Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What are the four-character idioms?

What are the four-character idioms?

1. What, what, what, four-word idioms are grouped without a party.

Group: gregarious. Get along with others, don't form cliques.

What will happen to a person if he has no faith? What's the use of a person if he doesn't keep his promise? Treacherous people are worthless.

Letter: credit; Its: that; C: Yes, very good. I really don't know what to do if a person doesn't keep his word. It is not good to say that people are not trustworthy.

To truly understand the mystery of one thing is everyone's understanding.

To truly understand the mystery of one thing lies in everyone's understanding.

Born smart

Inherent knowledge and truth. This is an idealist's view.

Eating without digesting ―― reading without understanding.

I didn't digest it. Metaphor means that you don't understand what you have learned deeply, and you don't absorb it.

See but not see

Don't pay attention, don't pay attention, can't see with your eyes open. Also refers to turning a blind eye, turning a blind eye.

The perpetrators can't escape the punishment of national laws.

It means that heaven is fair, and evil is rewarded with evil. It seems careless, but in the end, it will not let go of a bad person. Metaphor evil people can't escape from abroad.

To elaborate/restate/repeat previous works without adding anything new.

Statement: explain the previous theory; Write: create. It only refers to stating and clarifying the theories of predecessors, rather than creating them yourself.

Until death

Has: stopped. Don't stop until you die Describe a lifelong struggle to fulfill a responsibility.

die without regret/remorse

I'll never regret it. Describe a firm attitude.

Keep sth secret

Xuan: Say it openly. Keep a secret and refuse to publish it.

Germination is good, but no ears of grain will grow.

Of crops sprouting but not bearing fruit. Metaphor is that people have good qualifications, but they have no achievements.

A determined person will not be affected by the environment.

It will not become thinner after grinding and will not become black after dyeing. Metaphor means that a determined person will not be affected by the environment.

Soak in the dark and not turn black-keep pure and unaffected in a bad social environment or situation

Nie: mineral name, used as black dye in ancient times; Li: Black. It won't be black with nie dye. Metaphor is noble, not affected by bad environment.

Poor, poor, but happy to gain knowledge and understanding

My family is poor, but I take pleasure in acquiring knowledge and understanding the truth.

After being forced to agree

Strong: insist, force. You didn't agree until you were importuned.

To chisel/work persistently

Lettering: lettering; S: Stop. Keep carving. Metaphor is perseverance and perseverance.

Easy to do

Describe things as simple and effortless.

In the past, the poorer the literati, the better their poems were written.

In the past, people thought that the poorer a scholar was, the better his poems were.


Take someone else's place and be replaced by yourself. Now it also refers to replacing one thing with another.

2. Too many words with four words. ...

Love must be,

Complement each other,

Be swayed by considerations of gain and loss,

Win the flag,

Looking at Shu for a long time,

It's hard to be confused,

Unjust gain,

Die a fair death,

Peace of mind,


Muddle along,

Laughing and crying,


Like a duck to water,

On the contrary,


Forget the fish,

Not worth the loss,

Peace of mind,

Within reach,

Have a good hand,

Take your positions,

Easily accused,

The spring breeze is proud,



The fisherman gains,


People with vested interests,

Seek virtue and possess it ―― realize what one seeks.

Push your luck,

Enjoy yourself,

Through that well,

Little people succeed,


Get carried away,

Explore the Pearl,

Get it back,

As a last resort,

Kill two birds with one stone,

Get more help,



Have to,


Easy to get,

Playing hot,

Culpable of punishment,

Every cloud has a ray of light,

Get more for more work,

Full of ambition,

You reap what you sow,

One person's opinion,

Get carried away,

For this purpose,

Get one out of a thousand things,

Don't die well,



be insatiably avaricious

wait for ...

3. Bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down, tie up.

First, bow and scrape.

It means that dogs bow their heads and droop their ears when they see their owners. Describe the appearance of humility and tame.

Source: Tang Hanyu's Book of Learning while Learning: "It is not my ambition to bow and scrape."

