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Sina fortune-telling video

The origin of the compass?

1 1 19 years, Zhu Yu of the Northern Song Dynasty recorded the compass for the first time: "The owner of a ship knows geography, but he watches the stars at night, the sun during the day and the compass at dusk." China is the first country in the world to use a compass to navigate. It was not until A.D. 1 190 that Alexander Nekam, an Englishman, recorded that the compass was used for navigation.

Geomantic terminology compass

Compass is the operating tool of Li Qijiao, which is mainly composed of a magnetic needle and a series of concentric circles located in the center of the disc, and each circle represents the ancient people in China's understanding of a certain level of information in the big universe system.

The ancients in China believed that man's gas field was controlled by the gas field of the universe, that harmony between man and the universe was auspicious, and disharmony between man and the universe was fierce. So, by experience, they put all levels of information in the universe, such as the stars in the sky, everything represented by the five actions on the earth, heavenly stems and earthly branches and so on. , all on the compass. Geomantic omen is to find the most suitable position or time for a specific person or thing through the rotation of a magnetic needle.

Although the concept of "magnetic field" is not mentioned in geomantic omen, the coordination of the directions, orientations and intervals of each layer on the compass implies the law of "magnetic field".

The invention and application of the compass is the result of human beings' continuous exploration of the mysteries of the universe, society and life. More and more circles and more complex pointer systems on the compass represent the accumulated practical experience of human beings. Of course, whether these experiences are comprehensive and correct needs further study, but the information marked on the compass contains a lot of ancient China wisdom. A preliminary study on the scientific principle of compass three needles

Compass is a tool for crossing latitude and longitude. Mr. Feng Shui uses the compass to help people choose a relatively ideal living and funeral environment. Compasses have different schools, different origins, more or less levels, complex systems and different contents. The layers of compasses add up to fifty. Therefore, the compass has become an encyclopedia of geomancy.

But the essence of the compass is only a few layers, and the most basic ones are only three plates: the territory, the human plate and the sky plate. Other discs are annotations and further concretization of the three discs, serving the three discs.

The site, people's disk and sky disk divide the 360-degree ground plane into 24 equal parts, which are called twenty-four mountains or twenty-four directions. The twelve branches and eight trunks are arranged at four-dimensional intervals. Renzigui in the north, ugly root shade in the northeast, Jiamao B in the east, No.4 in the southeast, No.3 in the south, No.4 in the southwest, No.4 in the west, dry sea in the northwest, per mountain 15 degrees. However, the human disk rotates 7.5 degrees counterclockwise and the sky disk rotates 7.5 degrees clockwise. Each of the three sets has its own magical function.

Site, because it is located in the inner layer of the compass, is also called the inner disk. Because the inner disk meridian completely coincides with the geomagnetic meridian, it is called the meridian needle. The website, which is the geomantic omen of all schools, is used for dragon songs and directions. Some schools also use it to remove sand and absorb water. The position measured by this station is the geomagnetic position. Everyone has no objection to this.

Not everyone understands the human disk and the sky disk. Ever since Yang Junyi created Pan Tian and Lai Buyi created Man Pan, there have been different opinions in the field of geomantic omen. Some are right, some are wrong, and some are forged by later generations. For more than a thousand years, there has been endless debate and no conclusion.

In order to clarify the history, restore the original appearance of the three needles of the compass, and for the further development of Feng Shui science, the author thinks it is necessary to explain the origin and scientific truth of the three needles of the compass with modern scientific theory, so as to reveal the mystery of the two boards of heaven and man and answer the doubts of the world.

First, why use the site grid dragon and orientation?

To explain this problem clearly, we should start with the earth's magnetic field and its function. The earth we live in is an oval magnet, and the magnetic lines of force are distributed radially along the surface of the earth. In a long time, the magnetic pole of the earth is in a relatively constant state. The magnetic pole of the earth is located near the polar region and has a magnetic declination with the north and south poles of the earth, which is called the magnetic declination. The declination varies with the latitude and longitude of the area. Before the invention of the compass, people could not understand geomagnetism, let alone use the word. Before the invention of the compass, the ancients used sundials and stars to determine the direction.

Compass is one of the great inventions of our Chinese nation. The compass is made of magnetic substance-ferroferric oxide. Due to the principle that like magnetic fields attract and opposite magnetic fields repel, the north pole of compass always points to the south pole of geomagnetic field, and the south pole of compass always points to the north pole of geomagnetic field. After our ancestors invented the compass, people began to understand the geomagnetic phenomenon and used it to identify and determine the direction. Navigators use it for navigation, surveyors use it for geodesy, and geomancers use it to find the "life" of "Long Mai" and accept the outside world of the temple.

The earth's magnetic field can not only be oriented by a compass, but more importantly, it is one of the basic conditions for the birth, growth and healthy survival of all living things on earth. The essence of life is metabolism, and the cessation of metabolism marks the end of life.

