Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Grandma You Dunzi in Shanghai basically paid off her debts before her death. How hard did she work before she died?

Grandma You Dunzi in Shanghai basically paid off her debts before her death. How hard did she work before she died?

The grandmother who sold oil chopping boards in Shanghai basically paid off her debts before her death, but she died before she had time to enjoy herself. After learning about this, netizens mourned for her. Grandma worked very hard before her death: she worked day and night just to pay off her son's debts, and she also needed to take care of her son who was unable to work.

First, the son went bankrupt and was in debt, and grandma took the initiative to bear it.

Grandma finally brought up her son, who should have enjoyed his retirement, but he didn't expect that his son was in debt when he started his business and went bankrupt, and he was seriously ill and lost his ability to work. To this end, the grandmother can only reopen the store, busy from morning till night, and even have no chance to rest during the Chinese New Year. Together with her wife, she will get her son's debt expenses out and write them down in the notebook, counting the day to pay them off.

Second, my wife and I made an appointment to pay off our debts and live in Beijing, but I didn't wait until that day.

Both old people have a wish, that is, to help their sons pay off their debts and settle down in Beijing, see the beautiful scenery there and enjoy a beautiful life. However, because grandma stood as a chopping block for a long time, her body became diseased. When I received her letter again, she had already passed away, leaving her husband alone. Their shop is closed because she has disappeared. After letting netizens know about grandma, many people couldn't help crying.

Third, a kind grandmother is worth remembering.

Everyone who has talked to grandma knows that she is a hardworking and kind person. She never sells her goods at a particularly high price in order to pay off her debts as soon as possible, nor does she take more money from customers. All her income is earned by her own labor. At the same time, she is very friendly to customers, and many people recall that she is as amiable as her grandmother. Today, the grandmother who has passed away still exists in many people's hearts. I am very grateful to her for her strength and kindness, warmth and touching many people.