Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How do gentlemen get rich?

How do gentlemen get rich?

According to records, Jiaqing raided the property of Xiao Shenyang in four years, including 109 copies. If you make a detailed list, it is enough for a book, and a small part of it, about 26 volumes, is worth more than 200 million taels of silver. It is estimated that its total assets should be more than 800 million taels of silver, with at least four Liu Jin. I'm afraid little Shenyang, who was in prison at that time, didn't think he would have so much money himself. He only knows that he has money, but how much is it? Emperor Jiaqing organized a team to spend time and energy explaining it to him.

If converted into today's RMB at purchasing power parity, it is about 25 billion. Today, it is distributed to 654.38+03 billion people in China on average, and everyone can probably get 200 yuan. At the end of Qianlong period, the actual annual income of the state finance was about 70 million taels of silver, and the property of small Shenyang was equivalent to the financial income of the prosperous period of the Qing Dynasty 10. At that time, there was a saying: "When Shenyang fell, Jiaqing was full."

This is the real richest man in China and the biggest corrupt official in China.

Seize the opportunity to go to heaven.

Xiao Shenyang, surnamed Niu Kelu, is from Manchuria. His ancestors were Manchu nobles. Although his career began in the army, he never got a high position. Seeing that Wu Zhi was hopeless, the father hoped that his two sons would embark on the road of being an official and add luster to the family, so he sent his younger brother and Lin to the official school.

At that time, in the official school, many aristocratic children sold the hypocrisy, fighting and rumors in the officialdom as news. Little Shenyang not only learned the knowledge in books, but also learned the knowledge of officialdom. At that time, Ma Feng, the beloved granddaughter, was married to Lian Win, the minister of punishments and assistant minister of the Ministry of Finance and the governor of Manchuria. Later, Xiao Shenyang failed, and even won the plan, making him a bodyguard who coordinated the management of the emperor's funeral and etiquette duties. Although the position of this errand is not high, it is good to be close to the emperor and have the opportunity to ascend to heaven. Small Shenyang, which is good at opportunism, just seized this opportunity.

On one occasion, Emperor Qianlong left the palace. When we set out, we couldn't find the royal Huanglong umbrella cover in a hurry. Gan Long was very angry and borrowed a sentence from The Analects of Confucius and asked, "Who is guilty?" The people present looked at each other and didn't know how to answer. At this time, Xiao Shenyang immediately stood up and replied: "The guardian must not resign."

Emperor Qianlong was surprised, because the note on the last sentence of the four books was: "Is the defender of SARS too evil?" Here, small Shenyang is flexible and natural. Emperor Qianlong was a man who loved talents very much, so he called Xiao Shenyang to ask him on the spot. Xiao Shenyang gave a decent answer, which made Emperor Qianlong very satisfied.

In this way, Xiao Shenyang won the favor of Emperor Qianlong through this sentence and put him in charge of the honor guard. Soon, he was promoted to commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief, and he was in charge of trivial matters among officials, such as ceremonial arrangements, escort dispatch, preparation of horses and chariots, and food preparation, and stayed with Emperor Qianlong every day. Small Shenyang also seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and put all his thoughts on studying and pondering the emperor Qianlong, reaching a "realm" that ordinary courtiers could not reach.

Xiao Shenyang is really a talented person. He knows four languages: Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan, and he is smart and flexible. Qianlong relied heavily on him in dealing with ethnic affairs. Moreover, he is good at managing money. First, he is good at managing money for Qianlong. He can meet Qianlong's economic requirements without using the national treasury, and then manage his finances "by the way".

Gan Long is an emperor who enjoys pleasure. He pursued splendor in everything, and his life in his later years was extremely luxurious: he made six southern tours and built thirty palaces along the way; He expanded Yuanmingyuan and Summer Resort, and built entertainment places that imitated the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River. He celebrated his 10 birthday at the age of 80. These all need a lot of money, and a lot of money is not convenient to spend from the state treasury. where is the money to come from? With little Shenyang here, all this seems to be no problem. Small Shenyang has found a new source of income for him. One is Chongwenmen tariff, and the other is circulation bank. In addition, he also holds important financial positions such as Shangshu and Interior Minister, so he is actually the financial housekeeper of Qianlong.

Small Shenyang is also good at trying to figure out the sacred will, just to his liking. Gan Long loved writing poetry and calligraphy all his life. In order to cater to Gan Long, he made a lot of efforts in these areas and reached a higher level. Ganlong's calligraphy is very skillful. Xiao Shenyang's handwriting resembles that of Qianlong, which may have been imitated by him on purpose. Lian Win, a great scholar, once praised Xiao Shenyang's calligraphy as "vigorous and full, elegant and smart", and some poems in the later period of Qianlong were written by Xiao Shenyang. According to textual research, the imperial poem tablet hanging in the main hall of the Forbidden City was written by Xiao Shenyang.