Metabolism is a very complicated physiological and biochemical process, which cannot be separated from the control and participation of bioelectricity. Most living things need to rely on electromagnetic phenomena to maintain normal physiological activities. Human thinking activities are even more inseparable from it. It can be said that without the geomagnetic field, there would be no life on the earth, at least not so many kinds of creatures, and there would be no human beings with advanced wisdom. The influence of magnetic field on human physical and mental health is objective, and a certain intensity and relatively constant magnetic field is one of the important guarantees for human physical and mental health.

Magnetic field can change the motion direction of wave, radio wave, charged particles, light and other materials with wave-particle duality. X-ray machine focuses X-rays through magnetic field, and optical microscope uses magnetic field to control the direction of light. Large particle accelerators are also inseparable from the control of magnetic fields ... magnetic fields can convert electric energy into energy, and the principles of motors and electromagnets are also based on this.

It can be seen that human survival and living environment are inextricably linked with the earth's magnetic field. The "anger" of multiplication in geomagnetism is also inseparable from geomagnetism. The so-called "dragon gas" and "earth gas" are actually an energy field produced by the interaction between the earth's magnetic field and geoelectricity. The intensity of energy field is different with different topography and different magnetic field directions. After long-term observation, the ancients summed up a lot of practical experience and lessons, and found that different magnetic fields and different landforms have different effects on people's physical and mental health. Yang Junsong made a systematic summary of this with his whole life, and finally found this rule-in different directions of the same terrain, there is only one kind of "vitality" that is most beneficial to human physical and mental health, and marked it on the compass, that is, the site and the 72 dragons attached to it. From then on, the original solar azimuth positioning system completely withdrew from the geomantic omen theory and gave way to the magnetic azimuth positioning system.

Second, why do people need trays for sand removal and suspended ceilings for water intake?

Living on the earth, human beings not only rely on sunshine, air, suitable temperature, water, energy and necessary means of production and living, but also rely on an invisible and intangible comprehensive energy field, which is the main control program for the permutation and combination of various biological genetic codes.

Why are the genetic genes of plants, animals and humans all double helix structures? This is obviously a masterpiece of the double helix microwave radiation field in the universe. The genetic code of various organisms on the earth is composed of various organic and inorganic substances arranged and combined according to certain physical, chemical and mathematical laws under the control of double helix microwave field.

The ancients had already discovered the existence of this scene and its great effect on people's physical and mental health, and called it "qi", which was called "swish" in ancient times. For thousands of years, the Kanyu family has been looking at the stars with a compass in their hands, stepping all over the green hills and dealing with the stars every day. However, due to the limitation of the level of scientific and technological development, he has never figured out his exact identity and scientific principles.

It turns out that space is not a vacuum, but is full of various substances and energy. The earth receives all kinds of cosmic radiation from space all the time, such as cosmic microwave background radiation, cosmic double helix microwave radiation, various rays, radio waves, neutrino streams, and even black holes and dark matter penetrate our bodies from time to time. After these distant guests from space enter the earth's atmosphere, under the control of the earth's magnetic magician, combined with the topography of the earth's surface and the reflection, absorption and transformation of water bodies, comprehensive energy fields with different intensities are formed in different areas of the earth's surface, mainly microwave fields.

The distribution area where the comprehensive energy field intensity is completely consistent with the adaptive domain value of human life and physiological function is what Kan Yu said. Such areas generally have the characteristics of mountains and rivers, and the mountains and rivers are affectionate; The area close to the two is a "land of peace"; The comprehensive energy field is inconsistent with human physiological function, and the area harmful to human physical and mental health is "fierce land" The geomorphological features of such areas are sand flying and water flowing, and the mountains and rivers are ruthless.

Yang Junyi lived in the Tang Dynasty and Lai Buyi lived in the Song Dynasty. At that time, the theory of microwave radiation had not yet come out, and the ancients could not be expected to understand this scientific principle. Yang Gong and Lai Gong found that there was a great error between sand and water absorption by meridian needles and the actual situation. After repeated calculation and verification, they finally came to the conclusion that there is a 7.5-degree error between the sand and the sitting direction, and created the ceiling board and the human board respectively. The ceiling is used to absorb water, and people's plates are used to absorb sand. At this point, Gannan Feng Shui has finally formed its own complete theoretical system and practical operational technology system. Numerous geomantic practices have proved that the conclusions of Yang and Lai, the founders of geomantic omen, are correct. The ancient houses and tombs that they and their disciples can identify have survived for thousands of years. The names of Yang Junyi, Lai Buyi and their disciples are recorded in the letters of many aristocratic families in southern Jiangxi and Guangdong. So the three-needle theory can stand the test of practice.

Under the closed education and communication system in feudal times, the teaching method of Feng Shui theory was taught by apprentices. Coupled with the backwardness of transportation and communication means, Yang Junsong and Lai Buyi are world-famous, but due to various conditions, their geomantic theory and operation technology have not been widely popularized, which is far from meeting the social demand for geomantic theory. Later, with the development of printing industry, Yang Gong's disciples published their important scripture "Fu Zi" as a book and spread it all over the world. However, Yang Gong's scriptures are written in the form of argot, and the key points can only be understood correctly after being taught by the master.

