Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Xia Liu Fortune _ Xia Liu Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Xia Liu Fortune _ Xia Liu Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Write a composition entitled Life Story, 150 words.

1. Life story 150 words I often think, what is life?

Once, while I was doing my homework, a mosquito flew beside me. Finally, I got impatient and reached out and caught the mosquito. I looked at the prisoner in my hand and thought: What should I do with the prisoner? When I thought so, I was surprised to find that mosquitoes were still struggling in my hands. You know, every struggle is futile. I was shocked by its strong vitality, and then I actually let it go.

Once, when I was eating cantaloupe, I accidentally dropped some melon seeds in the corner. A few days later, a small melon seedling appeared in the corner! Although only for a few days.

Some people have lived for a long time, but they have not made any contribution to society all their lives. And some people's lives are short, but they live wonderfully. So we must study hard and be a useful person!

2. Composition about life (about 150 words) A seed and an ant are all connected to a small life. In the 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization, human beings have compiled a civilized river of life with the perseverance of loving life. Keller, who stood on his own boat, Xia Liu, who was disabled for life, and Beethoven, who was deaf in both ears but wrote world famous songs, all told us the true meaning of life. What makes them great? What makes them constantly strive for self-improvement? Oh, it's life, it's the power of life like fire, let unfair fate shine for them. Montaigne once said: "Our life is endowed by nature, and it is superior." Life is precious, without it, we will have nothing. However, many living people always don't cherish the right to live. They treat themselves at will, and even trample on other people's lives: Chechen explosion, Palestinian-Israeli conflict, "prisoner abuse" by the US military, coal mine flooding, house collapse, lovelorn suicide, network death ... These heavy events warn us that life is so expensive; How precious life is!

When you breathe, when your heart beats, please remember: life is precious, precious life; Caring for life, playing the strongest voice that touches people's hearts.

3. Love Life Story 150 Word Warrior in Wheelchair

Who is Hawking? He is a brain, a myth, the most outstanding theoretical physicist of our time, a giant in the name of science ... perhaps, he is just a warrior who challenges his fate in a wheelchair.

Once, Hawking returned to his apartment in Berlin in a wheelchair. I was knocked down by a car while crossing the road, my left arm was broken, my head was cut, and I had 13 stitches. About 48 hours later, he returned to the office and began to work.

Despite the growing physical disability, Hawking still tries to live like an ordinary person and accomplish what he can. He's even lively-it sounds a bit funny. After he was completely unable to move, he still insisted on driving a wheelchair with his only movable finger on the way to the office. When meeting Prince Charles, he turned his wheelchair to show off and ran over Prince Charles' toes. Of course, Hawking also tasted the consequences of "freedom" action. The master of quantum gravity jumped into the wheelchair many times under the weak gravity of the earth. Fortunately, every time he stubbornly "stood up".

1985, Hawking underwent tracheal surgery, and since then he has completely lost the ability to speak. It is under such circumstances that he made great efforts to write the famous A Brief History of Time and explored the origin of the universe.

4. Love life story: 150 words, love life short story, as follows:

The fate of three frogs

Three frogs fell into the milk bucket.

The first frog said, "This is fate." So it rolled up its hind legs and waited motionless for death.

The second frog said, "This bucket looks too deep. It's impossible to jump out with my jumping ability. I died today. " So he sank to the bottom of the bucket and drowned.

The third frog looked around and said, "What a pity! But my hind legs are still strong. I want to find a cushion and jump out of this terrible bucket! "

So, it paddles and jumps. Slowly, the milk turned into cream cubes with its stirring. Supported by the cream block, the frog jumped out of the milk bucket at last.

5. Composition about life 150 One Sunday morning, it was sunny and sunny, and my father took me fishing.

When we arrived at the river, my father and I began to take part in the fishing competition. I first took out a box of fish food, tied it to the hook, then threw it into the river with all my strength, and then sat on the shore waiting for the little fish to trap themselves.

After a while, the fishing rod sank and the fish bit the hook. I quickly lifted the fishing rod and the fish was put into the bucket. "It's time," dad shouted.

I caught 26, my dad caught 25, and I won! I jumped three feet for joy and accidentally slipped into the river. My father laughed. In the blink of an eye, the sun will set and we will go.

I will never forget it. Whenever I think about it, I laugh.

