dinner is very suitable. If it is too intense or lasts for more than 1 hour, the body will produce some hormones and inhibit the activity of the immune system.

3. massage. Massage can relax the body and reduce the damage to the immune system. Foreign studies have found that after 45 minutes of massage every day, 1 month, the number of immune cells increases and the immune function is obviously improved.

4. Eat some ginseng. Ginseng contains panaxadiol, which can enhance immune function. However, experts suggest taking two capsules containing 100 mg and 4% ginsenoside every day instead of taking ginseng tablets directly.

5. Supplement vitamin C and vitamin E, and take 200 ~ 500mg of vitamin C from food every day, which will help the body to exert its resistance. The number and vitality of human body's weapons against foreign invasion, including interferon and various immune cells, are all related to vitamin C. As long as you take 200 international units of vitamin E every day, you can enhance your ability to fight infectious pathogens.

6. Don't drink more than 1 cup a day. Alcohol can inhibit antibody-producing cells and increase the chance of bacterial infection, so experts suggest that even if drinking wine can lower cholesterol, it should not exceed 1 cup every day.

7. Don't abuse antibiotics. Antibiotics have made great contributions to human health. However, the abuse and misuse of antibiotics has become a major problem in the medical field. Some people, no matter what disease, are prone to several "elements" at the same time. As a result, the disease is not cured, but they kill innocent people and kill all the bacteria that are beneficial to the body, resulting in flora imbalance and more difficult to deal with. Some antibiotics also have toxic side effects, and abuse will do great harm to the body. So it must be applied under the guidance of a doctor.

8. Good social relations. People with more friends are less likely to catch a cold and have better immune function than introverts. Good social relations help to resist stress, reduce stress and increase immune cell function. Making friends can make people healthy, probably because social activities can relax the body and reduce stress.

9. Laugh heartily. Laughter can relieve stress. Laughter significantly increases interferon and stimulates immune function, so immune cells become more active. If you think you lack a sense of humor, you can watch more comedies and funny cartoons, think about the plot when you are nervous, and learn to be optimistic about the status quo.

10, Happy Manufacturing. Take a deep breath for 5 minutes every day, and let the happy life picture drift through your mind, which can increase the number of immune cells and even strengthen the activity of cells.

1 1, optimistic attitude. Optimism can keep the immune system at its best, which is especially important in the face of stress. Optimists have more cells to expand immune response than pessimists, and the cells responsible for eliminating viruses are also more active, which can make people who often participate in entertainment activities, such as listening to concerts, watching exhibitions and watching football matches, live longer than those who stay at home and do nothing.

If there is no bathroom in a house, then the house is not a complete house, which shows how important the bathroom is in daily life, and people can hardly live without it.

However, many items in the bathroom are the easiest to breed bacteria, and many details of life can easily affect your health if you don't pay attention. Do you have such bad habits? If so, you need to adjust your bathroom habits. Dr. Mangers, a famous American cancer scientist, pointed out: "Many sanitary products in modern families should be vigilant because they contain carcinogenic chemicals!"

People cannot live without toilet paper every day.

He said that toilet paper is mostly recycled paper. In order to beautify the appearance, most toilet paper is added with dyes, including fluorescent whitening agent or talcum powder. The whiter the toilet paper, the more fluorescent whitening agent or talcum powder may be added. Most of these additives contain the compound benzene; Some inferior toilet paper also contains formaldehyde, Escherichia coli, hepatitis virus and so on. Long-term skin contact may lead to leukemia and cancer.

Therefore, when buying toilet paper, you must choose reliable unbleached toilet paper, and it is best to rinse it with warm water after using it. It is a misunderstanding to wipe with toilet paper after defecation.

Now many families like to put a box of deodorant in the bathroom to make the environment fresh and pleasant.

Unexpectedly, these scents are also chemicals, which may also induce cancer. Dr Mangers suggested that it is best not to put deodorant in the bathroom. In order to keep the air fresh, you can often open the window or use the exhaust fan.

Don't amplify the function of toilet paper.

Women often keep some toilet paper in their pockets for emergencies. However, it is best to get rid of this habit, because toilet paper is easy to be contaminated with bacteria when placed directly in your pocket, which may lead to inflammation of female genitals after use. Putting toilet paper in your pocket for a few days is one of the risk factors leading to gynecological inflammation of unmarried girls. Most families use disinfection water and other cleaning products, which are often placed in the corner of the room or bathroom.

After they evaporate, they often accumulate a lot of harmful gases. When you take a bath in the bathroom with hot water, it is more toxic. Some disinfected water also contains dichlorobenzene, which will stimulate the respiratory tract, mutate cells and induce leukemia and lung cancer. Therefore, these sanitary products should not be piled up in corners or bathrooms, but should be placed on a well-ventilated drying table, and it is best to seal them.

There will also be a plastic wastebasket in the bathroom at home.

Experts say: putting a wastebasket in the toilet will greatly increase the speed of bacteria reproduction and make the toilet a hotbed of breeding and a source of infection. They think that ordinary paper items can be thrown into the toilet and washed away with water; For those sanitary products that are difficult to flush, you can bring your own convenient bag and take it out of the toilet and throw it into the trash can. This can make the toilet clean, reduce pollution, and there is no need to put waste paper baskets in the toilet. In addition, the shorter the toilet time, the better. People who like reading books and newspapers here should get rid of this problem.

Comb hair

Combing hair can stimulate the head acupuncture points, dredge meridians, regulate nerve function, enhance secretion activity, improve blood circulation and promote metabolism.

Combing your hair often can make your face rosy and refreshed. In addition, combing hair is an auxiliary means to treat insomnia, dizziness, palpitation, sequelae of stroke and adolescent white hair. Usually you can comb your hair 3 ~ 5 times a day for at least 3 ~ 5 minutes each time, and it is best to comb it once before going to bed at night.

stretch oneself

Stretching can make most muscles of the whole body contract, so that blood stasis is "driven" back to the heart, thus greatly increasing blood flow and improving blood circulation.

Therefore, regular stretching can promote the contraction and relaxation of human muscles, improve the blood flow of muscles themselves, and at the same time, it can also take away the metabolites in muscles, which can eliminate fatigue and make people feel relaxed and refreshed.


In normal work and life, especially when the lower limbs are weak after sitting for a long time or standing for a long time, you can use the method of tiptoe to keep fit.

When people stand on tiptoe, due to the contraction and extrusion of the muscles on the back of both legs, it can promote the blood return of the lower limbs and accelerate the blood circulation, thus alleviating the pain of the lower limbs and preventing varicose veins and skin pigmentation of the lower limbs. Specific practice: put your feet together on the ground and stand on tiptoe for 2 ~ 3 seconds, which can be repeated many times.

take a deep breath

Deep breathing can promote people's lungs to discharge polluted air, increase vital capacity and oxygen content in blood, and accelerate blood circulation.

Click on the teeth

Before three meals a day, keep your whole body relaxed, gently close your lips, and then tap your upper and lower teeth rhythmically. Knocking 4 ~ 8 times each time can strengthen teeth and prevent dental diseases.

Turn your eyes.

Turn your eyes from left to right 14 times, then turn left from right 14 times, then close your eyes for a moment, and then open your eyes quickly. Persistence all the year round can make the eyes run flexibly, get rid of cataracts and nebulae, and correct myopia and hyperopia.

Rub your feet

Knead for 20 minutes before going to bed after washing your feet every night, which is very beneficial to strengthening your feet and body. This is because rubbing Yongquan point on the sole of the foot can improve physical fitness and immunity.