Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The old woman and her son

The old woman and her son

In a big city, there is only one well, so it is difficult for people to drink water. Every day, the well is crowded with people waiting for water, men and women, old and young. Either you make trouble or he makes trouble. It's a mess from morning till night.

One day, an old woman appeared in the crowd waiting for water by the well. She is short and short, wearing shabby clothes and limping. Everyone feels sorry for her. The old woman has a husband, but the old couple have no children. Although the old woman goes to ask for Allah several times every day, her wish has never come true.

The old woman came to the well early in the morning, but the sun was about to set. She didn't even drink a mouthful of water, because the water was too deep from the wellhead, and she didn't have the strength to lift it with a gourd. Among the people waiting to fetch water from the well, there is a young woman. See the old woman is very poor, he said to a few people next to:

"Folks, have pity on this old woman. Look at her mouth bubbling with thirst. Give her some water to drink! "

Everyone present agreed. The young woman carried water with a gourd, filled a big basin and handed it to the old woman with both hands. The old woman took the water and thanked her again and again, saying, "Thank you! Thank you! God bless those who have accumulated virtue. " Say that finish, she took a long drink.

The old woman returned home happily. At night, she had a dream that she saw God at 184. She said to Allah, "Dear Allah, I have no son or daughter. I hope to have a child every day, but this wish has never come true. Please have pity on me. " Allah said, "Yes. From now on, you are pregnant. When you have a child in the future, let him be the ruler of your city! "

In this way, with the help of Allah, the old woman became pregnant and gave birth to a boy nine months and nine days later. The news soon reached the ears of the city leaders. The chief heard that the old woman gave birth to a child, a boy. His nose was crooked with anger and he said to the people around him, "Oh dear! It's true. What can I do to kill this child? " In the chief's view, the child born to such an ugly old woman must be ominous.

Women in the city usually look down on that old woman. They laughed when they heard that she had given birth to a child. They spread around and said, "The water in the well must be pregnant. Giving birth to a child at this age will bring disaster. "

The chief summoned his servants and said, "I will reward whoever can get the child and kill him."

The servants said, "Your Majesty, it is not difficult for us to get this child, but please think twice about whether to kill this child. I wonder what God will do after this child is born. Besides, killing so few children is unbearable. But let's get the baby for you first. As for what to do in the end, please make a decision! "

When the servants came to the old woman's house, they found the old woman still sleeping and the child lying beside her.

Just then, the old woman was dreaming. In her dream, Allah told her, "Do you remember? The day you drank well water, I said you were pregnant, and the child you gave birth to would become the ruler of this city. Now, when the leader of the city learned that you had a child, he sent someone to take the child away while you were sleeping. I'm here to tell you, first, don't panic, and second, don't be afraid and pretend nothing happened. I will take good care of your children. If the child is hungry, I will send it to nurse you.

The child will grow up safely. When you get up at dawn, you tell your neighbor that your child is dead. "

Allah said and left. When the old woman woke up, she quickly woke her husband, told him what Allah had just said, and told him to tell everyone that the child had died. After dawn, the old couple cried and told their neighbors that their child died last night and had been buried. Neighbors sympathized with the old couple and held a funeral for their children.

Besides, the servants brought the children to the leader, who asked, "What are you going to do?"

The servants said in unison, "Please don't kill him. It's better to find some boards to nail a box, put the children in the box and throw them into the river. Before long, the child will surely die. In this way, no one will know. "

The chief accepted the servants' suggestion, and asked them to find some boards and nail a big and strong box. Then he put the child in the box, covered it, carried it to the river and threw it into the river. The box floated away with the flowing river.

The box floated in the river until there was an island in the middle of the river. Several fishermen on the island saw a big box on the shore of the island and shouted, "It's a box for money! It's a box of money! " One by one, they jumped into the water to grab the box, but this man grabbed the box and the box slipped over there. The man grabbed the box, and the box ran this way, and no one could catch it.

