Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Palmprint illustration male left hand explains in detail and teaches you how to read palmprint illustration.

Palmprint illustration male left hand explains in detail and teaches you how to read palmprint illustration.

As we all know, when it comes to the detailed explanation of a man's left hand, someone asks you what you think of palm illustrations. In addition, someone wants to ask the complete manual of men's left hand handwriting-do you know what this is about? In fact, male palmprint, let's see how to teach you to read palmprint, I hope it will help everyone!

Detailed description of male left hand in palm print illustration

1, teach you how to read the palm of your hand.

First of all, many people don't know whether to look at their left hand or their right hand. The representative meanings of "right hand" in palm reading are: left "innate" and right "acquired".

The so-called "left hand is congenital, right hand is acquired" means that the right hand has a higher proportion of influence and the left hand has a smaller influence. Perhaps it can be said that the right hand has 80% influence on the judgment of good luck and the left hand has 20% influence on the judgment of good luck. Therefore, when reading palms, you mainly judge with your right hand, and then add and subtract points on good or bad luck with your left hand.

Basically, most people's palms are "symmetrical", so there is not much problem in judging, but as mentioned above, the right hand is the protagonist who judges good or bad luck, and the left hand is used to add, subtract and divide good or bad luck. It is normal to have a gap between left and right hands, because it is difficult to have exactly the same left and right hands in the world. However, we must know the key to judging the right hand first and the left hand second, so as to correctly judge the good or bad fortune of palm numerology.

As for the argument that men are left and women are right, it is unorthodox palm reading analysis!

We can find that if a person is lucky, his skin color will be good and the color of his hands will look healthier. Similarly, his palm print looks clear, and intuitively he is a clear and rational person; If a person's palm print is complicated, he is intuitively a person with complicated thoughts, and in fact it is. This shows that judging people by their appearances is a natural phenomenon, which is the basic principle of palm reading prediction. Explain it in detail below.

Let's start with a palm chart.

Identification and inspection of lifelines The palmar mound surrounded by lifelines is large in scope, full of energy, weak in scope and prone to fatigue. The lifeline with chain lines at the beginning (near the palm) is sick in childhood. The end of the tattoo of life is like a tassel. In order to prevent the elderly from getting sick, life tattoos have island stripes, which represent being sick or hospitalized at a certain time. The size of the island stripes represents the severity and duration of the disease. Smart lines, also known as brain lines, are the most important lines in the palm. In the palm of China's hand, this line represents itself, also known as the human line. The starting point is the same as the lifeline, walking in the direction of the little finger until it stops between the finger of the ring finger and the finger of the little finger. If it is too short, it means that it is not smart enough. If it is too long, it is too smart and not good. It is best to have deep and thin brain lines, indicating that the mind can concentrate and the brain is smart. If there is an island line on the brain line, it means that the brain has no.

Smart tattoo and life starting point tattoo are combined into one, leaving after a certain distance, indicating introversion, prudence and deliberation. If you connect for too long, you will hesitate and be easy to idle. If the lifeline and starting point of intelligent thread leave immediately, it is arbitrary and can be improvised. If there is a distance between the two lines, it is a brave and outgoing character, fearless. If the starting point of the two lines is more than half a centimeter apart, it will become a reckless character without thinking.

The identification and view of the emotional line, also known as the antenna or paternal line, starts from the direction of the little finger facing the index finger and walks into the seam between the index finger and the middle finger for the golden mean. If you go all the way under the index finger, it belongs to the soul field and pays more attention to the love of energy; Middle finger entry is a kind of love, not paying attention to vows of eternal love. Bend the middle finger down, it is wayward love, not smart. If the emotional line is long, there are forks and bends, you will sacrifice everything for love.

The emotional line is deep and thin, delicate, shallow and extensive; If there are feather-like twill on the emotional line (palm edge), it means that this person is very enthusiastic; If there is no feather line under the line, there is only the line, which is the witty line, that is to say, it embodies ten kinds of rich palms that men can improvise.

If an emotional tattoo is a chain, it is sentimental. If the emotional tattoo has an island pattern, if it appears under the ring finger, it means that there is something wrong with the eyes, myopia, amblyopia or flashing. If the island pattern appears in other positions, it is emotional trouble; The broken emotional line symbolizes great frustration.

The identification and view of the wedding line The palm of your hand under the little finger is between the little finger and the emotional line. Some people have only one, while others have several. Numbers don't matter, but there are always deeper stripes. If there are two stripes with the same depth, they are afraid that they will easily fall into a triangle dispute. If there are more than six marriage lines and the main line cannot be found, the marriage relationship will be chaotic, the marriage line will be very long and the conditions for choosing a spouse will be harsh. There will be stress in marriage. If you grow under the ring finger and meet the sun line, you can have good in-laws and bring wealth and prestige. If you break through the sun line, there will be negative consequences, so if the shadow reputation and wealth marriage line diverge, it is easy to break up. If there are island lines, it may be because of some kind of separation; What do the three lines at the end of the marriage line represent?

Identification and view of professional line

Career line is a line rising from the bottom of the palm of your hand. Some people can reach the root of the middle finger, which can also be called fate line. Some career lines are not straight lines, but several lines are intermittent, indicating that the work is unstable or the working environment changes frequently. The career line stops when it rises to the brain line (smart line), which means they end their work by their own smart decision. If they stop when they rise to the island line, they will end their work because of emotional problems. There are two career paths, namely,

Recognition and observation of solar rays

The straight line of the sun pattern under the ring finger is parallel to the career pattern. If the sun pattern is double, what is it called? Fame tattoo? Performance can have a good reputation in the world. If the sun has too many stripes, the interest is average, but it is easy to distract attention. The sun stripes have island stripes or images, which are the palm of a person's left hand, destroying the sun stripes and representing the loss of prestige or money.

Male palmprint shows the understanding and view of various lines. A healthy line, a line from the bottom of the little finger to the lifeline, is it actually? Unhealthy tattoos? Because without a healthy tattoo, it is healthy. Healthy tattoos are intermittent, indicating gastrointestinal digestion; If there is a chain mode, it is the short board of the respiratory system. Call my mother if there is an island pattern. At the head end of the pattern, it is a throat or head defect, and at the end of the line, it is a urinary problem that produces the pattern. The two diagonal stripes between the ring finger and the little finger indicate that this person has the ability to speak and create, can do research or draw, and must have an accomplished wealth pattern. In the second section of thumb, no matter whether it is horizontal or vertical, the more horizontal bars, the more money accumulated. It means there is a mysterious fashion pattern. Between the palms, emotional lines and intelligent lines, such as tangible lines, are called secret lines, indicating that people like to study philosophy, metaphysics and things. There are a few stripes at the root of the index finger that are oblique, and there are a few that don't commit villains without twill. If there are more than four, it is easy to attract slander. If there are seven or eight, there are official and unofficial ones, especially if the length of the little finger is not more than one third of the ring finger. The rebellious pattern, under the emotional pattern, is equal to a line of the emotional pattern. Stubborn, not around, but not thinking first, is the problem figure. Illustration of men's hand prints.

2. A string of efforts, the rising line on the life line, indicates that efforts will have results; If the index finger rises to the starting point of the lifeline, it is called "Hope Tattoo". People who hope to get tattoos dream more and have better luck. Scan your palm.

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The above is about teaching you palm reading, and it is about teaching you palm reading. I read the detailed description of the male left hand in the palm print illustration. I hope this will help everyone!