Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Looking for fortune telling _ looking for fortune telling video

Looking for fortune telling _ looking for fortune telling video

Is it appropriate to go to a fortune teller seven days after the death of your family? Will it have an impact?

It's better not to count. Most of the calculated results are good but not bad. There is a book "The Account of Death" on the absolute land. When fortune telling, as long as someone touches his penis, he will touch the account of death below. The people above are telling fortune, and the kids below are very busy. Because the top is counting, the gas field moves to the bottom, and this boy turns over. You change, he changes. Originally, life alone was very good. The boy looked at it and said, "It's not good to be a man! Did a lot of bad things! This beautiful life should be eliminated! " "Brush" will cross out your beautiful life. So fortune telling is accurate for bad people, but almost impossible for good people.