The fishermen hurried to tell the chief on the island that the chief had heard that there was a box containing money and sent his captain Wei to check it out. Captain Wei Ran walked to the river in three steps and two steps. Before he even took off his coat, he plopped into the water. With the help of Allah, he grabbed the box, carried it on his shoulder, and walked to the shore step by step.

Captain Wei put the box on the ground and told the fishermen not to move, and then opened it after carrying it home. Fishermen insist on opening it, otherwise they don't know what's inside. Captain Wei felt that what the fishermen said was reasonable and nodded in agreement. They pried open the lid of the box with iron. Everyone present was shocked and disappointed. "It turned out to be such a thing. It's really ominous." The fishermen finished and left one after another.

Captain Wei came to the palace with a box and said to the official, "Your Majesty, I brought you the box that the fishermen said. The box drifted along the river, and no one could catch it. I went into the water to get it ashore. Everyone thought there was money in the box, but when they opened it, it turned out to be a baby. It may be because some people think that children are thrown away, or it may be because they are illegitimate children who are afraid of being thrown away by others.

I think the baby is still alive and cute, so I brought it to you. What to do with the child now is up to you. "

The director said, "You didn't send me money, but you gave me a mouth. Since it's from you, adopt it! " Give the baby to the old nurse in the palace and let her feed him! When the child grows up, send him to the big chief in the city on the river bank. "

Captain Wei gave the child to the old wet nurse according to the director's command. From then on, the old nurse nursed the baby carefully, and Allah sent the baby to nurse the old woman every night. The child soon learned to crawl and play on the ground. When he can run, he invites a group of children to play by the river every day. People say the child belongs to Allah, so they call him Allah.

Allah grew bigger and bigger, and a few years later he became a strong young man. His skin is dark red and his muscles are strong. No young man on the island is so beautiful.

Allah takes a group of children to bathe in the river every day and soon learns a good water skill.

No one on the island can swim like him. No matter how deep and wide you throw him into the river, he can swim to the shore smoothly. He can also make all kinds of wonderful performances in the water, and often let some onlookers throw money at him because he is happy. When people saw that he was so good at water, they all thought that he was a dragon turned man, so one word spread to ten, ten spread to hundreds, and spread to far, far places. In addition, Allah can make a good gun and his martial arts are also good. Usually three or four people can't resist him. With Allah's protection and his real skill, Allah lived carefree and carefree, and never encountered any trouble, even a slight illness, on the road of life.

It is said that in the big city by the river, the chief's daughter has grown up and is very beautiful. Every day, suitors come to our door. But the sheikh's daughters refused one by one, and she said that she had not met a satisfactory one so far.

The village chief was so anxious that he decided to travel all over the country and choose a satisfactory husband for his daughter. Before leaving, he said to his daughter, "I'll be back after a walk in the country." When I am not at home, you must be careful about your lifelong events, follow my advice and choose a partner who is satisfied for life. "The chief had finished speaking and set off. He walked from one city to another, sleeping and sleeping all the way, and took great pains. One day, the chief came to an island in the middle of the river, where he met the chief and explained his purpose.

The news that the chief came to the island to choose a spouse soon spread, and people suggested that their chief recommend Allah to the chief. The chief agreed to everyone's suggestion and took Allah to visit the big chief. Chief Chuan Dao said to the chief, "Your Majesty, we sincerely recommend this handsome young man to you, because he was raised by God, and people call him God. He has neither father nor mother. Fishermen fished him out of the river. At that time, fishermen found a wooden box floating in the river, but no one could get it ashore. Later, my captain Wei carried the wooden box to the shore and opened it. It turned out to be a baby, so I found an old wet nurse to raise it. Gradually, the baby has grown into the young man standing in front of you. Allah is smart and capable, and his martial arts are good. We recommend him to you as a token of our intention. "

The chief asked me to look at the wooden box containing the son of God. After the box was carried, the big chief saw that it was the box he had nailed in those years. His heart was not taken out and he fainted on the ground with anger. When he woke up, his nose was still shaking. 189 everyone present was shocked and asked the chief what was going on. On other people's turf, he can't say anything except that he is too happy. He said: "I am very sincerely grateful to all of you. I will write a letter now and ask Allah to send it to my Wang Guan separately. Whether it can be done depends on the opinion of the princess. " The chief wrote a letter to Allah and said to him, "Don't show it to anyone on the road, but give it directly to my palace guard."

