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Female Novels Encountered by Fortune Tellers _ Free Reading of Female Novels Encountered by Fortune Tellers

Female novels encountered by fortune tellers

From chapter 38 of the first book. These chapters are as follows:

"March 8th" The first chapter 38 conspiracy

After autumn, the emperor's condition improved slightly. At this time, there was a sudden rumor of ghosts in the palace. A minister surnamed Zhao said that he saw the ghosts of Wenxuan emperors Gao Yang and Yang Cheng heading west in Yecheng, threatening to avenge Gao Yan. Under the high performance and great horror, many ceremonies were held to exorcise ghosts and soothe the nerves, boiling oil and splashing it everywhere, chasing it with torches. His illness became more and more serious because of such a fright.

On this day, the long-term worker was about to say a few words with Gao Zhan, and he and Xiao Yu left in a hurry. Uncle Jiu seems to have been very busy these days, and so does Big Brother. He went out early and returned late, and spent most of his time in Changguang Wang Fu. Moreover, she went to Changguang Palace several times and often saw court officials visiting her uncle.

Among these officials, there is a history of officials surnamed Zhao.

I don't know why, Chang Gong always feels a little uneasy. Uncle Jiu and Big Brother seem to be planning something.

Something called danger seems to be approaching slowly.

In a blink of an eye, it was the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. This Qixi Qiaoqi Festival is Longbow's least favorite festival. On this day, every household, regardless of rank, will spread out all the books and clothes in the yard according to the custom. Therefore, the whole high house is busy, full of colorful and splendid places, just like a clothing workshop.

Therefore, long-term workers have long had countermeasures. At dawn, she slipped out of the house and planned to wander the street for a day until the sun went down.

Coincidentally, as soon as she sat down in the breakfast shop, she saw a familiar figure coming not far away.

The morning sun shone on his face, as if dizzy with a golden luster; The morning breeze blows the light blue sleeves and dances in the cool air, but in those black eyes, it seems a little more hazy than usual.

"Hengjia!" She gave a quick cry.

Hengjia was obviously taken aback when she saw it was her, but immediately rolled up her smile, walked up to her and sat down on the bench next to her.

This small breakfast shop was suddenly crowded with two fairies-like beautiful teenagers, which made everyone almost lose their chins. The boss was delighted to find that in the blink of an eye, the breakfast shop was crowded with girls and sisters-in-law, and two grandmothers almost fought because of the last position. ...

"Hengjia, why are you so early?" Dragon Palace took a bite of steamed bread in surprise, completely ignoring the burning eyes around.

Hengjia shook her head helplessly. Zhong Er took out all the clothes and quilts in the room early in the morning to dry. "。 Even I am covered with a quilt, so how can I sleep ... "

No wonder his eyes are a little blurred today. It turns out that he hasn't fully recovered. Chang Hong gave a sloped smile. "So you and I are from the bad karma tortured by this festival. By the way, who is Zhong Er? One of your concubines? "

Hengjia gave her an oblique look. "Zhong Er is the new girl in our family."

The long-term worker gave a cry, "Pass the house girl."

"What do you think of it here, a ..." Hengjia paused and swallowed the words "girl's home" at the back. Since knowing her identity, I have always looked at her unconsciously with the eyes of a woman, so I almost let it slip again just now.

"Just kidding with you. Let me treat you to breakfast today. If I guess correctly, you must have no money on you? " The long-term workers speak loudly, attracting more people's attention. Hengjia suddenly had the urge to cover her mouth.

After breakfast, they went shopping together. They are poor people who can't go home anyway. Along the way, men, women and children can be seen everywhere taking things out of their homes to dry, with various patterns. When they came to the door of a private school, the long-term workers suddenly saw a fat old man lying there with an empty stomach, as if he were sleeping soundly, holding a book that had been read half. He seems to be a teacher.

Long Gong blinked, pointing to the fat old man read smoothly and said, "old man, paunchy. Lazy reading, but sleepy. "

Hengjia smiled and answered, "My stomach is loose and my five meridians are barnyard grass."

Unexpectedly, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, patted his stomach and smiled. "The belly is poop, and the five meridians are barnyard grass. This childe said well, don't look at this big belly, it is full of sages and classics. "

He suddenly sat up, startled Chang Gong, and blurted out, "Old people live first."

The old man took a bite. "Bah, when did I die?"

"This old gentleman, my friend can't talk, please don't take it amiss." Hengjia showed a gentle and polite smile.

The old man looked at him approvingly. "I like listening to you, unlike some people who either satirize people or curse them to death."

