Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Master, how about reading my palm?

Master, how about reading my palm?

Warm and elegant:



Phase, there are congenital and acquired points, tangible color difference. Hands contain two instruments and three talents, including the secrets of Tai Chi and five elements. Therefore, it is big, and heaven and earth are in the palm of your hand; Its small internal organs are vividly placed in the "hand".

First, palm reading is centered on the palm surface, and the talent, personality, achievement, ancestors' wealth, parents, spouses, children and their own development trends are analyzed through the direction of lines, branch symbols and four parts of the palm surface.

Related origin


Palmistry originated in the West, India and China. China's folk palmistry has a long history and has finally become a colorful spectacle today. Because the thickness and grain of hand will change with time, it can also be discussed from the change of hand grain. Today's palm reading is different from the horoscope. It predicts the future marriage, career and fortune, which is also commonly known as Fan Fortune-telling. Palmistry this is a comprehensive prediction of the current situation, know your own prediction method! The main function of palm reading is to know yourself more comprehensively and carefully and see the present clearly. Palm reading can be read with both hands, left hand and right hand. The content expressed is similar.

Palmistry originated quite early. According to the relics in various parts of India, the ancient records left in murals and the word-of-mouth spread of Brahmanism, we can know that palmistry was very popular in ancient India. China's palm reading also has a long history, which was popular as early as the Zhou Dynasty (about 3,000 years ago). A relatively complete palmistry was written by Xu Fu in the Western Han Dynasty, and his palmistry was the most systematic method in China at that time. Later, all famous artists associated palm reading with it.

right-hand man


First of all, many people don't know whether to look at their left hand or their right hand. The representative meanings of "right left hand" in palm print are: left "congenital" and right "acquired". The so-called "left hand is congenital, right hand is acquired" means that the right hand has a higher proportion of influence and the left hand has a smaller influence. Perhaps it can be said that the right hand has 80% influence on the judgment of good luck and the left hand has 20% influence on the judgment of good luck. Therefore, when judging the palm, it is mainly judged by the right hand, and then the left hand is used to add and subtract points on good and bad luck.

Three lines


Cross mode

It is formed by the intersection of two' short lines' on the palm, and its good or bad meaning is different according to the position of the palm.

Star pattern

On the palm of your hand, there are three or more' short lines' intersecting, and the meaning of good or bad is different according to the parts that appear on the palm.

Island model

Appearing on the' five elements' of the palm usually has bad meaning, and the influence depends on the lines.

Cross star island pattern




Refers to the part of the' thumb root' that protrudes and surrounds the thumb, representing health and vitality.


Refers to the protruding part of the' index finger root', which represents the positive degree and self-motivation.

Saturn mound

Refers to the protruding part of the' middle finger root', which represents thinking and honesty.

Sun ball

Refers to the raised part at the root of the ring finger, representing wealth, talent and prestige.


Refers to the raised part of the' little finger root', which represents creativity and wit.

autumn moon

Refers to the bulge on the wrist opposite to' Venus Mountain', which represents romance and mystery.

First Mars Mountain

Located between "Venus Mountain" and "Wooden Ball", it represents courage, positivity, etc.

The second Mars Mountain

The part between Mercury Mountain and Moon Mountain represents calmness and self-control.

five elements




Also known as "ground grain". From the bottom of the index finger, along the "Golden Star Mountain" and the line around the thumb, it affects the intensity of health and vitality.

wisdom line

Also known as "body tattoo". The line from the middle of thumb and forefinger to' Moon Mountain' affects personality and thinking.

Emotional line

Also known as "Tian Wen". The line extending from the bottom of the little finger to the index finger affects the quality and attitude of love.

Fate line

Also known as "career line". The rising line from the wrist to the middle finger affects life fortune and career.

Marriage Lines

Also known as the "marriage line". The short line between the little finger root and the emotional line affects the time of love and marriage.