Allah replied: "Yes!"

In the letter, the chief ordered the captain of the guard to kill the young man who delivered the letter immediately after receiving the letter, so as not to let him go by mistake. If he disobeys orders, he will be punished by the captain of the guard.

We put the letter on our chest, bid farewell to the crowd and set off. He walked and walked. When it was dark, he came to a jungle. Relying on his strong body, Allah was not afraid of robbers or wild animals, so he found a clearing in the jungle, lay down and rested, and soon fell asleep.

Hearing the snoring, several robbers came over and looked at it gently. It was a young messenger.

These robbers also know a few words. One of them gently pulled out a letter from Allah's arms, opened it and said to other robbers in surprise, "There are such strange things in the world. The messenger committed suicide by sending a letter. The chief asked the captain of the guard to kill the young man who delivered the letter immediately after receiving it. If he disobeys orders, he will be punished. You see, is there any way to save this young man? "

A robber said, "I have an idea." Now the whole country knows that the princess is looking for a satisfactory object. This young man is burly and handsome, and he is a natural couple with Princess 89. I will imitate the brushwork of the chieftain, and let the captain Wei marry the princess and young people before the chieftain returns to the palace. "

Several robbers present said it was a good idea, so the robbers wrote a letter in the handwriting of the chief, folded it and put it back in Allah's arms. We have been sleeping and don't know what happened.

After dawn, we woke up and moved on. He walked and walked and finally came to the city. When he came to the palace, the guards refused to let him in. He took out the letter from the chief and said, "The chief sent me a letter, and he asked me to give it to the captain personally." When the guards saw that it was a letter to the chief, they invited him in at once.

Allah came to Captain Wei's residence, met Captain Wei and gave the letter to Captain Wei. After reading it, captain Wei looked at Allah and asked, "Did the chief send you?"

Allah replied, "That's right. The director sent me. "

Captain Wei said, "All right then!" He invited the princess and asked her if she liked the young man. When the princess saw it, she almost jumped up with joy and repeatedly said, "I like it!" " I love it! He is the man I dream of day and night. "

Captain Wei asked Allah if he liked the princess. As soon as Allah saw the princess, he was fascinated by her beautiful appearance and quickly replied, "among the women in the world, I like the princess best."

Captain Wei was very happy. He informed the drum band to get ready. Informed the whole city of the princess's marriage. After some intense preparations, Captain Wei held a grand 1 luxurious wedding for the princess and Allah in the main hall of the palace. The ceremony was full of drums and music, singing and dancing, and it was very lively. The ceremony lasted for three days and three nights in a warm atmosphere. Three days later, the princess and Allah began their happy honeymoon.

Twenty days later, the chief turned around in the country and returned to the city. When the chief returned to the palace, the captain of the guard immediately came to visit. The chief asked, "Have you seen my letter?"

Captain Wei said, "Yes, your majesty! I faithfully carried out your orders. As you said, I held a grand wedding for the princess in the hall and invited the whole city to attend. Everyone says that the princess and the young emissary are made for each other. Now, the princess and her wife are enjoying their honeymoon. "

Hearing this, the village chief was blindsided and quickly asked, "What! what did you say ? What did my letter say? "

Captain Wei handed the letter to the chief. When the village chief saw it, the pen on the letter was his, and the content of the letter was completely changed. The chief turned pale and his lips turned purple with anger. He wants to kill Allah at once. But I suddenly feel that this is not good. Everyone in the city knows that he is his son-in-law and his daughter likes him.