It's not my ambition to kowtow for mercy.

Usage: as predicate, attribute and adverbial; Refers to a very docile look.

Second, obey orders.

Interpretation is an idiom of China, which describes how docile and obedient people are.

Source: Biography of Du Zhongwei and History of the Old Five Dynasties.

Usage: linkage type; As predicate, object and attribute; With a derogatory connotation.

Third, bow ties.

The definition is to bow your head and let people bind. Describe the inability to resist or confess voluntarily.

Grammar: as predicate, object and attribute; Used in defeat, etc.

4. What is the four-word idiom "beneficial"? Metaphor is greedy profit.

If it is beneficial, it will be beneficial without losing righteousness. Have a glib tongue and a glib tongue

There is only one way to reward Li Lu with a hole, and that is to engage in agriculture. Gains and losses pros and cons gains and losses.

Stakeholders mean that there is a close interest relationship. The stakes are high.

Have a close interest relationship. Lose your mind because of selfish interests and forget everything.

The more you earn, the faster the disaster will come. The triple profit of the market describes the huge profit of buying and selling.

The name of the lock is a metaphor for fame and fortune, just like the reins and chains. Li Yanqiu Hao described financial management as extremely cautious and shrewd.

Only by making full use of good health can we make the best use of everything and make people rich. The lust for money fascinates you.

Having a glib tongue means having a glib tongue and saying beautiful words. Harm the interests of others for your own benefit.

The name of the reins, the name and interests of the locks bind people like reins and chains. Li Lingzhi lost his mind because of selfish interests and forgot everything.

With "profit makes the mind faint." To make people famous is to be tempted and bound by fame and fortune.

Also known as "fame and fortune". Every inch of profit should be given a little benefit, and you must never give up.

Describe haggling over personal gains and losses. Geographical advantage: geographical advantage; Harmony between people: winning people's hearts.

Express superior geographical conditions and mass base. Seeing goods and wealth in a selfish way, we should think of morality.

Forget about profit, but ignore morality when you see profit. Fame and fortune, fame and fortune.

Mercenary activities are mercenary: Figure: Plot, pursuit. Anything will do as long as it is profitable.

Promote advantages and eliminate disadvantages, set up undertakings beneficial to the people of the country, and eliminate all kinds of disadvantages. Hurt the body for profit.

Cause and effect: follow. By virtue of the favorable situation.

Profitable: seeking. There are benefits to be found

Take advantage of the winning situation to win. It seems that Curie refers to being meticulous in financial issues.

Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages: run towards. Run to the good side and avoid the bad side.

Shoot for profit and seek fame. Greedy for profit and forgetting righteousness, greedy for money and forgetting virtue.

Like-minded people die, which means that if they are like-minded, they can lay down their lives to help each other. Going to fame is against profit, and sarira is seeking fame.

Profit-seeking is the focus. Refers to the pursuit of profit wholeheartedly.

Use "mercenary". Love people and things, care about the people, and strive to benefit the people.

An office is a safe and convenient place. Small profits: thin.

Less capital, less profit. Small business, no profit.

I don't know what is good and what is bad. Success and failure are blunt: sharp, stretching can be smooth and successful.

Seal: not sharp, extension is frustration. Hair blowing blade distributes hair and hair on a knife or blade and can be cut off by blowing hard.

Describe the sword as extremely sharp. Describe neatly without anything superfluous.

It's refreshing It also describes skillful, agile and accurate movements.

Strong armor, sharp weapons. Describe the elite troops.

The lock of fame and fortune means that fame and fortune bind people like reins and chains. Ren Bobo: More and more.

Say a word to a kind-hearted person and others will get great benefits. Harm others, harm yourself, and benefit others.

Coercion and inducement are both soft and hard in an attempt to make people yield. See' bullying and indulging' to repair the old and use the waste, and repair the old and use the waste.

Refers to strict economy. Guide the situation: follow; Potential: potential; Guide: guide.