Physiognomy is mainly divided into physiognomy and palmistry. Physiognomy focuses on the expression of personal experience, personality and talent, while palmistry focuses on the study of people's feelings, thinking and potential, which are intentionally or unintentionally hidden in their inner worries, fears, joys and feelings ... The deeper they are buried, the easier it is to show them in their hands. Therefore, through palm reading, we can not only understand personal happiness, but also easily enter people's inner world and discover hidden worries, potentials and all hidden or potential secrets.

In Li Xiang Heng Zhen, there is a cloud in the shortcut to limbs: "Four limbs. It means hands and feet. So the limbs are like four seasons. If you don't adjust at four o'clock. Everything is hard to live. Improper limbs will be miserable. Hands and feet are like trees, but there are branches. Many chapters are called "wood without materials". The grain is as reasonable as wood. Chaos is called a bad model. "

In the book, people's hands and feet are called limbs, because there are two hands on them, so the "hands" are called the upper two limbs; Feet are born below, and there are two, so they are also called lower limbs. And human limbs can also be compared to four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Going to Qiu Lai in spring depends on some laws. If the laws of nature are broken, everything will be difficult to survive. In other words, a person's body and limbs have specifications. If his hands are too big, he will keep doing it with his hands all his life, just for work. People with two big feet will run around for work all their lives. If you have developed limbs, you will be at a loss for the rest of your life. People who want to make money by labor have limited achievements.

In addition, the branches of the tree are required to be thick, the bark is smooth, the branches are small, the texture of the annual rings is uniform, and its wood must be straight and round, so it is superior wood and can be used as a pillar. However, if there are too many branches and the texture is messy, the trunk will be uneven and distorted, and it can only be used as inferior wood for firewood. People's hands and feet are composed of bones, which are the mainstay of mutual learning and control people's wisdom and wealth (including leisure and hard work). Bones are expensive, bones are cheap, and it is difficult to do much. Even if you are thin, you can't be articulate. Even if you have money, you can't be expensive. Therefore, your hand bones require the spine to be round, even, straight and not pointed. The bones are covered with meat, and the meat dominates the yin and wealth, which determines whether a person is poor or rich. It is required that the meat stuffing should be thick and elastic, but the fat can't show the meat (fat), otherwise the offender will die young. There are tendons outside the meat and wraps inside the skin, which shows the quality of people's temperament. Therefore, the cortex is required to be smooth and soft, and there can be no tendons and lines, that is, thin people can't have thick skin and tendons, and they are poor when they commit crimes.

The hand in physiognomy actually refers to the whole hand, including from shoulder to elbow, that is, the upper arm is called keel and the elbow is called wrist, that is, the part of the forearm called tiger bone is collectively called arm; The wrist is connected with the palm, and the outside of the palm refers to it, collectively called the palm. The structure of the hand is also the subject of physiognomy research, but at present, the so-called palmistry mostly focuses on the palm.

Every industry should have a set of established rules for novices to follow, and palm reading is no exception. "Beginners' Strategy" can give inexperienced palmists a preliminary palm reading instruction.

The so-called "palm reading method", first look at the palm shape, then look at the gossip. The palm is thick and thin, indicating the length, the depth of the grain, the brightness and stagnation of the palm color, the position of the monarch and the minister is guaranteed, the five elements are consistent, the gossip is stopped, and the guest and the host are flat. Only the host can pay attention to the guests, and the guests are not allowed to pay attention to the host. "

Palmists classify palms into five categories: gold, wood, water, fire and earth according to the shapes of their palms and finger bones, representing five talents and tendencies respectively. For example, wooden hands represent wisdom, and people with this hand shape advocate spiritual thoughts, so they often focus on ideals and achievements when doing things. Therefore, before discussing with others, we should observe the shape of the palm to predict its future trend.

