Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why is your back so cold?

Why is your back so cold?

Cold back may be caused by many reasons. Temperature may be an important factor. When the ambient temperature is low, it is a normal physiological reaction to feel cold in the back. When our body sweats, the evaporation of sweat will take away heat, which will lead to the decrease of body surface temperature, thus making our back feel cool.

Blood circulation may also affect the feeling in the back. Normal blood circulation can keep the temperature balance of all parts of the body. If the blood flow is not smooth or there are circulation problems, such as vasoconstriction or blockage, it may cause the back to feel cool.

The nervous system may also play a role in back chills. The reaction and transmission of nerve endings can affect our perception of temperature. If nerve endings are insensitive or abnormal to temperature stimuli, it may cause the back to feel unusually cool.

Psychological factors may also have an effect on back cold. Negative emotions such as emotional tension, anxiety and fear will cause vasoconstriction and muscle tension, which will further affect blood circulation and body surface temperature. Therefore, if you feel nervous or worried, it may make your back feel cool.

Cold back may be caused by environmental temperature, blood circulation, nervous system and psychological factors. If you feel cold in your back or have other physical discomfort, it is recommended to consult a doctor for further examination and diagnosis. As suggested by the skin director, using proper body lotion also helps to keep the skin moist and warm.