After thinking about it, facing the reality, he forgave it.

When Allah heard that the Sheikh had returned, he hurried from the inner palace to the front palace and knelt in front of the Sheikh to meet him. After we met the chief, we also met the ministers present. Ministers all praised Allah for being young, handsome and polite. After listening to the ministers' praise of Allah, the chief was so happy that he forgot the past.

Year after year passed. One day, the section chief suddenly coughed 192, and his cough became worse and worse. A few days later, he died. The royal family held a grand funeral for the old chief, and the mourning activities lasted for three weeks.

After the memorial service, we will elect a new chief. In order to compete for the position of the chieftain, the chieftain's sons quarreled all day and refused to give way to each other. Son-in-law Allah didn't take it to heart, as if he didn't know at all. The princess asked him why he didn't compete for the chieftain's throne. He smiled and said, "Don't you see how fierce your brothers are fighting?" Why did my son-in-law join in the fun? Besides, even if I go, ministers may not choose me. "

At the princess's repeated urging, we came to the palace hall. The election ceremony began, and Allah and the chiefs' sons stood in the middle of the hall, surrounded by hundreds of civil and military ministers. Ministers thought Allah was honest, smart and handsome, so they unanimously elected him as the chief.

A grand ceremony was held on the day when the new leader was sworn in. Amid drums, trumpets, salutes and people's cheers, Allah sat on the throne of the chief, and the priest dressed him as a symbol of majesty. Finally, surrounded by the minister of civil and military affairs, the new chief rode around the city.

Said the old woman-Allah's mother-didn't know what happened. She doesn't know that the new director is her son. On the night when the new chief ascended the throne, the old woman had a dream. In the dream, God told her, "I have good news for you. Your son has become the leader and ruler of this city. Now I am busy dealing with the internal affairs of military aircraft. You can't disturb him. You can go to see him again after three months, and you can reunite the mother and son. " The old woman is glad to hear that her son has grown up and become a chief. She thanked Allah again and again and promised to do what Allah would do.

Three months later, the old woman came to the palace and walked into it without saying hello. The guard stopped her and asked:

"Where are you going? Who are you looking for? "

The old woman held her head high and said, "I am the mother of the new chief." I want to see him. " The guard smiled and said, "As we all know, our new leader has neither a father nor a mother, but a child floating from the river. You want to blackmail the director. Watch your head. " The old woman did not show weakness and said, "Mr. Guard, I'm afraid you are too smart!" " You just said that the chief was a child floating from the river, so I want to ask, who gave birth to this child? Who threw it into the river? "The guards were asked tongue-tied, couldn't answer.

We heard a voice outside the door and asked what had happened. One of the servants said, "There is an old woman at the door. She said she was your mother. She wanted to come in and see your majesty, but the guards wouldn't let her in, so she quarreled. "

Allah's son was surprised to hear this, but considering that he should try to make things clear, he ordered the old woman to come in.

The old woman walked into the hall and exchanged greetings with Allah, who asked someone to hand her a mat.

After the old woman sat down, she described in detail the process of getting pregnant under the care of Allah after drinking water from the well, introduced the process of the child being thrown into the river by the chief after birth, and reminded Allah to remember the kindness of the old nurse to feed him. When delivering letters to the chief, she was able to get close to the princess with the help of several people displaced by poverty. We heard this and cried. He felt that what the old woman said was completely true and sincere. Only his mother can know these little things, so he stood up, knelt in front of the old man and called his mother repeatedly. The old woman also held her son, and the mother and son burst into tears.

God made his mother build a luxurious house, sent countless servants to her and invited his father to let the old couple live together. Later, many houses were built around the old couple's house, and many people moved in and became a hot street. Everyone lived a happy life with plenty of food and clothing.