Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Tell king Jing and his fortune.

Tell king Jing and his fortune.

In The Journey to the West, the bet between King Jinghe and soothsayer Yuan Shoucheng is very famous. A fortuneteller can figure out the jade emperor's will, and the last rain dragon god was beheaded. This result is even worse. Why did Yuan Shoucheng, who leaked the secret, have nothing to do, but was beheaded by King Jinghe? Let's read the secret today.

As the saying goes, the secret can't be leaked. However, there is a special case in Journey to the West. Yuan Shoucheng, a fortune teller, not only dared to spread the news of the Jade Emperor, but also disclosed the punishment information to the parties, which seriously violated the principle of heaven's confidentiality. But in the end, he was safe. Although the Dragon King of the River has violated the dogma, few people have been convicted of traveling in the rain before, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea has not been punished for taking the rain privately for the Monkey King several times. Moreover, the Jinghe Dragon King only discounted the execution this time.

How did Yuan Shoucheng know that King Jinghe was sentenced to death? Through the Journey to the West, we can know that the discipline inspection system inside the heaven is quite backward, and many public officials have committed crimes in the world for a long time, and the heaven doesn't know it (for example, Kuimu Wolf has been absent without leave for thirteen years). The King of Jinghe violated the regulations and came to Yuan Shoucheng just after it rained. Oversight, of course, didn't know that he had made little moves at the moment. Even if someone reports it, I don't know that I can't make a judgment until the investigation and evidence collection are completed.

But Yuan Shoucheng now not only knows that he was sentenced to death, but also knows which armed police executed him. This is like a street vendor injured in the process of urban management law enforcement. The stall owner said to him on the spot: How many years have you been sentenced to imprisonment for intentional injury and abuse of power? You will be held in X room of a prison, and the prison guard is XXX. All these incredible stories are coincidences? Or is it premeditated? Is there anyone behind you?

On the surface, Yuan Shoucheng is proficient in divination and can work out the will of the Jade Emperor, while King Jinghe is stupid enough to kill himself. In fact, however, it is not that simple, because how can mortals guess what the Jade Emperor thinks? This not only threatens the rule of heaven in the three realms, but also does not conform to the consistent worldview of ghost novels. In fact, the Dragon King of Jinghe did something (it is difficult to guess what it was because the original did not explain it) and offended the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor was moved, but he always had no suitable excuse until the Dragon King and Yuan Shoucheng made a bet.

King Jinghe has an independent decision on the time and frequency of rainfall. As long as it is not for special reasons, his immediate boss, the Jade Emperor, will not interfere. If the Jade Emperor gave orders every time it rained, he wouldn't be able to bet with Yuan Shoucheng so confidently. In fact, Yuan Shoucheng is just an ordinary fortune teller. He may know a little about the law of weather changes. In the face of a person who comes to smash a venue, he naturally can't lose momentum, so he also punches his face and fills the fat man, accepts the challenge with confidence, and counts the hours and points.

Originally, Yuan Shoucheng was doomed to lose, but he didn't care. Since ancient times, no fortune teller can take root in one place and work for a lifetime. If the stall is broken, he can find another place to equip himself. However, this incident gave the Jade Emperor an excellent opportunity, so he specially ordered that the time and points should be completely in accordance with Yuan Shoucheng's statement, so as to cause the Dragon King to make mistakes. This rain has no practical significance to Chang 'an area. If the jade emperor has no ulterior motives, why should he make an imperial edict for such a trivial matter?

Even if the Jade Emperor allows King Jinghe to compete, it will definitely change the time and points. Here's another question. Since violating the jade emperor's will will lead to death, how dare the dragon king? According to common sense, no one will lose his life in order to win the bet. This shows that in fact, the supervision of heaven is very loose, and it will not be so easy to be found after a little change, even if it is found, it will not be investigated. For example, Cui Panguan gave Li Shimin his twentieth birthday without authorization, which was nothing.

Even if he is a fortune teller, why dare he reveal the secret casually? So we not only don't believe the fortune teller's words, but also don't believe King Jinghe. However, when he returned to the Dragon Palace, a message of jade suddenly appeared in the sky, just like what the fortune teller said! But at this time, King Jinghe didn't know it was a trap, and he still went his own way and changed the rainfall time and rainfall privately, which eventually led to breaking the dogma and being beheaded.

I believe that the King of Jinghe will never understand why this fortune teller is so magical until he dies. Not only is it raining, but he's just going to carry someone else's stall, and people know that he will definitely get a knife on the dragon chopping platform. Why is he so sacred? Investigate its reason, because many bosses of the Dragon King want him to die, to cooperate with Yuan Shoucheng in this play, or to work out the jade emperor's idea with Yuan Shoucheng's skill?