Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is the most standard Qionghai people like?

What is the most standard Qionghai people like?

1 Qionghai people's houses have a strong "house" complex. As a place to live, they account for the vast majority of a person's life property. For Qionghai people, the house is the symbol of home and family, and it is the external expression of life value. Qionghai people's strong "house" complex is manifested in their daily dialects. Among the Hainan people who speak Hainan dialect, Qionghai people use the word "Wu" the most frequently in their daily lives. For example, the northern dialect says "housekeeping" and Qionghai people say "housekeeping". The northern dialect says: "building a house", which Qionghai people call "building a house" or "building a house"; The northern dialect is called "house maintenance", and Qionghai people call it "whole house"; The northern dialect says "neighbors live next to each other", and Qionghai people call it "beside the house" and "going to the house and going to the door"; To say that a person has a house and property is called "having a house and a head"; Without real estate, it is called "no house and no head". The northern dialect asks people, "Where is your home? Who else is at home? " Qionghai people asked, "Where is your home? There are three people in your family? " . Northern dialect: "You have a cat at home all day!" Qionghai people said, "You are squatting in the house all day!" . Northern dialect: "My brother farmed at home." Hainan dialect: "My brother is a farmer in the house." Northern dialects say "my home" and "your home", and Qionghai people say "my home" and "your home"; -The word "home" is taken as the word "home" here. The northern dialect says "my mother" and "your mother"; Qionghai people are called "your mother" and "my mother", and the same is true for other people in the family; The northern dialect is "my home" and "other people's home", and Qionghai people call it "my home" and "individual family"; In spoken language, Qionghai people often say that the name of a unit's expensive department begins with the word "room", such as "finance room" and "tax room" ... The second external manifestation of Qionghai people's "home" complex: most old people, even a person, should stick to their home and stick to the traditional concept of dying in the living room. If you die outside, you will become a ghost. In the future, you have to ask the "three ancestors" to be the Buddha's evocation, so that you can go to the spiritual position, be equal to your ancestors, and accept the worship of your living relatives. Qionghai people are gentle and generous, and there is no sense of exclusion in Qionghai traditional culture. Just as Guangdong people call people outside Guangdong "northerners", Qionghai people call people outside Hainan Island "mainlanders". Most people in Qionghai are Han Chinese. Qionghai people all know that their ancestors were "mainlanders", and only Li and Miao are locals. Although Qionghai is located in the border, the penetration rate of Putonghua is even higher than that of Guangzhou. No matter which county, city or town you come from, as long as you can speak Mandarin, as long as he or she can speak Mandarin, most of them are in Mandarin, so answer enthusiastically. In the early days of liberation, when locals communicated with foreigners in Hainan dialect in a warm and friendly way, foreigners often waved their hands awkwardly, "I don't understand!" " . As a result, "ignorance" has become synonymous with outsiders. For those migrant workers who have left their homes and wandered abroad, in other places, I don't know when and where to start, and the northern dialect has a group noun-"blind flow". It's just a line by Song Like Dandan in the sketch "Super Guerrilla". "What's the difference between a tramp and a hooligan?" Indeed, when people talk about the word "blind flow", there is a look of contempt in their eyes. In Qionghai, I don't know where to start. For all mainland migrant workers, regardless of their age or behind their faces, men are called "Brother Lu" and women are called "Sister Lu". Compared with the appellation of "prodigal son", what kind of appellation is "Brother Lu" and "Sister Lu"? Don't look at a small name, which reflects the sympathy of Qionghai people for these vagrants and the kindness and generosity of Hainan people. In the concept of Qionghai people, heroes don't ask about their origins. For example, in terms of personal address, it is not only called "Dad" for father and father, but also called "Dad" for those rich people, farmers who work all day and businessmen who stand in front of