Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Cesarean section: under what circumstances is it inappropriate?

Cesarean section: under what circumstances is it inappropriate?

Cesarean section is an effective means to solve the problem of difficult delivery under some special circumstances, but it is not applicable in all cases. So, under what circumstances is cesarean section inappropriate? Let's look at the options:

Early placental abruption

Early placental abruption may lead to intrauterine hypoxia, and emergency cesarean section can quickly take out the fetus to ensure the safety of mother and baby.

Central placenta previa

Central placenta previa may lead to obstruction of birth canal. Cesarean section can avoid this problem and ensure the smooth birth of the fetus.

Head-basin imbalance

Head-pelvis imbalance refers to the mismatch between fetal head and maternal pelvis, which may lead to dystocia. Cesarean section can solve this problem and ensure the safety of mother and baby.

Deformed fetus

For some severely deformed fetuses, such as anencephaly, cesarean section may not be the best choice.

Fetal intrauterine distress

Fetal distress may lead to fetal hypoxia or even death. Cesarean section can quickly end delivery and relieve fetal distress.