Palm gossip



That is, the eight regions of Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, Dui and Gan show a person's eight blessings, such as wife, wealth, son, Lu, land, house, father and mother. The thinner the area, the thinner the blessing that the six-pointed star belongs to; Which area is as convex as a hill means that the hexagram belongs to a heavy fortune. Carefully divide people's blessings into eight categories. If all the gossip begins, it is that all kinds of blessings in life are equally good, that is, the palm is rich and the bones on the back of the hand are thick, which is called thick palm, and its blessings are heavier. It is also concluded that they are all wooden hands, poor scholars and respected academic researchers who have no worries about food and clothing. So the thickness of the palm divides the five elements into several grades.



Fingers are compared to dragons and palms are regarded as tigers. People with long fingers are good at thinking, while people with short fingers are more important than action, so it is not beautiful to be a tiger and Donlon. Each finger represents a different ideological orientation. By observing whether the shape of each finger matches the shape of its palm, we can judge whether it can give full play to the ability of the five-element palm.

The bones, muscles and shapes of palms and fingers are hard to change once they are shaped. The fortune and talents they represent are innate, that is, natural talents. Anyone who studies this kind of knowledge is classified as "palmistry" by palmists.

Advantages and disadvantages of palm shape


The same cars are produced by Pingzhi famous factory; Or made by an ordinary car factory, and the performance and value of the car are determined by which factory produces it. Famous factory cars with excellent drivers are naturally more powerful; If it is produced by an ordinary car factory, the driver can play a role if he drives well, but it can only slightly exceed the limit of the car and will never be comparable to a famous car. Palmprint is the representative of the driver. If the palm shape is not excellent and there is no innate talent or fortune, then you must rely on excellent palm prints to make yourself have the ability to learn the day after tomorrow, and you can achieve something through hard work. If the palm print is poor, even if you have no learning ability, it is easy to accomplish nothing.

People's mental journey and psychological journey will affect people's ability and orientation more or less, sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad, and this kind of inner change will appear in the palm print, so observing its change can trace its future experience, which is the knowledge of palm print research.

How good a person is, sometimes it's just luck. Color refers to the color of skin color (only the color of the palm is lifeless), not the color of the skin. By observing the color of the palm, we can know whether it was clicked at that time and predict its fortune. This is "color research".

China always pays attention to the golden mean balance. If one aspect is too stubborn, the others will be too weak to cooperate. Therefore, the fingers, palms, meat quality and texture of the hand should be properly coordinated. Give priority to with palm type and gossip, be king; Texture is deputy and minister. Palm type, gossip stubborn, even if the texture is slightly poor; However, the texture is stubborn, while the palm-type and gossip-type weak people have limited achievements in their lives.

Palm shapes are also divided into: gold, wood, water, fire and earth. But it doesn't mean that everyone is divided into these categories. Generally speaking, there are more wooden palms and fewer fire palms. Most of them are gold belts with some water or wood. Or dust in wood. This is the raw water of Amgen. If there is water in the gold, that would be great!

Finger length


Male (left): The ring finger is longer than the index finger. Female (right) is opposite to male.

1. People with ring fingers longer than index fingers are more emotional than emotions, and vice versa.

People whose ring finger is longer than the index finger are kind, easy to talk and reasonable, and can instantly blend in with others in a new environment. Their weakness is their lack of judgment.

3. The length of fingers determines the trading skills. The longer the ring finger is relative to the index finger, the more money you may make.

The longer the ring finger is relative to the index finger, these people are confident, adventurous, exploratory, alert and quick-witted.

The longer the ring finger of a man is relative to the index finger, the more masculine it is, and the performance is much better than that of a "sissy" man.

6. The longer the ring finger is relative to the index finger, the more talented it is in fierce antagonistic sports such as football and basketball.

7. The longer the ring finger, the more prominent the computing power; People with long index fingers are better at reading and writing. Dr. Zheng has done statistical experiments on this and does have this tendency.

8. Children whose ring finger is longer than their index finger are likely to do better in science than in liberal arts. Conversely, for those children whose index finger is longer than their ring finger, their scores in reading, writing and oral subjects are better than those in mathematics.

9. Children whose ring finger is longer than their index finger are more prone to hyperactivity and bullying. Children with long index fingers are more likely to have behavioral characteristics such as nervousness and sensitivity.