During the Song and Qing Dynasties, a large number of frustrated literati, scholars, fortune tellers, monks and Taoists switched to feng shui business. Although they don't understand the theory of Feng Shui, they have rich knowledge of the Book of Changes and social experience. With their own intelligence, combined with the investigation and understanding of ancient tombs and houses, and according to their own way of thinking, they created a set of Feng Shui theory and operation methods, and wrote books and made their own systems. Because there is no teacher, they can't correctly understand the true intentions of Yang and Lai, and they can only explain the sky plate and the human plate according to their own ideas. Thus creating a thousand-year fog.

Many people say that the sky disk is the direction of the sun scene, which is completely wrong. Because the azimuth of the sun scene is the positive meridian azimuth of the earth, in the northern hemisphere, at noon local time 12, the sun lives in the south; In the southern hemisphere, the situation is just the opposite. At noon 12, the sun is in the north. Because the north and south poles of geomagnetism do not coincide with the north and south poles of the earth, but there is a declination angle, the geomagnetic orientation will inevitably change with the change of latitude and longitude. East longitude 25 degrees, magnetic declination between 1~2 degrees; In areas above 25 degrees north latitude, the magnetic declination is greater than 2 degrees; If it is in the low latitude area of west longitude, the magnetic declination is 5~20 degrees; Above 45 degrees west longitude, the magnetic declination is as high as 25~50 degrees; In the area where the longitude is parallel to the magnetic axis, the magnetic declination is zero, and the north and south poles of the magnetic needle point to the north and south direction of the earth. Although Yang Gong lives in Gannan, he has traveled all over the country, and the magnetic declination of counties in Gannan is also different. In any case, neither Yang Junsong nor Lai Buyi would be so careless. So it is meaningless to say that the sky disk is the direction of the sun scene.

Similarly, the human disk is not what people call the star direction. The current star position almost coincides with the true meridian position of the earth. Moreover, the north pole of a star is not fixed, but changes periodically with the flow of time. Because of precession and nutation, the celestial pole star will be on duty among the five stars every 25,800 years.

So, what is the basis for setting the sky plate and the human plate? Is there any way to crack the secret of harmony between man and nature? Yes, the discovery of the theory of cosmic double helix radiation field provides us with the best key to solve this eternal mystery.

Symmetrical double helix microwave consists of two microwaves with opposite rotation directions and 90-degree difference in transmission phase. From a person's point of view, the left hand in the counterclockwise direction is the right hand from the emission source. According to the habit, we always define the direction of the left hand and the right hand from the perspective. According to the theory of Zhouyi, "Heaven turns left" and "Tunnel turns right", the left hand belongs to Yang, the right hand belongs to Yin, the mountain belongs to Yin, and the water belongs to Yang.

When the microwave reaches the surface of the mountain, because the left-handed positive microwave is in the same direction as the earth's rotation, it cannot be reflected from the mountain to the measuring point. Only the right-handed negative microwave can be transmitted to the vicinity of the measuring point through the reflection of the mountain because it is in the opposite direction to the earth's rotation. As you can imagine, when the right-handed microwave reaches a certain point in our measurement, it inclines to the right, and there must be a right-handed included angle between its cutting direction and the vertical plane of the measurement line. In order to accurately measure its position, the measuring line should be moved and adjusted to the left accordingly, so as to be consistent with the actual situation of measurement. Therefore, it is completely reasonable for Lai Buyi to turn the artificial disc measuring the mountain (sand) direction to the left by 7.5 degrees.

The nature of river water is always moving, not static. Because of the Doppler effect when the microwave encounters a dynamic object, that is to say, the dynamic object has the function of moving and changing the microwave phase. Water has a strong absorption effect on microwaves, and the reverse-phase microwaves are absorbed by the water body and converted into potential energy, so that the normal-phase microwaves are reflected. In other words, what we have measured is the microwave reflection position with phase shift. Obviously, its real position is on the left side of the measuring line. Therefore, it is indeed very reasonable for Yang Gong to turn the water receiving roof 7.5 degrees to the right. Because only in this way can we truly reflect the microwave field energy reflected in the direction of water body.

The microwave field of Yin and Yang reflected by mountains and rivers is what Kan Yu called "gas field".

This is the mystery and secret of the right hand rotation of the sky disk and the left hand rotation of the human disk! The setting of the sky plate and the human plate is very correct.

Of course, the nature of the cosmic double helix microwave field is far more than that. Here, only some properties and principles of microwave are applied to explain the scientific basis and truth of the sky disk and the human disk.

I have no reason to criticize the ancients. Our descendants will also know more about the macro world and the micro world than we do.

Our task is to carefully screen the theories and doctrines of the ancients under the guidance of highly developed modern science and technology, take their essence, discard their dross, discard the false and retain the true, and trace back to the source. We should keep the temporarily incomprehensible theories for future generations to identify. We must never arbitrarily and easily deny what we cannot understand.