6. The story about life is about 100 words. This is a true story.

There is a woman named Huang Meilian who has suffered from cerebral palsy since she was a child. The symptoms of this disease are amazing, because the limbs lose their sense of balance, their hands and feet often move around, and their mouths often mumble vague words, which looks strange. According to her condition, the doctor judged that she would not live beyond 6 years old. In the eyes of ordinary people, she has lost her language ability and normal life, not to mention her future and happiness. However, she survived strongly. With tenacious will and perseverance, she was admitted to the famous University of California in the United States and obtained a doctorate in art. She expressed her feelings with her brush and good listening. In a lecture, a student boldly asked, "Dr. Huang, you grew up like this. What do you think of yourself? " Have you ever had a grudge? "Everyone present secretly blamed the student for his disrespect, but Huang Meilian was not happy at all. She wrote these lines on the blackboard very calmly:

First, I am so cute;

Second, my legs are very long and beautiful;

Third, mom and dad love me so much;

Fourth, I can draw and write;

5. I have a lovely cat; ……

Finally, she summed it up in one sentence: I only look at what I have, not what I don't have!

About cherishing life

2. Affirm that life respects life

Bill's eyes were injured in an accident, and his eyesight kept declining. In a few months, he will be completely blind. In order to leave something for his days of our lives, his wife decided to repaint the furniture and walls. The painter works very hard. Although his arm was broken, he was very happy, whistling while working. A week later, he finished painting and got to know Bill. Bill said to the painter, "You are so happy every day, which makes me very happy." When calculating the salary, the painter underestimated 100 dollars. Bill didn't understand: "Your salary is too low." The painter said, "I took more pictures. A man who is going blind is still so calm. You let me know what courage is. " Bill insisted on giving the painter another $65,438+000. He said: "I know that disabled people can live happily on their own."

Only those who love themselves can be loved by others, and only by knowing the preciousness of their lives can they be respected by others.

Never give up the hope of life.

In the morning, a lumberjack went to the forest to cut wood as usual. When he sawed off a thick pine tree with a chainsaw, the trunk bounced heavily on his leg. The severe pain made him feel that his eyes were dark. At this point, he only knew that the first thing he had to do was to stay awake. He tried to pull out his leg, but he couldn't. So he picked up the axe at hand and cut it hard at the trunk. After three or four cuts, the handle of the axe was broken. He picked up the chainsaw again and started sawing trees. But he soon found that the fallen pine tree was at a 45-degree angle, and the huge pressure would jam the chainsaw at any time; If there is something wrong with the chainsaw, there is no other way. He was cruel. He picked up a chainsaw and aimed it at his right leg, and amputated his leg ... The lumberjack simply bandaged his leg and decided to climb back. Along the way, he endured severe pain, crawled inch by inch, fainted again and again, and woke up again and again, with only one thought in his heart: he must go back alive.

7. To write a 450-word life, you need to write a specific thing in 300 words. A very common sentence hides many profound meanings. Life is colorful. Today, I want to tell you an indomitable and tenacious life. Let me tell you a story first: a man named Hawking, 17, was admitted to the famous Oxford University. He suffered from a terrible disease. The doctor said he could only live for two and a half years at most. This sudden disaster hit him like a flower that is about to open. But he thought: although only two and a half years, little time, he should try to do something meaningful and leave some glory for his life! Diseases kept attacking him, and Hawking finally couldn't even walk. He sat in a wheelchair and lost the ability to move his hands. Only four fingers can move. 1985, he got pneumonia again, and his trachea was cut off during treatment, and he could no longer make a sound. Later, people installed a computer and a speech synthesizer for him in his wheelchair. He typed words on the keyboard with only four fingers to form corresponding words. Through the speech synthesizer, he made a sound. He used this method to conduct academic exchanges and make academic reports. In the face of his tenacity, fate seems to have retreated. A year and a half have passed, and several two and a half years have passed, and he is still strong and alive.

Hawking eventually became a great astrophysicist. His book is popular all over the world, with a circulation of100000 copies. He was elected as a member of the Royal Society and became a Lucasson Professor of Mathematics, among which only a great scientist like Newton could be included. Hawking not only conquered the scientific community with his own achievements, but also demonstrated the tenacity of life with his tenacious fighting spirit. Everyone has only one life. You can choose to be weak or strong. Like Hawking, he fought against the disease tenaciously. Make brilliant academic achievements in a limited time, and his fate will be touched by him. I gave him many years, two years. This tenacity is what we need. People who end their lives easily when they encounter difficulties and setbacks do not cherish life! The beauty of life lies in his brilliance, but also in his indomitable spirit.

8. Touching stories about life, 150 words, online, etc. In an accidental building collapse, the mother and the baby were buried under the rubble together. One day, two days, three days, without rescue, more and more people died beside her, and mother's milk became scarce. The baby cried and kicked. He is hungry! The mother didn't despair, but the child's gradually hoarse cry gouged out her heart like a knife. Inadvertently, my mother cut her finger, and she took a sip, blood! Suddenly, there was a ray of hope in her haggard eyes! She fumbled for a sharp stone. .

Blood gurgles under your arm, like a river that never dries up. The baby sucked the long-lost "spring water" and made a cheerful hum, but the mother closed her eyes peacefully.