Little Shenyang didn't write inscriptions everywhere to show his talent like Ji Xiaolan did. Talent for him is just to please the emperor, not to show off. He has his golden rule of officialdom: never show up at an inappropriate time, especially in front of Ganlong. Elegance can be a vassal, and it is very important to master a degree.

In life, Little Shenyang took good care of Gan Long and moved in specially.

There are many talented ministers and many people who are good at flattering the emperor. There seems to be a gap between A Gui, Liu Yong, who was born in a famous family and brilliant, and Ji Xiaolan, who was called the first gifted scholar in the Qing Dynasty, so it is necessary to have its own unique way. In front of Qianlong, Xiao Shenyang did not call himself a "minister" but a "slave". He pays special attention to the care of Ganlong in life, and Ganlong is not feeling well. Little Shenyang knew at a glance that he personally beat his waist and told some slang jokes to Ganlong in his spare time, which made Ganlong laugh. Can other ministers do this?

Under meticulous care, Qianlong almost regarded his family and married his beloved daughter Princess Xiao to his son.

Only good at financial management, not involving military and political affairs.

Except for foreign affairs and ethnic affairs, the positions in Little Shenyang are basically related to finance. He has served as assistant minister, minister of household affairs, minister of the interior, and also served as tax supervisor of Chongwenmen, managing the three libraries of silver, satin and pigment for a long time. These are all important financial positions. At the same time, it is responsible for the expansion of Yuanmingyuan and Summer Resort. In other words, he is in charge of money and he is spending money. Naturally, there are countless articles that can be done in this tube flower, and it is difficult for others to find them. The expansion of Yuanmingyuan spent more than 300 million taels of silver, but it is impossible to calculate how much Shenyang embezzled from it.

Xiao Shenyang also has an important position, that is, the person in charge of bill collection. Negotiating banks, also known as penalty banks or self-negotiating banks, are mainly designed for provincial governors, salt administration, weaving, tax and customs supervision and other officials. Once they commit a crime, they must pay a fine to avoid investigation. The amount of the fine depends on the seriousness of the crime. These fines belong to the emperor's private control, not to the state treasury. As the private financial manager of Emperor Qianlong, Xiao Shenyang is of course responsible for the negotiation bank system. This has brought him several major benefits: first, it can embezzle part of the bank; Second, you can use this to ask for bribes; Third, and most importantly, we can use this to win over interpersonal relationships and form our own power.

In his later years, official corruption became a common practice. Many officials are worried that they will be fined heavily, so they pay bribes to Xiao Shenyang early to prevent accidents. In this way, once convicted, small Shenyang will roll with the punches and roll with the punches. Small Shenyang has thus established a huge interpersonal network. This kind of interpersonal network relationship is very important, because corrupt officials protect each other, and their power is enough to spread all over the ruling and opposition parties, which is also more conducive to corruption in small Shenyang.

But through all these positions, we will find that almost all the positions held by Xiao Shenyang are related to the emperor's private affairs: interior minister, managing the expenses of the emperor and the palace; Chongwenmen tax and negotiation bank is responsible for collecting money and handing it over to the emperor for private expenses; Yuanmingyuan and Summer Resort are for the enjoyment of His Majesty. In other words, he is the personal property manager of Emperor Qianlong. When his account is checked, it is the emperor's account. Who dares? On the other hand, Xiao Shenyang is very clever. He is just corrupt, does not interfere in the military and political affairs, and will not pose a threat to the rule of Emperor Qianlong. He didn't force the prince to death like Jiang Chong, nor did he play politics like Li and Yang, so Emperor Qianlong could tolerate him.

Safe and sound in several attacks

In the fifty-first year of Qianlong, in June 1786, the imperial envoy Cao Xibao impeached Liu Quan, a family member: "Liu, as a coachman, is in charge of housework, extravagant and well-equipped. How can he be like this, unless he invades the main wealth, embezzles and cheats, or swindles in the name of his master. " At that time, Xiao Shenyang was accompanying Ganlong in Jehol, saying that he didn't know about it. In fact, before Qianlong received the memorial, he had learned the news from his confidant Wu, and immediately ordered Liu Quan to immediately destroy all his living quarters, clothes, chariots and horses, and hide all the objects that were over-controlled, leaving no trace. In this way, naturally no evidence was found. Finally, the supervisor who devoted himself to the country not only failed to succeed in small Shenyang, but also was doubted by the emperor about his character. A few years later, he was very angry.

