Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What habits does a person have that will make his luck worse?

What habits does a person have that will make his luck worse?

What habits does a person have that will make his luck worse? Many people think that a person's luck is predestined, and you are the person God wants you to be! In the future, I will deal with many people who change their destiny by their own efforts. They also said that this is also a sign of God, and it was made unreasonable by God. In fact, the fortune of each of us is completely in our own hands. Even if what happens to everyone is different, it is caused by our usual way. For example, people who have the following three behaviors usually make their fortune worse.

1, always take something to blame others. There is such a person, in his heart, he never makes mistakes. Whatever it is, it's someone else's fault. At work, when the boss scolds her, he will think that it is also that the boss is too stingy and petty; When his wife quarrels with him, he will feel that his wife is too unreasonable. No matter what it is, he is "wronged".

I used to see a story in a variety show: my husband thought his wife was too noisy, so he "cultivated his body and mind" every day and raised flowers and walked the birds. He bought a car, and his wife wanted to earn some extra money and let him run a drip car, but he said he didn't understand this high-tech thing; Even a child, whether he says it or not, thinks his wife is too noisy and must be quiet.

Until his wife filed for divorce, boys also felt that his wife had gone too far. It's a beautiful day, but it's really nonsense. Such a logical thinking that he never reflects on himself and feels that he will always be a "victim" will make a person's luck gradually decline, just like the man above, who has already had problems in his marriage life, but he still doesn't know what he did wrong.

People who always gossip are everywhere, especially in rural areas and when they first enter the workplace. Many people prefer to build reinforced concrete houses instead of staying in the countryside. Most of the reasons are because there are too many things to quarrel with in the countryside. I remember when I was a child, the village chief was always screwing a bunch of people who had nothing to do, and then I wanted to tell everyone who passed by. There are also people in the workplace who, in order to cultivate feelings with someone, will find an arrow target and then gossip. In fact, these are all personal behaviors that are very harmful to people's fortune.

Secondly, gossiping seems to maintain some contacts, but it actually makes others' hearts wary of you. Today you can say whether this person is right or wrong, and tomorrow you won't say whether I am right or wrong. Gossip ultimately hurts the right and wrong people. Don't overestimate everyone's tolerance. Even if you are familiar with this, you may suppress each other and let others do extreme things.

3, too much attention, always smart, the most taboo in this world is to treat others as fools, some people may be slow, but that is not stupid, it is sincere to others, and when they change their minds, a relationship will stop. Some people use their eyes everywhere when they get along with their friends. Inadvertently looking at her will be a cost-effective, but it will make people avoid him. There are two kinds of reflections on this application: one is to immediately put your mind on the people around you, and when facing the rights and interests, you can treat the cherished feelings of the other party as the stupidity of the other party, which is cost-effective.

The other is to impress people around good friends under the banner of being good to friends, and to lure them to gossip about their friends with words. If the other party has it, he will not make a statement to correct it, nor will he tell his friends immediately. This kind of person seems to get a lot of good deals and know a lot of information, but in the end he can't get real friends, which will also make his so-called "personal relationship" useless. Because everyone will be wary of him.