The long-term worker made a face at the old man. Such a grumpy old man ...

"Your child is predestined friends with me. Why don't I give you a divination?" The old man proudly said to Hengjia.

"Aren't you a teacher? How can you tell a fortune? " Chang Hong rolled her eyes. "It must be a lie."

"Cheating? Little fellow, tell me the date of birth and see if I can be accurate! " The old man became anxious as soon as he heard the word cheating.

Dragon Palace snorted, and in order to file his pride, he casually reported his date of birth.

The old man pinched his fingers and his face changed slightly. "Strange, if this eight-character boy was born, he should be dead."

The heart of the long-term worker suddenly missed a few beats. Mother told her that the old man could think of it and bit her like an old man. "When did I die?"

The old man shook his head doubtfully. "What went wrong? I can't see everything after the boy is born, but if the role is a girl, it will be even harder. "

"How to be troubled?" Hengjia interjected at a side.

"If a girl lost her father and mother when she was a child, her life was bumpy and she suffered a lot," the old man looked at her with a little sympathy and said slowly, "The most important thing is that a beautiful woman can't stay in the world."

Hengjia's smile was fixed on her lips, and she felt a little uneasy and uneasy. He stretched out his hand and pulled the long-term worker out, but he didn't forget to say, "What a liar."

Dragon Palace was pulled to the side of the road by him, but he rolled up a nonchalant smile. "Heng Jia, I told you this fat old man is a liar. I think it should be, old man, paunchy. Full stomach, big bad water. "

Hengjia clearly wanted to laugh, but a little coolness kept coming to her mind. Only those two sentences have been echoing in her mind, "The beauty is drunk, the flower is drunk, and the most important thing is that she can't stay on earth."

The most important thing is that the world cannot stay. ...

Can't stay on earth. ...

At this time, the originally clear sky suddenly darkened, and the overwhelming darkness began to sweep across the sky, devouring the sun bit by bit. Only one person panicked and shouted, "Oh, no, the dog is coming!" " In an instant, the street was like a frying pan, a mess. Everywhere there are people who hit people, trample people, panic-stricken people running around, screaming in horror, as if the end is coming. ...

The long-term worker was also shocked, subconsciously leaning on Hengjia and stammering: "Hengjia, what is this? What is this?"

Hengjia dragged her to the corner while she was in a coma. "Don't be afraid, today is Tengu Food Day."

"Tiangou Food Day?"

"Who told you never study hard when you were a child? You don't even know this. This abnormal phenomenon has existed since Xia and Shang Dynasties. Tiangou eats the sun and is extremely fierce. "

Knowing that he was indefensible, the long-term workers stopped quibbling and looked up at the sky. I saw a dazzling and strange orange light around the sun, slowly sinking into the darkness, as if dying bit by bit. There is a deep uneasiness in her heart. Dogs will eat the sun, which is a terrible omen. There really is something unknown-will it happen?

"Long purge, don't look. It will hurt your eyes. " Heng Jia said, and gently covered her eyes with her hand. His gentle voice is like a fountain, jade, which makes her restless heart settle down slowly, and it seems that there is a trickle in her ear, which is quiet and natural.

The sun finally disappeared, and suddenly the world was in chaos.

Long-term workers, I'm sure I can stay. "He suddenly whispered.

The long-term worker looked up somehow, but his eyes were covered with his hands and he could see nothing. I can only feel that his hands are a little wet, as cold as his own, but his palms are a little warm, which can't be ignored, and they are warm to the apex along an invisible line.

Not long after, the original position of the sun appeared bright and pleasing light blue and red light, and the edge of the sun was exposed bit by bit, and finally returned to its original appearance. The long-term workers felt that the light around them lit up gradually, and quickly broke Hengjia's hand and saw that the sky returned to normal, which was a sigh of relief.

The busy street was deserted, so they smiled at each other and started again.

"Hengjia, why do Tengu eat the sun?" Long Gong asked with a curious face.

Hengjia gave her a look you didn't know. "It is said that an evil woman was turned into a dog by the jade emperor because of her sinfulness, but she did not repent. After she escaped from hell, God wanted to swallow the sun and the moon and make the world dark. "

"Oh ..." Chang Hongdian nodded. "Why did the dog spit it out after eating it that day? Now the sun is covered with dog saliva ... "

Huh? Hengjia's mouth twitched. This guy's head is probably different from others.

"Look, you don't know, do you?" The long-term worker snorted proudly. "It would be great if you could tell me why it vomited after eating."

Hengjia smiled. "How could I not know?"

