Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What's the difference between a master and a master? Can these two names be mixed?

What's the difference between a master and a master? Can these two names be mixed?

The word "master" first appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, referring to people engaged in teaching. Since I am engaged in teaching, just like today's teachers, I preach and teach to solve doubts. The ancients respected their elders or those who taught them knowledge, and called them "teachers".

And "Fu" generally refers to young Fu and old Fu, which together is "Master". And the word "master", no one can name it. Usually, only children of the royal family can call teachers "masters", while folks can only call them teachers.

But after the Song Dynasty, the meaning of the word master began to expand, and many folk students also called their teachers masters.

In the Qing Dynasty, Master not only represented the teacher, but also further expanded the meaning. For example, we go to learn from teachers, including blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen and so on. To sum up, whoever can teach us a skill can be called a master.

In modern society, many foreigners often ask local people for directions, and usually say, "Master, let me ask you something." The meaning of master here has been further expanded and has become a kind of honorific title. Even calling each other's hosts can be hosts of all ages.

Looking at the development history of masters, it is actually the history of cultural development. From the original limitations to today's breadth, it actually reflects the openness and diversity of people's thoughts.

The word "master" first appeared in the Tang Dynasty, later than "master". The meanings of "master" and "master" in the Tang Dynasty are basically the same, and they are both teachers who teach and educate people. Later, in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Buddhism gradually flourished and Taoist culture began to flourish. Many devout believers regard their teachers as "masters".

Obviously, adding a "father" after "teacher" is of far-reaching significance. As we all know, the closest people in life are parents, and in etiquette, the word "father" has more status. Journey to the West said on the 31st: "You monster, you don't know that once you become a teacher, you will be a father all your life, and there is no enmity between father and son! You hurt my master, why didn't I come to save him? "

As the saying goes, "a teacher for a day, a father for life" means that even if you teach yourself for a day, you will be a father for life. From this point of view, master can beat and scold his disciples, and of course, he will teach them all the things he has learned all his life. Therefore, we should not only pay homage to the teachers, but also offer Pepsi stickers and ceremonies.

Conclusion Therefore, there are great differences between "Master" and "Master" in essence. Just like teachers in schools now, they are generally at the level of "master", and few teachers can treat students as their own children. If parents think that children are not learning materials and send them to Shaolin Temple to become monks or other places to learn arts, they will learn from teachers and be called "masters".

In our daily life, we should never call people "hosts" casually, otherwise we will make jokes, because hosts are very important. Of course, you can't call your "master" a "master", which is also disrespectful.