Small Shenyang made a series of adjustments to the supervision system to ensure that adverse public opinion would not reach the emperor. He stipulated that all memorials presented to the emperor in the future must be sent to the military department at the same time, so that it is not easy for anyone to report his situation to the emperor. He also stipulated that when the position of censor is vacant, it can only be held by an old minister over 60 years old. Little Shenyang blocked almost all the passages leading to the emperor with his power, so that the emperor could sit back and relax.

There is also a bold suggestion, Qian Feng, who once won a partial victory in the contest with Xiao Shenyang. At that time, Qian Feng, with the support of Liu Yong, cleverly seized the evidence of the partisans of Xiao Shenyang, Shandong Governor Guo Tai and Bu Zhengyu, and put them to death. Subsequently, Qian Feng continued to attack and personally impeached Xiao Shenyang. The emperor appointed Qian Feng as the "inspection department". But less than a year later, Qian Feng died suddenly. It is said that Qian Feng was poisoned by Xiao Shenyang. Another adviser, Guan Shiming, just threatened to impeach Xiao Shenyang at a banquet and died suddenly that night.

Another sneak attack on Xiao Shenyang was in the fifty-fifth year of Qianlong, the 80th birthday of the emperor, and Xiao Shenyang was responsible for organizing the celebration. Xiao Shenyang made this celebration wonderful, which made Gan Long very satisfied. At this time, it happened that Yin Zhuang, a bachelor of cabinet, photographed the throne and criticized the bank charging system, saying that the local governor had to pay a fine to blackmail local state and county officials, resulting in a state and county financial deficit. Not only failed to make local governors sincerely repent, but made officialdom more corrupt. Please send secret officials to various places to clean up the deficit.

As soon as this paper came out, Qianlong immediately went on the rampage. He is very confident in the way he manages the world. He doesn't believe that this kind of thing will happen in the "prosperous rule", and he doesn't believe that such a smart and capable person will be deceived by a villain-it hurts self-esteem and face! Therefore, he expressed deep doubts about Yin Zhuang's motivation to pay homage on the map.

Xiao Shenyang suggested that the emperor send ministers to investigate, but let his cronies serve as imperial envoys. In this way, naturally, we won't pursue any problems. The emperor was content and magnanimous. He didn't commit the felony of treating Yin Zhuangtu, but dismissed from office and remained in office. In this way, in several attacks, small Shenyang was safe and sound, but the fate of the attackers was not good. Since then, no one has dared to wage war easily. As we all know, Emperor Qianlong was praised by Xiao Shenyang before his death. He thought he was a perfect saint "a perfect old man". He doesn't believe and doesn't want to believe that he will have even a little problem-this is absolutely untouchable.

seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

Xiao Shenyang has performed on the political stage of Qianlong for more than twenty years. Although many people were dissatisfied with him and attacked him many times, there was nothing they could do. The reason is not only that Xiao Shenyang won the favor of Qianlong and found a solid backer for himself, but also that he has worked hard in officialdom for many years and formed a huge circle of villains. Ouyang Xiu's "Theory of cronies" said that "gentlemen and gentlemen should be friends with the same people; Villains and villains are like-minded friends. This is natural. But, I said, a villain has no friends, and a gentleman has friends. What is the reason? The villain is kind and detached; Greedy people have goods and wealth. When they share the same interests, the temporary party becomes friends, which is also false. And strive for the first place at the sight of profit, or gain at the expense of profit, the thief will do harm, although brothers and relatives can't protect each other. Therefore, the minister said that the villain has no friends and is a friend for the time being, which is also false. "

For a villain, there are absolutely no eternal friends, only eternal interests. The main motive for the villains to form small groups and groups is the word "profit", and its manifestations are "seeking profit" and "avoiding harm"-this is the fundamental reason why Little Shenyang can form a power group.

Small Shenyang exploits wealth, and the following officials at all levels exploit small Shenyang: First, in order to obtain greater benefits, promote to a higher position and make a fortune; The second is to avoid disasters and seek self-protection in times of crisis. Little Shenyang does have a reputation. If he receives money, he can do things for others. If he is promoted, he will be guaranteed. He has the ability to accept and do things. Over time, he formed a unique golden signboard, monopoly and credibility.

This business has been going on for a long time. Can small Shenyang and adults have no circles and influence? As long as they are officials from small Shenyang, who wants small Shenyang to fall? Lord Baohe is also protecting his job and future. All the glory, all the losses, long live the "second emperor" with your honor!