10, the length of the ring finger indicates that the male hormones in the heart, brain and hands are higher, while the length of the index finger indicates that the estrogen is higher.

Women whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers are more athletic. Especially in running, football, tennis and other running-related projects, the results are more significant.

12, men with long ring fingers usually have more obvious male characteristics, such as more outstanding performance in competitive sports and better results. In other aspects, such as aggression and competitiveness, it will be stronger. On the contrary, if it is a male with a long index finger, it has different performances in physiology and behavior. Nevertheless, they also have sports that they are good at, such as martial arts and gymnastics.

13, female ring finger is too long, and the risk of knee arthritis is greater. This is an experiment that Dr. Zheng cooperated with Professor Tom when he was in North America. That's true.

14. Men with the same length of index finger and ring finger and women with longer ring finger are more likely to have homosexual behavior than the average person.

15, the ring finger is obviously longer than the index finger. No matter how humble this person is on the surface, he will show a grumpy, irritable, aggressive and inarticulate side in private, and if the index finger is longer than the ring finger, he will show a more sensitive and neurotic side and be more humble inside. If two fingers are flush or almost the same, it is somewhere between the two qualities.

comparison table


People sometimes struggle with the relationship between hand and fate. But this is not necessary. What really determines your future is yourself. Always believe: each other is born from the heart. The promotion of spiritual realm will make people have a broader space.

Palmistry is one of the fastest changing functions. Therefore, you can't read your palm in isolation. Comparing palms of different periods is more valuable.

We can find that if a person is lucky, his skin color will be good and the color of his hands will look healthier. Similarly, his palm print looks clear, and intuitively he is a clear and rational person; If a person's palm print is complicated, he is intuitively a person with complicated thoughts, and in fact it is. It can be seen that "palm reading" is in line with natural phenomena, which is the basic principle of palm reading prediction.

Men vs women

1) lifeline

Lifeline-the line from the edge of the palm between the thumb and forefinger to the bottom of the palm.

The length of life tattoo does not represent the length of life, but represents the strength of vitality, so life tattoo should actually be taught as life tattoo.

Lifeline is long, deep and rosy-strong vitality, strong disease resistance and not easy to get sick; On the contrary, if the lines are shallow and weak, they will be weak.

Thick line-suitable for labor or sports, thin line suitable for brain.

The palm mound surrounded by lifeline has a wide range, sufficient energy and strong love; Small areas are weak and easy to fatigue.

The lifeline with chain lines at the beginning (near the palm) is sick in childhood.

Tattoos like tassels at the end of life should prevent the elderly from getting sick.

There is an island line on the life line, which represents illness or hospitalization at a certain time. The size of the island line represents the severity and length of illness.

2) Smart line

Smart lines, also known as brain lines, are the most important lines in the palm. In the palm of China's hand, this line represents yourself, also known as the human line. The starting point is the same as the lifeline, and it is best to stop between the ring finger and the little finger. If it is too short, it means that it is not smart enough. If it's too long, it's too smart, not good.

Deep and thin brain lines are better, indicating that the mind can concentrate and the mind is smart.

The island line on the brain line indicates inattention, weak memory or brain frustration.

The starting point of brain model has a chain model, which is influenced by external environment to learn.

Coupled with the starting point of life tattoo, the two tattoos are combined into one, separated after a certain distance, indicating introversion, caution and consideration; If you stay too long, you will worry too much and hesitate easily.

If the lifeline and the starting point of the smart line go together and then leave immediately, it is decisive and can improvise.

If there is a distance between the two lines, it is a bold, outgoing and fearless personality.

If the starting point of the two lines is more than one centimeter apart, it will become a reckless character without thinking.

3) emotional line

Emotional line, also known as antenna or paternal line, starts from the palm of the little finger to the direction of the index finger and enters the seam between the index finger and the middle finger as the golden mean; If it reaches the index finger, it belongs to the field of soul and pays more attention to spiritual love; The middle finger goes down, which belongs to the love of the body and does not pay attention to the vows of eternal love; The middle finger bends down, which means willfulness and recklessness.