"Do you know?" Chang Hong cocked his head and stared at him. It doesn't seem like bragging to see his self-confidence.

Hengjia glanced at the long-term worker who was pricking up his ears to listen to the answer. Suddenly he wanted to laugh and said slowly, "Tengu ate and vomited because-his stomach is not good."

The long-term worker froze at first, and suddenly he saw a narrow smile on his mouth. He immediately realized that he had been played again. He couldn't help being angry and smashed it with one punch. "Smelly fox, go to hell!"

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = At everyone's suggestion, Gao Yan decided to lead the army to "speak martial arts and hate" on the tinker according to the customs of Qi, and wanted to practice the method of slashing each other with bows and arrows to win the hearts of the people.

Although it was the seventh month of the lunar calendar, it was very hot on the day when we set out for the tinker. Xia Chan's sobs added a bit of irritability to this hot weather. There is not a cloud in the sky, and the sun shines directly. From a distance, the scenery seems to be distorted in the heat wave.

Help the sick and go to the tinker in person.

The long-term worker looked up and saw that the emperor's face seemed a little better today. I don't know if it's because I'm energetic or because the weather is hot, and there is a trace of blood on my deeply sunken cheeks.

Almost all civil and military officials are here today. Dragon Palace's eyes turned and fell upon Gao Zhan. His expression is still as cold as clear water reflecting the moon, no different in peacetime, except that his tea eyes are deeper than usual, and his thin lips slightly sip into a strange radian.

According to her observation for many years, whenever Uncle Jiu's lips sip into this radian, it means that he has something on his mind.

With a hint of doubt, she glanced at Xiao Yu again. Eldest brother is staring at the emperor with rapt attention. His eyes are as deep as Uncle Jiu's.

That indescribable uneasiness began to haunt her again. ...

The emperor persisted for a while and then got tired. Immediately, a bodyguard helped him to a nearby pavilion and served iced peach juice. Several officials could not help but persuade him to return to the palace. Gao Yan shook his head, said he would take a rest before continuing, and motioned for officials and soldiers to have a rest.

"Long-term worker, come and sit for a while." Not far away, Hengjia smiled and waved to him. Dragon Palace gently snorted. Yesterday, this guy ran really fast. She hasn't let go of her anger at being played. Thought of here, she raised her chin and ignored him.

Just then, Xiaowan suddenly ran over and asked, "Long-term worker, have you seen Big Brother?"

Chang Hongdian nodded and turned to point to their original position, only to find that my uncle and Xiaoyu had disappeared.

Huh? Where did they go?

"Xiao Wan, here are your things!" A loud voice suddenly broke out from the military attache who gathered together. Xiaowan has been busy all his life, patting the shoulder of the long-term worker and saying, "I'll go first." You go to find big brother. I have something important to ask him! "

"What's so important?" Long Gong a face of doubt.

Xiao Wan smiled mysteriously. "Just ask Big Brother."

The long-term worker was helpless and had to go to Xiao Yu. She guessed that the eldest brother was mostly with his ninth uncle, so she walked along the tinker and looked for them all the way, but they were nowhere to be seen. After this field, it is a wasteland with a lot of straw piles. The long-term worker took one look and thought that neither of them would come here. When he was about to give up looking back, he heard the sound of light rain. "Uncle, why did you change your mind temporarily?"

The long-term worker was surprised and couldn't help taking a few steps closer. He ducked in front of a haystack and listened to what they said.

"This is more secure." Gao Zhan's voice is short and powerful.

"But, uncle, if you don't succeed ..."

"No is also a matter of a few days. This is the safest way. " "I see, Uncle Jiu, I'll send someone to do it later."

"All right, we should go back, or it will be bad to arouse others' suspicion." Gao Zhan said, while coming out from behind the straw pile.

The Dragon Palace was busy retracting its body and slowly sat down with its back against the haystack, feeling very uncomfortable. What exactly are Uncle Jiu and Brother discussing? Start working ... don't they want to ... a chill swept through her body in an instant. ...

After they left, Chang Hong also stood up. Suddenly, she heard the sound of another haystack. She was frightened and immediately waved her sword and whispered, "Who, come out!"

Suddenly there was no sound.

The longbow held a long sword and said, "If you don't come out again, I'll be rude."

As soon as her voice fell, she saw a figure coming out from behind the haystack. When she looked intently, it turned out to be a soldier with a very low rank. The in the mind is not a nervous, this person has been here, also heard nine uncle their conversation? Besides, I may have heard more.

Say, what are you doing here? Chang Hong looked at him coldly.