Little Shenyang knows that the people gathered around him are mostly greedy and vain villains, but as long as they can do things for themselves and be loyal to themselves, they can also unite around them.

Xiao Shenyang's practice of protecting his uncle is an example. When he was young, he took his younger brother and Lin to his uncle's Mingbaomen, hoping to take them in. At that time, Mingbao's family was well-off, but he ruthlessly swept them out of the house and added harsh words. After the success of Xiao Shenyang, Mingbao brazenly came to curry favor with him and mentioned his nephew's feelings. According to common sense, small Shenyang will definitely ignore it. In jealous people, they will also use their power to retaliate. However, Xiao Shenyang accepted Mingbao's gift as a gift from his nephew and uncle, and wrote to Gan Long, sponsoring him to be an official and making him a magistrate. Since then, Mingbao has a close relationship with Xiao Shenyang and often goes in and out of the court.

The "prosperous period of kanggan" lasted for a long time, and the society was still relatively rich, especially the wealthy businessmen in Jiangnan, who had strong financial resources, but never had much social status. Small Shenyang is also interested in these people. Businessmen are either rich or expensive, and they are more willing to meet adults and find a political backer. The combination of small Shenyang and businessmen has many advantages: one satisfies his own pocket; Second, Ganlong went down to the south of the Yangtze River and called on wealthy businessmen from all over the country to actively donate money, which created a prosperous scene for Ganlong. Of course, wealthy businessmen also gained political status. Third, small Shenyang also operated many businesses, including almost all profitable industries at that time, and these businesses could not be separated from the assistance of businessmen from various countries. These also show the cleverness of Xiao Shenyang.

People can't help themselves in officialdom Relatives have repeatedly advised He Shen to stop early, just as his daughter-in-law and Princess Xiao said, "Your grandfather is loved by the emperor's father, and there is nothing to be rewarded but a bribe. I am afraid that he will lose his family. " However, under the circumstances at that time, it no longer depends on small Shenyang. He single-handedly built a huge circle, but also subject to this circle, every move will have a global impact.

Little people have no friends.

Lin Yong, Prince of Qinnuo, is the 17th son of Qianlong. He is indifferent to the competition for protected areas, but he is obsessed with the luxury houses in small Shenyang. He once said, "How dare you be delusional about the great events in the world? I only hope that one day I can live in the Little Shenyang Mansion and I will be satisfied. " Later, Jiaqing came to power, confiscated the house of Xiao Shenyang and gave it to Prince Qingnuo, which satisfied his wish.

Finally, in the fourth year of Jiaqing, A.D. 1799, on the morning of the third day of the first month, the 89-year-old Emperor Qianlong passed away. Emperor Jiaqing, who has endured for many years, can't wait to kill Xiao Shenyang. On the second day after the death of Emperor Qianlong, Jiaqing deprived Xiao Shenyang of his position as military minister and do magistrate, and ordered him and his henchmen Fu Changan to guard the mourning hall day and night, "not to come in and out at will", which was actually to put them under house arrest and make them afraid to make trouble. On the same day, Jiaqing issued another imperial edict, exposing all the problems in Qianlong's later years and pointing the finger directly at Xiao Shenyang.

Small Shenyang, which depended on imperial power all its life, suddenly collapsed after losing the support of imperial power. On the eighth day of the first month, he and his henchmen Fu Changan were arrested and imprisoned, and their property was copied. The list of property copied on the 16th day of the first month shocked the world, and some corrupt officials in history were overshadowed by Xiao Shenyang.

Some ministers relaxed and urged them to pursue other parties. Jiaqing didn't do this, but punished several main figures, namely, Wu Provincial Lan and Wu Provincial Qin. Lin He died, and other people who recommended or paid bribes to Xiao Shenyang were not investigated. Really "little people have no friends", as long as they are not counted on their own heads, no one jumps out to intercede for small Shenyang and adults, and there is no political storm.

On the 18th day of the first month, Emperor Jiaqing ordered Xiao Shenyang to hang himself in prison. At this time, Xiao Shenyang was about 50 years old, and he was 49 years old. Finally, because of the royal family, there was no plagiarism. His son Feng?enyende soon found a place to bury him. Small Shenyang phenomenon is a special phenomenon: it is impossible for anyone in the world to be so corrupt. However, the phenomenon of small Shenyang is a very common phenomenon: in front of big countries, there will always be villains making profits; The defects of the political system will always make the villain succeed for a while, thus causing great losses to the country and the people.

The talent and wealth of small Shenyang has become an interesting and heavy topic.