Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Home Feng Shui: There is a river behind the house, which is good or bad for fortune.

Home Feng Shui: There is a river behind the house, which is good or bad for fortune.

In geomantic omen, water is wealth. There is a river behind the house, which means there is money behind the house.

Questions about rivers, ponds, ponds, wells, puddles, fish ponds and roads: water gathers in prosperous towns, wealth gathers in water, and there is a pool in front of the house, not afraid of the five kings. Historically, lots with rivers, ponds, pools and puddles were places where people made a fortune. These places should have a broader vision, good air circulation, adapt to the development of production, and have rich material sources, suitable for human survival and life, and live and work in peace and contentment. This is beneficial, useful, beneficial and advantageous. There are rivers, ponds and wells, and children must pay attention to safety first. "The ponds in front of the house and behind the house are connected, and the young lang will die." This is the negative part of water. Here, the statement about Wang Cai is a relatively uncertain function word, but the statement about security is a substantive content word and a direct problem. Feng Shui also brings roads into the category of water and wealth. In the practical application and operation of geomantic omen, road has the same meaning as water and wealth. The road to modernization has brought convenience and benefits to mankind, which is obvious to all and is well known to all. However, in the case of convenient transportation, traffic accidents are also common and common. The analysis of the Book of Changes is that everything has advantages and disadvantages, and interests must coexist. What I want to tell people is that human beings should learn to analyze problems comprehensively, and it is only natural to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages correctly.

For example, someone asked, I am a pottery maker, and I want to set up a pool rockery in the store, which faces east from west, with a width of 3.6 meters and a length of 7 meters. Many people say that this is not good for Feng Shui, and they are obsessed with it. The answer is: a pool of rockery is of little significance to pottery making, and it is best not to rock in a pool. If you really want to do it, it is very important to pay attention to safety.

Another example is: it is both a mountain and a village house. Where is the best place to build a pool? The answer is: the drinking pool is built in a place where water supply, water use and drainage are convenient. It is best not to have an entertainment pool. The core issue of feng shui in swimming pools is safety. It is right to pay attention to safety and effective safety measures.

Another example: Are there fish ponds and geomantic omen in front of rural houses? The answer is: pay special attention to safety. It is useless and has no special economic benefits and uses. It is best not to use it as an ornamental fish pond. There is little hope of good luck, but bad luck is unpredictable.

Another example: the living room is a fish pond. My living room is about 60 square meters and there is a fish pond under the stairs. I don't know, okay? Urgent! I hope to have a master to help me answer, thank you! The answer is: houses are built for living. Fish farming is more suitable for the natural environment. If there is no special economic profit, raising fish at home is: the use is unknown, and the use is unknown. Similar to Ye Gong Long Hao.

Another example: fishing pits have been dug at home, which some people say is ominous. Is there a solution? Must it be backfilled? The answer is: this is a matter of safety common sense, and there is no other solution. There are ponds in front of and behind the house, and the safety hazard is not a case. If it's just for leisure viewing, the pond can be omitted to beautify the environment. If it is for specific economic and commercial purposes, security measures should be guaranteed.

The house faces south, the gate faces east, there are roads in the east, roads in the south and rivers in the west. How about Feng Shui? -Feng Shui has always regarded roads and waterways as wealth. The fact is that lots with developed traffic and smooth waterways are obviously rich. Your description has two sides, one is a river, which should be a place where financial resources are rolling in.

The house is surrounded by roads. What about feng shui? Meaning: extending in all directions, roads are connected with roads. Recruiter: Passepartout, quick turnover, many changes and wide road. Feng Shui has always regarded roads as "water" and "wealth"; Surrounded by roads, that is, surrounded by "wealth".

Practicality, convenience, comfort, safety, hygiene and beauty are good feng shui. These standards are practical and easy to master.