The soldier looked at her, seemed a little surprised, and hurriedly bowed his head. "Go back to my Lord, I just want to relieve myself."

As soon as the long-term worker heard what he called himself, he knew that he didn't recognize himself, and judging from his dress, he was still a newcomer, and it was normal not to recognize her.

"A hand?" Chang Hongyang raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid you heard something you shouldn't have heard?"

The soldier's face changed. He hesitated and said, "My Lord, I suspect someone wants to kill the emperor!" " "

The long-term worker seems to have been hit by a heavy hammer in the chest. She has guessed some, but she just doesn't want to guess any more.

"You know, if you say such a thing casually, you will be beheaded." She looked straight into his eyes, her eyebrows were as cold as smoke, and her eyes were as cold as stars.

The soldier suddenly fell to his knees with a plop. "My Lord, I'm not talking nonsense. I heard them clearly. "

The long-term worker held back his emotions and said calmly, "Do you recognize who they are?"

The soldier shook his head hesitantly.

Chang Hong was slightly relieved. "Listen to me. I'll pretend I didn't hear what I just said. Don't tell the second person again, understand? "

The soldier paused and said nothing. Just as she was about to turn around, he suddenly said, "My Lord, when the younger one came out of the village, my father told me that I must be a good soldier loyal to the monarch and serve the country." In any case, the young one should tell the emperor about it. The big ones are afraid of getting into trouble, and the small ones will understand. "

The long-term worker stopped. "You have no idea who is going to murder the emperor. Murder is just your guess."

"Although I don't know who it is, I can recognize their voices. In addition, I heard that the man called uncle ... "

The pupil of the long-term worker shrinks and slowly turns around. "Are you sure?"

The soldier nodded, only thinking that the young man was more beautiful than the woman, which made him almost blind. Don't think of the young man who looks so beautiful in the army. It seems that only Gao Changgong, the legendary warrior who killed the Turkish prince, was surprised when he suddenly saw the young man with a gentle smile. "You are indeed a good soldier, but I'm sorry ..." When he didn't react, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

Blood, drop by drop, flowed down the tip of the sword, and the long-term hand holding the sword trembled slightly, just repeating over and over again in my mind, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry ..."

It's not that she hasn't killed anyone. On the contrary, she killed many people. However, nothing is more shocking and painful than this time.

This time, she is a real murderer. Perhaps, falling into shura hell begins from this moment.

However, as long as Uncle Jiu and Brother are all right ... as long as they are all right. ...

"I suggest you get rid of this body first." The sudden voice behind her made her whole body shake. She turned around slowly and saw Hengjia's calm black eyes. She clenched the sword in her hand and felt that if she took it down, her fingers would be broken.

"Hengjia ..." His sudden appearance made her suddenly a little overwhelmed.

Hengjia's mouth still hung with that kind of elegant smile forever. She came over to her, dragged the body into the straw pile and covered all the bloody places with straw. She looked up at her and seemed to shake her head helplessly. She took off her robe and threw it to her. "Put it on, you don't want others to see your blood." Said, picked up her sword and wiped the blood on it with a straw.

Watching him finish everything in an orderly way, the long-term worker stabilized his mind, put on his robe and whispered, "Does it matter?"

"What do you think? Even if it is discovered in a few days, who will care about the life and death of a little soldier? However, "Hengjia smiled," don't use such a stupid method in the future. Even if you want to cover them up, at least you should save trouble in a way that you don't see blood. If I were you, strangling him would be my first choice. "

The long-term worker bowed his head and followed him forward, but wondered if what he said was covered up by criminals. Sure enough, nothing can hide from the fox.

"Long-term worker, if one day I threaten your uncle and brothers, will you kill me with such a sword?" He asked suddenly.

Long Gong look a stiff, "what are you talking about ..."

He smiled. "Forget it."

When he returned to the tinker, the emperor just turned over and got on the horse. He rode forward, followed by the military attache at the back. At this time, a few fat rabbits suddenly appeared from the grass, and Gao Yan's mount was taken aback. With a long whistle, the horseshoe raised high, and the whole horse leaned back, and the performance was unprepared. Plus, I was a little dizzy because of the hot weather. I didn't expect to fall off my horse and suddenly became unconscious.

Long-term workers are not far from Gao Yan. Seeing Gao Yan collapse, I don't know what drove her, but she turned to Gao Zhan. Uncle Jiu had an inscrutable smile in his dark brown eyes, and then he quickly covered it up with sad eyes.

Surrounded by chaos, but her heart is very clear at this time, all this is related to her uncle.

She was also an accomplice in the murder of the emperor. ...