Follow the trend of things and guide things. Debate eloquence refers to eloquence and sharp words.

Describe eloquence. Rich and powerful, or fame and fortune.

Dry and neat is crisp; Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages: methods and directions.

Avoid harmful conditions and approach favorable conditions. Bad teacher: the army.

Leon: Smooth. It didn't go well.

Describe that at the beginning, things suffered a fiasco. Use it: get it from work.

Profit: Take the opportunity to seek illegitimate rights. Take advantage of others.

Good luck is very auspicious and smooth. Used for divination and blessing in the old days.

Take advantage: eat, seduce; Weight: large and thick; Benefits: benefits, benefits. Lure or buy off people with rich interests and benefits.

Floating name, petty profit, floating name: empty name; Small profit: small profit. Describe fame and fortune as insignificant.

Urgent public interest and immediate interest: immediate. Be eager for success and covet immediate achievements and interests.

Quick success: success; Close: immediately. Be eager for success and covet immediate achievements and interests.

Unfavorable fleeting time: fortune tellers used to call it "luck" in a year; Pro: Geely. Refers to a person who has been in an unfortunate state for many years.

This is called bad luck. Clever and false, pursuing advantages: pursuing, approaching and tending.

Treacherous and hypocritical, mercenary and obedient. Lust and lust: refers to money; Pro: refers to self-interest.

Desire for singing and dancing, women, money and self-interest. Generally refers to the behavior of having fun and asking for money.

No mistakes, no mistakes. It means it works everywhere. Well done.

A profit, low cost, big profit. Small profits are a metaphor for very small profits.

Fisherman gets fisherman: the metaphor of the third party. Metaphor means that the two sides are deadlocked, both sides lose, and the third party takes advantage.

Fight for power and profit, fight for power and profit. Selfishness is very heavy, only for personal interests.

Take advantage of others' contradictions, metaphorically profiting from them. The long-term interests of generations.

There is a four-word idiom: I feel very comfortable. Of arrogance and indifference.

Very rare, hard to get (especially gifts or rare items).

Transcendent and complacent, detached from things, consciously happy and satisfied.

The Chu people lost their bows, but they found them. Although I lost my things, the person who found them was not an outsider.

Hang down: hang down. You can get it without doing it. Describe effortlessly.

Hang down: hang down. You can get it without doing it. Describe effortlessly.

Every inch of profit must be an inch of profit: small profit. Small interests must also be obtained and cannot be given up. Describe haggling over personal gains and losses.

Backhand can be reversed: flip. Turn the palm of your hand to get it. Description is extremely easy to get.

"Fast feet" means that a person moves quickly and achieves his goal first.

Quick start is a metaphor, referring to those who act quickly to achieve their goals or get what they want first.

It is difficult to understand people, but it is difficult to understand friends.

Culpable of punishment, disaster is totally deserved.

6. The four-word idiom "What's back" disappointed me.

Basic explanation

Disappointment: refers to depression. It means to come back depressed when something unpleasant happens.


Tang Ming Xianzu's "Travel Notes of Peony Pavilion" post: "At this time, it is at the beginning of the end of winter, so there is no reason to be disappointed because you feel cold in the north wind."

example sentence

The 18th time in the Biography of Eight Immortals, a Taoist priest, said, "A hundred birds have been in chaos for a while in vain, and they have come back disappointed and gone back to see a living tiger."

Encyclopedia explanation

Disappointed words return to pronunciation. s m 4 o x ng é r huí Interpretation Disappointment: refers to depression. It means to come back depressed when something unpleasant happens. The source is the Travel Notes of Peony Pavilion written by the ancestors of Tang Ming: "At the beginning of winter, regardless of the severity of the north wind, I feel cold and there is no reason to be disappointed." For example, the 18th time in the Biography of the Eight Immortals, an innocent Taoist priest in Qing Dynasty, said, "The birds have been in chaos for a while in vain, and they are disappointed one by one, and they go back to see the live tigers selling errands."