Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Most people don't learn the Book of Changes. People who read the Book of Changes are crazy.

Most people don't learn the Book of Changes. People who read the Book of Changes are crazy.

Ordinary people should not learn the Book of Changes and live up to the precious spiritual wealth left by their ancestors. But a gentleman must treat it in a proper way. Not all spiritual wealth will make you a blessed person.

It is true that Buddhism and the Book of Changes are the treasures of China culture, and we can see all kinds of life and give people wisdom. You should know that Buddhism and the Book of Changes are both difficult to control, and the threshold for learning is very high. Not everyone can "get the Tao" after learning.

Master nan huaijin also warned young people not to study Buddhism and the Book of Changes.

Buddhism as "Spirit"

Buddhism has a profound influence on China culture. After Sui and Tang Dynasties, Buddhism flourished in China and took root in Zen culture. Since the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism has penetrated into all parts of China culture. Not only practitioners devoted themselves to Buddhism, but also scholars turned to Buddhism, which became an irresistible fashion trend at that time.

Now some people regard Buddhism as a "spirit" to comfort the soul. Life is impermanent, and "bitterness" is an unavoidable taste. No happiness can last forever, so life will inevitably fall into disappointment and pain. Learning Buddhism can "digest" suffering. So many people are eager for Buddhism.

The Mysterious Book of Changes

There is no doubt about the position of the Book of Changes in China culture. The answer to the question of choosing a book to represent China culture will not be The Analects of Confucius, nor the Tao Te Ching, but the Book of Changes.

Some people say that even if you read thousands of books in the world, you might as well read the Book of Changes. Some people say that the Book of Changes is a classic among classics, a philosophy in philosophy and wisdom in wisdom. Others say that the source of the avenue is hidden in the Book of Changes, and people's ideological realm after reading it is extraordinary.

There are indeed many celebrities who support this view. Throughout the ages, successful people will read the Book of Changes, because reading the Book of Changes is like reading a more advanced way of dealing with people.

Confucius once said that if you understand the Book of Changes, you can stay away from the major mistakes in life. Zeng Guofan once said that reading the Book of Changes is like gaining the ability to settle down. Ma's father once said that in the workplace, the Book of Changes is the "sunflower collection" in the workplace. Reading it will benefit you for life, and you can achieve something mainly because you read the Book of Changes earlier than others.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, mentioning the Book of Changes will be associated with gossip. Speaking of gossip, many people naturally think of those characters in Peking Opera who wear gossip robes and shake goose feather fans. They know everything about the underground and the sky. In this way, the Book of Changes has a mysterious color.

Master's warning

Buddhism and the Book of Changes are so good, do you want to study them in depth? Master Nan Huai Jin gave the opposite statement. He believes that young people should not study Buddhism and the Book of Changes.

Are the opinions and suggestions of Master nan huaijin reliable? Nan can be regarded as a "master" for a certain reason. He is a great man who is a professor, a layman, a protector, a religionist, a philosopher and a saint. He was once called the contemporary "Tianshi". Master nan huaijin himself devoted himself to the study of Buddhism and the Book of Changes. Why did he warn young people not to learn Buddhism and the Book of Changes easily?

According to Master nan huaijin, learning Buddhism and the Book of Changes requires certain conditions and is not suitable for all ordinary people. There are two kinds of people to try, one is a man of great wisdom, and the other is a man who has never read a book at all.

Master nan huaijin believes that ordinary people in the middle stage of wisdom are more self-aware, so don't learn Buddhism and Yijing just because they are curious. Curiosity kills the cat. If you dabble in Buddhism and the Book of Changes, you must remember to study half of it. If you don't study hard, you will protect yourself. Buddhism and the Book of Changes have been studied to the end, and man is a loser.

Don't delve into the reasons of Buddhism and the Book of Changes.

Master nan huaijin doesn't respect young people to learn Buddhism. One reason is that it takes too much time to learn Buddhism. Buddhist knowledge can be described in four words, that is, vast. They are like department stores, with everything in them. But if you really want to learn to understand it, it will take time. Young people's time and energy are limited and precious, and should be left to more meaningful things.

Second, Buddhism is not easy to learn. Looking around, there are few famous Buddhist researchers in modern China. Learning Buddhism requires people with superior wisdom to truly understand and comprehend.

Third, learning Buddhism is not simple, and it needs a profound realm of pessimism. In fact, for ordinary people, there is no need for them to have such a high level. They have spent their whole lives knowing that good is rewarded with good. Kindness, doing good deeds in daily life, kindness is a complete life, and there is no need to be an ascetic.

If you can keep a peaceful mind and handle all kinds of relationships well all your life, it is actually more useful than meditation, burning incense and worshiping Buddha every day. As long as you are honest, you can face everything calmly, and when you look back on your life when you are old, you will have no regrets.

Master nan huaijin warned young people not to delve into the Book of Changes. One reason is that the Book of Changes is a book with "charm", which will make people forget the time and get stuck.

Master nan huaijin used his personal experience to warn young people not to study the Book of Changes, especially at night. This is not because I ching can exorcise ghosts and spirits. Maybe you will hear the old-timers say that the Book of Changes can ward off evil spirits, and all monsters stay away from the Book of Changes. Some people even say that if a person is seriously ill and puts the Book of Changes on a pillow, the sick ghost can be driven away.

Nan huaijin, on the other hand, reads the Book of Changes at night, but he keeps himself awake all night with excitement. When he reads the Book of Changes at night, he will be attracted by one question after another in the Book of Changes. A question has just been solved, and at the same time a new question will appear. If you continue to study like this, you will wake up before you know it, and dawn will come.

Therefore, Master nan huaijin will send out the feeling that "I don't know how many springs I have gone, but I just sit in a small window and watch Zhouyi". Young people have to study the Book of Changes and suffer from insomnia every night. This is very frustrating. For young people in their prime, long-term study of the Book of Changes can not only make them youthful, but also make them sleepy.

Second, studying the Book of Changes requires great wisdom. The Book of Changes is the first of the group classics, which can make people "fascinated" and fall into it unconsciously. All China's philosophies are derived from the Book of Changes.

Then if you study the Book of Changes, you must have first-class wisdom to prepare, not only dialectical thinking, but also profound knowledge and experience. Otherwise, just like a novice practicing kung fu, you will be possessed. People who are not wise enough may be biased in the study of the Book of Changes, and superficially think that the Book of Changes is equivalent to fortune-telling gossip, thinking that they have spied a mysterious "secret".

In fact, it's just self-deception, and the learning process will involve a lot of personal time and energy.

The three Book of Changes are all-encompassing, covering a huge area. Studying it requires a lifetime of preparation, but it may lead to a lifetime of incomplete research. Master Nan Huai Jin also admitted that he had only learned half of it.

The splendid culture is there, which is very attractive. But cultural acquisition is not easy. Before you decide to study Buddhism and Yijing, you should fully predict yourself and don't overestimate yourself. After careful consideration, decide whether to "get started". If you are attracted by the aura of Buddhism and the Book of Changes blindly, you will only make yourself more and more "useless".

Being a man is more important, enough is enough, and you can do what you can. When you are alive, don't blindly compare with others. Everyone is different. What suits others may not suit you.

Only the role of living in the present can live a high and wonderful life. If you blindly compare with others, you will only embarrass yourself and eventually make yourself exhausted.

The above is related to the fact that ordinary people should not study the Book of Changes, and it is about nan huaijin's sharing. People are crazy after reading the Book of Changes. I hope this will help everyone!