Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why did the fortune teller say you can't wear bracelets?

Why did the fortune teller say you can't wear bracelets?

Some people say that girls should never wear bracelets on their left hands. Is this statement credible?

Girls can't wear bracelets on their left hands. I didn't pay much attention to this statement before. I looked up some information on the internet this time and summarized it for everyone.

This statement is from a medical point of view. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is an acupoint called Shenmen at the wrist of the left hand. What is the function of this acupoint? The motor tendons of human hands pass through this acupoint, so if you wear a bracelet, your left wrist will be affected. If it is serious, it will lead to tendon and ligament damage of your wrist, even muscle atrophy and tendon strain. There is a medical disease called carpal tunnel syndrome, which is caused by the oppression of Shenmen point in the left hand. Sometimes we will see on the internet that some people will say that jade bracelets should be worn on the left hand, which has been emphasized since ancient times, but in Chinese medicine, it is not recommended for everyone to wear them on the left hand. On the contrary, if worn on the wrist of the right hand, there are neurons suitable for massage. Wearing jade jade can massage these acupoints, which greatly relieves people's physical fatigue.

There was nothing uncomfortable about wearing only a small tourmaline chain in my left hand before, but later adding Tianhe made my wrist uncomfortable, and I didn't feel anything when I moved Tianhe in my right hand. Personally, if you want to count dams, don't be too heavy.

It's the first time that girls can't wear bracelets left and right. In front of the counter selling all kinds of bracelets, most people will choose to try them on with their left hand; Observe that those who wear bracelets every day are basically worn on their left hands. Personally, I think that girls who wear bracelets on their left hands will get a lot of diseases, which is sheer nonsense.

China is a country that worships jade and has a tradition of wearing Baoyu since ancient times. Different jade ornaments often have different symbolic meanings. In ancient times, jade bracelets were high-grade decorations that only royalty could enjoy, but now they have entered the homes of ordinary people.

Generally speaking, choose your left hand when wearing a single jade bracelet. From a medical point of view, the heart is on the left side of the human body, and wearing the left arm will relieve depression and calm the mind; From a religious point of view, the left hand is clean, it does not kill or pollute, and good things should be stored in the left hand; From the perspective of life, it is beneficial to ensure the safety of the bracelet to use force with the right hand and wear it with the left hand.

I have been wearing a jade bracelet on my left hand for more than ten years. There will be discomfort at first, and I always feel that it will affect my work; After a long time, it seems to be a part of the body, and its existence is often ignored; Touching the jade bracelet in your spare time is transparent, moist and even joyful.

As an ornament, any medical significance given to jade bracelets is the sales of merchants. Actually, whatever you like is fine.

On this issue, we can see how the ancients wore bracelets. The ancients wore bracelets in both hands, so it is not valid to say that wearing bracelets in the left hand is sick. If there is a problem, there is no bracelet now.

Although there are various research reports that wearing bracelets has advantages and disadvantages, practice is the truth, so many people have no problem wearing bracelets in their left hands for decades. I've been wearing a bracelet on my left hand for eight years, and I haven't had any illness in these eight years. Can't a minor illness like a cold and headache count?

So I think this statement is not comprehensive, and the research should also combine the experimental results to explain the problem. There are many people wearing bracelets on their left hands, and they didn't say that they were sick because of wearing bracelets. If there is such an example, it will definitely be exposed. Nowadays, bracelets are generally not heavy, and tens of grams will not cause too much impact on opponents.

The left hand is relatively inactive and the right hand is used more frequently. People are used to writing and working with their right hands, so it is not convenient to wear bracelets on their right hands. Most people wear bracelets on their left hand.

In short, this rumor is obviously not credible. Even if the Shenmen point of the left hand will be oppressed, it is a very weak probability. The bracelet is not a hammer, so there is no such heavy pressure. The heavy part is also extensive, not a single point, so you can wear it with confidence.

Especially it is more convenient to wear a jade bracelet on the left hand, and natural jade is also beneficial to the human body.

The acupoints of left hand and right hand are the same, and there is no difference between left hand and right hand. I don't have this. If it fits on my right hand, it should fit on my left hand.

Viewpoint 1: There is nothing uncomfortable about wearing a tourmaline chain on your left hand before. Later, adding a Tianhe made my wrist uncomfortable, but Tianhe didn't feel when I moved my right hand. Personally, if you want to count dams, don't be too heavy.

Viewpoint 2: The acupoints of the left hand and the right hand are the same. It does not distinguish between acupoints of the left hand and the right hand. Without this, if it fits on the right hand, it should also fit on the left hand.

Viewpoint 3: This statement is not credible. China has been civilized for thousands of years. For thousands of years, women have worn bracelets. Whether right-handed or left-handed, they can be worn as long as they are suitable in size, weight and appearance, or convenient for work.

Viewpoint 4: I always wear my left hand, because I like to wear it like this, so I have been wearing it like this, and I have not felt uncomfortable for more than 20 years.

Viewpoint 5: Girls can't wear bracelets on their left hands. I didn't care too much about this statement before. I looked up some information on the internet this time and summarized it for everyone.

This statement is from a medical point of view. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is an acupoint called Shenmen at the wrist of the left hand, and all the motor tendons of the hand pass through this acupoint. Therefore, if you wear a bracelet, your left wrist will be affected. In severe cases, it will damage the tendons and ligaments in your wrist, and even cause muscle atrophy and tendon strain.

The choice of wearing ornaments or watches on your wrist is to use your empty hands, that is, your usual hands, to avoid the things you wear from being damaged or accelerated by vibration and friction. It is more conducive to the role of handedness. Everything else is melodramatic.

I have been wearing my left hand for twenty years.

Some people say that a beautiful woman is a natural stunner, and a beautiful, gentle and lovely woman is the best among stunners. Her tenderness, like a breeze, is refreshing; She is charming and lovely, like a plum blossom, pleasing to the eye. However, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she also needs accessories to dress up and embellish. You don't need expensive gold diamonds, sometimes just a special bracelet is enough. The slender wrist is already very eye-catching, and if it is matched with a small and chic bracelet, it will increase its charm. Between the waves, the elegant charm of the wrist suddenly appeared, and the endless amorous feelings of the whole body also came leisurely. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a place called Shenmen point on a person's left wrist, through which all the tendons of hand movements pass. No matter how thin the bracelet or bracelet is, it will also affect the wrist, and the most injured are the tendons and ligaments in the carpal tunnel, which may even cause muscle atrophy, tendon strain and even develop into carpal tunnel syndrome. This may be the reason why we often subconsciously use our right hand and our left hand is basically idle. In fact, it is to protect this Shenmen point. Modern people need a left-handed keyboard for long-term typing, which oppresses Shenmen point for a long time, leading to cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation. On the other hand, our right wrist is just the opposite. There are many neurons suitable for friction massage. Wearing bracelets for a long time can greatly relieve physical fatigue. Nowadays, the charm of jade bracelets has won the love of more and more women and become a must-have item for white accessories and professionals. When wearing bracelets, follow the principle of "male left and female right". When worn on the right hand, beautiful jade bracelets will have more opportunities for display. From ancient times to the present, our ancestors have always followed the principle of male left and female right, which actually has many profound reasons. Therefore, women's left wrist had better not wear anything, and their right wrist had better wear a beautiful jade bracelet.

Wearing exquisite bracelets is a delicate feeling and a spiritual sustenance. Have a little coolness and tranquility, and the fragrance of life slowly permeates the bracelet. Enjoy the elegance and demure!

I don't want to take it after wearing it for several years.