What is Feng Shui? The first is the conditions for human survival. The second is better human living conditions. Third, profitable business, that is, choose good operating conditions. Think with a scientific mind. For example, what is the geomantic omen of Jiayi Garden in Huizhou? The answer is: it is the highlight of modern science and technology, that is, the feng shui of modern science and technology, such as: no reinforced concrete? Can you build such a tall house? There is no running water. Is there water there? Can people live there without water? Without water, feng shui, no matter how good it is, is just a moon in the water and a flower in the mirror. Feng Shui, Feng Shui, can meet people's survival and living conditions is the key. Another example: does a pipe pass through the top of your yard, which affects Feng Shui? The answer is: there is a pipe passing through the roof of your house. If it is not handled properly, it will affect your sight and beauty. There is the possibility that the pipeline will hinder the future space reuse (such as the obstacle of building renovation and heightening), and there are also technical problems of the pipeline (such as insufficient technical performance of the pipeline and potential safety hazards), which are all factors that affect Feng Shui. There is no feng shui influence in other senses. Using modern scientific thinking can better explain and clarify the problem.

The essence of geomantic omen is expressed in modern Chinese: creation and choice have superior living conditions and advantages; Rational use of natural objective conditions and laws; Conform to the main points of regularity, symmetry, necessity, rationality, comfort, practicality, convenience, superiority, safety, aesthetics and hygiene; Conforming to the principles of mechanics and science; Common sense and logic are both good feng shui. There is no mysterious feng shui that is puzzling! The essence of ancient geomantic omen is to correctly choose superior natural conditions to adapt to human survival. Where it is not suitable for human beings, I have come to the conclusion from hundreds of sites I have seen that human beings have been completely eliminated there and have not continued their population to this day. Geomantic omen emphasizes advantages, convenience and practicality, and is more suitable for human survival and life. If we use traditional geomantic theory to cut into the field of modern architectural design, we should be able to use modern high-tech design theory to cut into the field of traditional geomantic design. We should have a correct understanding of feng shui: for example, plants can purify the air, beautify the environment and promote people's health, that is, plants have a strong feng shui function. Healthy, energetic, can earn a lot of money, do not need to spend medical expenses, that is, plants have the effect of prosperous wealth. Scientific and positive understanding can explain the problem better. For example, the high-rise air is good and the sanitation is good, which is the main thing. On the top floor, the measures to prevent leakage and lightning strike are stronger, and of course there are other precautions. Feng shui can only remind people to think from multiple angles, and modern science and technology are more accurate in technology. Traditional architecture is based on the theory of central symmetry. Modern architecture is mainly practical and functional. The two have different foundations. For example, the ancient geomantic omen theory developed on the basis of traditional ancient buildings, just like the ancient carriage driving technology, can be used to guide the driving of modern cars? In ancient times, natural geomantic omen dominated, while in modern cities, artificial geomantic omen dominated. The two foundations are completely different. How can we stick to the rules? For example, I want to connect a water pipe under the checkout counter of a clothing store, which is convenient for washing cups. Do you know that Feng Shui is particular? The answer is: convenience, comfort, hygiene and safety are good feng shui. On the contrary, feng shui is not good.

Another example: does the fracture of the door brick affect Feng Shui? The answer is: the change of the firmness of the house and the structural damage will affect the geomantic omen of the house. The geomantic omen of a house is first of all the practicality and durability of the house, that is, the service life of the house.

Will putting a fire water tank in front of the balcony affect Feng Shui? -whatever is beneficial to human society will not affect Feng Shui; Only things that are not beneficial to human society, even harmful things, will affect Feng Shui. Putting a fire box in front of the balcony does not hinder various activities, but plays a role in protecting the safety of the house. It is impossible to hinder Feng Shui, but it is beneficial to Feng Shui.

Use the standards of regularity, symmetry, necessity, rationality, comfort, practicality, convenience, superiority, safety, aesthetics and hygiene to evaluate and consider various things respectively. Conforming to regularity, symmetry, necessity, rationality, comfort, practicality, convenience, superiority, safety, aesthetics and hygiene is good feng shui. On the contrary, it will be bad, that is, feng shui is not good. No matter how reasonable the layout of geomantic omen is, it can only be regarded as a strange talk, far from being regular, symmetrical, necessary, reasonable, comfortable, practical, convenient, beneficial, safe, beautiful and hygienic. No matter how good feng shui is, the core must be more suitable for human life and production activities. For example, the door of the master bedroom opens on the background wall. What does feng shui say? The answer is: the master bedroom door opens on the background wall, which is symbolic and symbolic. You can improvise when you get to the scene. The truth is: rationality, beauty, practicality, convenience and safety are the truth. On the contrary, it is crooked ways. Another example: Feng Shui, which side should the door be closed on? -It is convenient and practical. Install the left side when it is practical and convenient, and install the right side when it is practical and convenient. If it is inconvenient and impractical to install the door seal, don't install the door seal, it is too much trouble, asking for trouble. Anything that is inconvenient, impractical, in the way and asking for trouble is a taboo of Feng Shui.