three-inch counters. As long as male citizens reach a certain age, they are called "Dad", such as "Carpenter's Dad" and "Shearer's Dad". Qionghai people love "pretending to be Luo" and talk about "human feelings". Qionghai people pay attention to clothing, calling it "love to dress"; Looks free and easy, dressed appropriately, called "colored water"; Dressing up love beautifully, decently and ostentatiously is called "colored water". Call losing face "water without color". Qionghai proverb "Eat on the face and wear on the body". Even in that era when people didn't have enough to eat and didn't wear warm clothes, even at home, they wore rags of "sewing for three years in the New Year and making up for three years in the old year", but men, women and children had a decent set of clothes and only came out to wear them during the New Year holidays or when visiting relatives and friends. Qionghai has a simple folk customs. Anyone who "holds a wedding ceremony", "holds a moon", "makes a house", "makes a birthday", "marries a girl" and "is in the right age" should make wine to celebrate, and friends and relatives should give gifts or gold. Qionghai people call it "making faces" or "making faces". Since it is a question of money, it is polite to borrow money even if the family is surrounded by money. For example, married girls have children, especially the first child, and their families are poor. In order to save face, she has to be a burden, distributing the fruits of her husband's neighbors, three relatives and six relatives, buying her a pair of pork belly and making some clothes for the baby. Therefore, Qionghai has always had a folk song that "sons have grandchildren, and people like my family's annoyance (sadness)". In the past, those with money gave cash, and those without money took a bag of rice or a basket of rice contemporary coins. No matter whether you send money or rice, no matter how much you send, as a courtesy, the "host" will return a part to the congratulator-this is a unique folk custom in Qionghai. In the 1950s, there was a watch on the wrist, big gold teeth in the mouth and Parker pen in the pocket-that was the style of overseas Chinese with rich cultural taste or amateur overseas Chinese with good color and water. Qionghai's "Gong Dadai" came to his future father-in-law's house (that is, he appeared for the first time), borrowed a watch and a Parker pen, and held a "colored water" ... It turned out that the "Three Ancestors" gave Buddhist services and danced for the gods in order to earn "money". But when the "master" gave him a "money seal", the face-saving "three dads" hypocritically turned away "no! No need! " The other hand took the "money seal" and put it in his pocket and said, "Great!" ("good" means modest, turn around and leave). As a result, the allusion of "Three Fathers Resigned to Seal Money" became an adjective to satirize those who wanted money to save face. The most telling thing that Qionghai people love to talk about "human feelings and face" is Qionghai's enduring "Junpo Festival". "Junpo Festival" was originally a folk ritual activity to commemorate Mrs. Xi. But in recent decades, in Qionghai, it has evolved into a pure "food festival". Every year from February of the lunar calendar, a village and a township "build an army slope" every day. Qionghai people have a saying, "Good year, good military slope (because it doesn't matter if you eat your own food in the New Year, but' military slope' is for others to eat, so you can't make do with it)". Every household will make arrangements for "Junpo" as soon as the Spring Festival arrives. On the day of "Military Woman", the whole family always goes into battle together, with chicken, duck, fish and shrimp, mixed water and land, seven pots, eight bowls and one table (some people even set dozens of tables). As for diners, there are relatives and friends, as well as relatives and friends of relatives and friends; Some know, some don't know; There are symbolic gifts, and some have no money to eat and drink and walk away; Some relatives who can't beat the eight poles have finished eating, and they have to comment on the banquet ... Qionghai people also know that doing this kind of work is costly, but they still do it year after year, because it costs little money and is a big shame! Qionghai people love to pretend to be Luo and talk about "human feelings and face". On the surface, it is the appearance of vanity. In fact, this is the innate self-esteem psychology of Qionghai people, which means that Qionghai people have a trait of sticking to personal dignity in their bones. This personality characteristic is manifested in all aspects of social life and