Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Does it hurt you to learn geomantic numerology?

Does it hurt you to learn geomantic numerology?

Pure academic research does not exist. It is the same for a feng shui master to look at a house as a doctor. Some people say that the Feng Shui master leaked the secret, or that the Feng Shui master undertook the fruit industry by adjusting the Feng Shui. If so, is it against the will of doctors to save lives? It is obviously unreasonable. Therefore, the study of geomantic omen is just like the medical students' study of medical skills. How can you hurt yourself? But! ! ! If you don't learn well, it will be counterproductive to show people Feng Shui, just as medical students treat diseases indiscriminately without clinical practice and see the dead, which is another matter. I really want to bring bad influence to myself, at least my conscience is sad.