Regularity: regularity means: rational planning and layout, seeing the spirit in complexity. Is to have a unified and neat standard, uniform, not in a mess. In modern cities and rural areas, those chaotic buildings cancel each other out and contradict each other. From the perspective of geomantic omen, they are out of order. In fact, where there is more poverty and poverty. For example, my home used to be the east gate, but now it's changed to the south gate, but the terrain in the west is high. When it rains, the rain flows through the front door and washes the southwest corner. What is this feng shui? The answer is: the terrain is irregular, irregular. It is necessary to comb the terrain to make the rainwater and running water standardized and orderly. The current situation is that running water is like a headless fly, scurrying about. For the disorderly flow of water, or for running water. Feng shui is like this, so will personnel.

Symmetry: the core of symmetry is to have center and focus; Starting from the center and focus of the house, seduce human nature, act and be a person with a center and focus, that is, human nature should have a backbone, not a confused fly. Traditional wind is actually a symmetrical theory and a geomantic aesthetic inspired by the beauty of nature and human body. From the perspective of circle, square and right, the human body is actually an irregular concave-convex body, but one of the main aesthetic characteristics of the human body is left-right symmetry. As the geomantic concept of the unity of heaven and man, the basic core embodied in traditional architecture is: left-right symmetry, front-back symmetry, and seeking balance in symmetry.

Must: First, it means that these structures and settings are necessary, not redundant, but indispensable. Not optional; Yes, it has no substantive significance; No, things that have no impact on normal life. These structures and environments are what human beings must serve. Second, it is not suitable to change these structures and settings, that is, it must be like this. For example, why did you buy two seats? Need, must, practical, comfortable, love, appreciate, feng shui must be good.

Does the frosted glass at home affect Feng Shui after two bedrooms? The answer is: whether this kind of question is necessary or not is the standard to measure the quality of Feng Shui. Household frosted glass is an essential part of home houses and furniture. It is not a toxic or harmful substance. The installation is firm and safe, and does not affect the geomantic omen. It's just that frosted glass is not an essential part of home houses and furniture, but a redundant part, which is a toxic and harmful substance. If it is not installed firmly and safely, it will affect Feng Shui.

Practicality: For example, where windows can only be found, good lighting effect means good feng shui. In other places, the lighting effect is not good or there is no lighting at all, which is actually bad feng shui. For another example, it is best to choose the location of drilling wells by means of feng shui and qi management, but if there is no water, it will be futile and meaningless at all. Therefore, it is more practical to choose the position that can ensure drainage first when drilling wells. Another example is: How about hanging copper coins from copper gourd and Emperor Wu near the bedside window? ———— No practical value. If there is no anti-theft safety net or window, the bedside cannot be close to the window, which is unsafe. Finding all the emperors' money, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, will not solve the problem. On this issue, installing anti-theft safety windows can offset the feng shui money of hanging 10 thousand emperors. Another example: What's wrong with putting a bath bucket in the bedroom? The answer is: it's definitely best to put things where they should be. A bath bucket in the bedroom is definitely not the place to put it. However, things have always changed. If it is appropriate to act flexibly, it can be put in the bedroom as long as it does not affect or hinder normal traffic and activities and does not affect Feng Shui. Another example: sitting in the north-south bunk, I want to seal the glass and install the glass door at the same time. Please ask the master to seal that side and keep it as a door. The answer is: I'm not there, so I can't answer for sure. I can only answer in principle: first, it is convenient to get in and out. Second, according to the space and use of the house (that is, according to what the house is going to do), in line with the principle of rational use of space, convenience and practicality, both parties comprehensively consider the side where the door is installed.