interpersonal communication. Qionghai people's face-saving personality characteristics have created the deep-rooted concept of "never begging for food (begging for food) or" being a mother "(that is, being a prostitute). In the eyes of Qionghai people, prostitutes are a great shame. In recent years, some people joked that "a yellow female soldier is active in the hometown of red female soldiers". The "yellow female soldier" is a by-product of the reform and opening up, which is found all over the country. Even if there are such "female soldiers" in Qionghai, most of them are foreigners. Qionghai people love to use "Liu" to reconcile disyllabic words. The most prominent phonetic feature of Qionghai people is that in oral English, in order to emphasize the role, the word "Liu" is often added at the end of the sentence, and this word "Liu" is stressed. For example, urge the other person to go quickly, don't waste time, say "go for a walk!" " ; When cooking, say to the other party: "The food is ready and slipped away! Hurry up and slip away! " . As long as you live in Qionghai, whether you are a government official or a street person; No matter whether it is a girl or an old woman, when she opens her mouth, she always "slips" a lot. Therefore, Qionghai people are synonymous with "Qionghai Liu", "Aliu" and "cooked or not". In Hainan dialect, the superlative adjectives do not use the words "very", "very" and "very". Unlike Haikou people who like to use "thief" as vulgar (for example, saying "very good" as "thief good" and "great" as "thief stick"), when describing "very" and "very", add "defeated" after the adjective. For example, the second phonetic feature of Qionghai people is very good-"easy to lose" and very bad-"not easy to lose". When using adjectives, you don't have to be very, very advanced, just use disyllabic words. For example, if you describe it as black, you say "black iron and black iron"; Described as white, he said "white is white"; The description is very heavy, he said "heavy Jin"; When it is described as light, it is said to be "light and light"; Describe thin, then say "thin fishy"; When describing it as salty, say it is "salty and bitter"; Describe a person with a full stomach and say "a full stomach is full of gardens". Describe a person who is fascinated by mahjong and say "he is addicted to mahjong" ... The third phonetic feature of Qionghai people-some nouns are used to words. For example, in some food terms, "fried peanuts" are called "peanut frying"; Call "boiled peanuts" as "boiled peanuts"; Call "sour bamboo shoots" as "bamboo shoots are sour" and "fried white rice cakes" (called "rice cakes" in Haifu area) as "fried white rice cakes"; Call "black coffee" black coffee. In terms of personal pronouns, the youngest brother is called "Viagra", not "Viagra". Similarly, call the youngest sister "Sister Wei"; The youngest uncle is called "Wei Dad". In addition, there are some nouns, such as "boar" and "pig male"; Called "sow" and "pig"; Call "male dog" as "dog male"; Call "bitch" and "dog"; Call "mother finger" as "thumb"; Call "typhoon" a "typhoon platform" ... 5 Qionghai people prefer boys to girls, and men are superior to women. "Marry a mainland husband and marry a Qionghai wife" is a folk saying. This statement, on the one hand, shows that Qionghai's "clothes" (Hainan dialect calls women "clothes") is virtuous and hardworking, on the other hand, it also shows that Qionghai's social phenomenon that men are superior to women is serious. In those long years when people didn't have enough to eat, they ate sweet potato porridge for three meals a day, and only had dry food on holidays or when guests came. In rural areas, housewives often do heavy work, such as plowing land and carrying goods. Even though she and her husband do the same farm work, she gets different pay for the same job. When housewives cook porridge in a cauldron in the morning, they should make full use of the flame at the kitchen tail, put a clay pot at the kitchen tail, cook some barnyard grass (dry rice) (Qionghai people call it "barnyard grass at the kitchen tail"), or take out some dry rice with a spoon after cooking. These dry meals are specially reserved for grandfathers (including grandfathers and husbands) at home, while "Yi Ren" and "Yi Tong" (underage girls) can only eat large pots of porridge. When can a "clothed man" enjoy the treatment of eating barnyard grass? There is a saying in Qionghai that a "father" watches the door and a clothed man squats on the moon. That is to say, only a clothed man squats on the moon (confinement) can eat two meals. So Qionghai people call a woman pregnant "eating barnyard grass", "dressing people" and "squatting for a month" as "eating barnyard grass". For generations, peasant women slept from midnight to midnight for 360 days. You must get up at about four o'clock every morning. At that time, the alarm clock was a luxury at home, and every household had a rooster. When the cock crowed, the alarm clock rang. Whenever the rooster crows for the first time, the peasant women rub their loose eyes and comb their messy hair. They first added half a pot of water to a large iron pot (a large iron pot in rural areas can cook 10 meals for more than one person), then sat in front of a big stove, lit a dim kerosene lamp, added straw to the stove and cut sweet potatoes. When the water in the pot boils, a basket of sweet potatoes has been chopped. Pour the first batch of sweet potato granules into the pot to cook pig food, and then chop up the second batch of sweet potato granules to cook sweet potato porridge for the whole family to eat at noon-this is what Qionghai commonly calls "boiled chicken crow rice". The work of "cooking chickens and crying rice" is done by the "clothes man" at home. Hainanese love to eat morning tea and China tea, but it was often the "father-in-law" who used to eat morning tea. "Grandfather" can sleep until dawn, and then slowly walk to the tea shop in the market town for tea. When they sit cross-legged and chat about the past while drinking tea, their clothes are all in the kitchen, eating salted fish juice sweet potato porridge in a hurry, ready to work in the fields! In folklore, Gong and I can't eat at the same table. There are guests at home, and the "clothes man" has to cook and serve. When the "father-in-law" accompanied the guests for dinner, the "clothes man" had to retreat to the kitchen or stand behind the guests and the "father-in-law" to serve the guests. After the guests have had enough to eat and drink, the "clothes man" will come out to clean up and take the leftovers to the kitchen. The man in clothes gave birth to a child and spent a month in prison. /kloc-pregnant in 0/0 month, he was very weak after giving birth to a child once. He should spend a month in prison and have a good rest. If there is a considerate mother-in-law in this family, the "clothes man" can't eat at the same table as the "father-in-law" in diaper washing and folk customs. There are guests at home, and the "clothes man" has to cook and serve. When the "father-in-law" accompanied the guests for dinner, the "clothes man" had to retreat to the kitchen or stand behind the guests and the "father-in-law" to serve the guests. After the guests have had enough to eat and drink, the "clothes man" will come out to clean up and take the leftovers to the kitchen. Qionghai men like to eat "black", while women like to eat "soup" and "fried". Qionghai faces the sea. In history, many people went abroad to make a living, and many "Nanyang tourists" brought back western food culture. Among them, it is the habit of drinking coffee (Qionghai people call it "eating brother B black"). A guest returned from Nanyang in the past, four villages and eight townships in calling friends. "Go to Nanyang guesthouse to eat black! "In Nanyang Hakka, a glass of" Brother B "and a few pieces of" Roche "(biscuits) are the way to entertain guests. Invite friends to tea. In Qionghai, it means "Please eat B Ge Hei! "Qionghai men, conditional, seldom have breakfast at home. When the market is booming, they go to a tea shop, have a cup of "Brother B Black" and have a "snack" for breakfast. Men with conditions also eat afternoon tea (Qionghai people call it "two sets of tea"). Qionghai is a grain-producing area in Hainan. Qionghai people eat three meals a day, mainly rice or rice products. "Baiba" made of rice (called "vermicelli" in the northwest, "Shahefen" in Guangzhou and "Batiao" in Haifu area) is a favorite food of Qionghai people, especially women. The mantra of Guangzhou people is "Come to my house for tea! "The oral statement of Haifu people:" Come to my house to eat powder (namely Hainan powder)! " And Qionghai people verbally said, "Go to my house to eat! Just as the rich people in the sea like to eat Hainan powder for breakfast, dinner, festivals and hospitality, Qionghai people eat Baba fried and Baba soup for breakfast, dinner, festivals and hospitality. Before the reform and opening up, Qionghai used "Bai Ba" as a gift or a gift to congratulate relatives. Those who accept the "White Eight" will be given one to the owner of the "White Eight" and one to the West. Get a "white bar", boil a pot of water, add a few drops of oil, a few leaves, a little salt and chopped green onion, and it will become a "ba soup", and the whole family will be big, big!