9. Love Life Composition 150 Words Love Life

All my life, I have always maintained a belief that the meaning of life lies in giving, not in receiving and not in giving.

Strive for-Ba Jin.

Indeed, as the great writer said, the meaning of life lies in giving and giving, not accepting and fighting. We should also love.

Life, cherish life, this is what we must do all our lives. On the other hand, we can't endanger life, let alone destroy it.

This will make you feel that life is worthless. That was not the case. For example, mosquitoes and flies have a short life span.

But when we tried to pat them with our hands, they flew away. I think they love life very much, although their life is very

It is short-lived, but it has no psychological thought of not wanting to live, but cherishes life. Let's think about it. A fly and a mosquito can be that hot.

Love life, what about us? We live a hundred times longer than them, but some people don't love life very much. These people are even ignorant.

Flies and mosquitoes are worse.

Here, I want to remind those people to love life, life is like time, which passes in a blink of an eye, so we should also love life!

10. Find some life stories of 50~ 150 words (true) 1. A young man came all the way to see the boundless master with a big package on his back. He said: "master, I am so lonely, so miserable, so lonely, and the long journey makes me extremely tired;" My shoes are torn and thorns cut my feet; My hand is hurt and bleeding. My voice is hoarse because I shouted ... why can't I find the sunshine in my heart? "

The master asked, "What's in your big package?" The young man said, "It means a lot to me. It is full of the pain of every fall, the crying after every injury, and every lonely worry ... Thanks to it, I came to you. "

So the boundless master took the youth to the river and they crossed the river by boat. After landing, the master said, "Go ahead with your boat!" "What, ship?" The young man was surprised. "It's so heavy, can I carry it?" "Yes, you can't." The master smiled and said, "when crossing the river, the boat is useful." But when we cross the river, we have to put down the boat and go quickly, otherwise it will become our burden. Pain, loneliness, loneliness, disaster and tears are all useful to life. It can sublimate life, but if you never forget it, it will become a burden to life. Put the gun down. Children, life can't be too heavy. "

The young man put down his luggage and went on his way. He found his pace relaxed and happy, much faster than before.

Feeling: "Let go of the baggage and start the machine" is not without benefits. Under the guidance of the boundless master, young people finally know that life is not so heavy. In fact, each of us should learn to give up pain, loneliness, loneliness, disaster and so on. When you meet on the road of life, let yourself go into battle lightly.

2. In hell, a large group of people are holding a long spoon around a bucket of soup, but because the spoon is too long to reach the mouth, everyone can only sigh and frown at the soup; In heaven, a large group of people are also holding long spoons around a bucket of soup. Although the handle of the spoon is very long, everyone scoops up the soup and feeds it to each other, and everyone is happy to drink the soup.

Feeling: helping others is helping yourself; Caring for others means caring for yourself.

3. When Confucius traveled around the world, he passed by Lvliang Waterfall. It poured down from a height, and the sound of water slammed. Then Confucius saw an old man go down. Confucius thought that the old man might have committed suicide, so he quickly called his disciples to save him. But in an instant, the old man appeared a hundred paces away. He walks and sings with white hair and is very handsome. Confucius caught up with him and humbly asked, "Please tell me, what is your secret to dealing with this current?" The old man smiled and said, I just went in with a whirlpool and came out with a whirlpool. I adapt to the trend, not the trend.

Feeling: coordinating with the whole and moving together with the whole. This is really a new understanding of "going with the flow".

In ancient times, there was a scholar who went to Beijing for the third time to take the exam and lived in a shop where he often lived. Two days before the exam, he had two dreams: the first dream was that he planted cabbage on the wall; The second dream is rain. He is wearing a hat and an umbrella. These two dreams seem to have some profound meanings, so the scholar hurried to find a fortune-telling dream interpretation the next day. Hearing this, the fortune teller patted his thigh continuously and said, "You'd better go home. Think about it, isn't it futile to grow cabbage on the high wall? Isn't it unnecessary to wear a hat and an umbrella? "

Hearing this, the scholar was disheartened and went back to the store to pack his bags and prepare to go home. The shopkeeper was surprised and asked, "Isn't there an exam tomorrow? How did you go back to your hometown today? "

When the scholar said this, the shopkeeper was happy: "Hey, I can interpret dreams, too. I think you must stay this time. Think about it, isn't it high (middle) to grow cabbage on the wall? Doesn't wearing a hat and an umbrella mean that you are prepared this time? " Hearing this, the scholar felt that it was more reasonable, so he took the exam happily, and as a result, he actually won a flower exploration.

Feeling: positive people, like the sun, shine wherever they shine; Negative people are like the moon, but the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is different. Ideas determine our lives. What kind of ideas, what kind of future.