Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - A fortune teller 18' s words about life.

A fortune teller 18' s words about life.

1. Life is not bitter, what is bitter is that we have too many desires; People are not tired, but they should not be too open.

2. Have expectations in your heart, and then work hard silently. That thing called "the future" will blossom.

3. A humble heart is like a heart full of weeds and flowers. It does not make fun of the outside world, nor does it care about the ridicule of the world.

If a person gives you a lot of pain, don't bear it. Many people regard concession as tolerance, but the premise of tolerance is mutual understanding.

The person you hate will never see you again in the afterlife, so don't waste your time on him; The person you love will never see you again in the next life, so treat him well in this life.

6. It takes courage to live a life you don't want, and it takes not only courage but also ability to live a life you want.