If the emotional line is very long, there are forks and bends, it is to sacrifice everything for love;

The emotional line is deep and thin, delicate, shallow and extensive;

If there are feather-like twill on the emotional line (palm edge), it means that this person is very enthusiastic.

If there is no feather line under the line, only the line, it is a witty line, which means that you react well and improvise.

If the emotional tattoo is a chain, it is sentimental;

The emotional line has an island line. If it appears under the ring finger, it means there is something wrong with the eyes, myopia, amblyopia or astigmatism.

If the island pattern appears in other positions, it is emotional trouble;

The emotional line is broken, which symbolizes great frustration.

4) Wedding photos

The wedding line is on the palm side under the little finger, between the little finger and the emotional line. Some people have only one, while others have several. Numbers are not important. There will always be a deep line. If there are two lines as deep, I'm afraid it's easy to fall into a triangle dispute.

If there are more than six marriage lines and the main line cannot be found, the marriage relationship will be longer than the messy marriage lines, the conditions for choosing a spouse are harsh, the requirements for spouses are high, and there is pressure to get married;

If you grow under the ring finger and meet the sun line, you can have good in-laws and bring wealth and prestige;

If you break through the solar line, it will have a negative impact, which will affect your reputation and wealth;

If the tail of the marriage pattern is forked, it is easy to break up;

If there is an island pattern, it may be separated for some reason;

The tail of the marriage line is upturned, lacking the will to get married.

5) Career line

Career lines are patterns that rise from the bottom of the palm of your hand. Some people can go straight to the root of the middle finger, which can also be called fate pattern.

Some career lines are not straight lines, but intermittent, indicating that the work is unstable or the working environment changes frequently;

When the career tattoo rises to the brain tattoo (smart line), it stops, which means that it is up to one's own intelligence to stop working;

If it rises to the island mode and stops, the watch stops working because of emotional problems;

There are two career lines, you can work part-time or develop another sideline.

6) Solar line

The straight line of the sun pattern under the ring finger is parallel to the career line. If the sun pattern is a double line, it is called "fame pattern", which means that it can have a good reputation in society.

If the sun has too many stripes, it has a wide range of interests, but it is easy to distract and not concentrate;

The sun stripes have island stripes or cross shapes, which destroy the sun stripes and represent the loss of prestige or money.

7) healthy lines

A tattoo from the bottom of the little finger to life is actually an "unhealthy tattoo" because it is healthy without a healthy tattoo;

If the healthy lines are intermittent, it means indigestion in the stomach; If there is a chain, it is a problem with the respiratory system;

If there is an island pattern, it is a throat or head problem at the head end of the pattern and a urinary problem at the line end.

8) Creation mode

The two diagonal stripes between the ring finger and the little finger indicate that this person has the talent of research and creation, can engage in research or writing and painting, and must achieve something.

9) Wealth model

Thumb in the second quarter, regardless of horizontal or vertical lines, the more lines, the more money accumulated.

Law and direction

One or two laws:

1, the law of male left and female right: a man's left hand represents himself and his right hand represents his spouse; A woman's left hand represents her spouse and her right hand represents herself.

2. The law of maximum utilization of limited space: In handwriting, the information reflected by each line is definitely not single. It can be interpreted in many ways, and it is a comprehensive information that needs to be analyzed and dissected one by one. Palmprint palmprint, the direction of the lines between squares and inches, and the hologram reflect the basic direction of life destiny. The lines of handprints are characterized by high generalization, multiple solutions for one line, and the principle of maximizing the use of limited space. In hand-drawing, there are many solutions to a pattern, which is the most comprehensive and incisive.

Handprints reflect a person's four layers of information:

1, congenital feng shui: indicates the information of family residence at the time of birth.

2. Work life: refers to the relationship between parents, six relatives and colleagues.

3, temperament form: reflect a person's disease information.

4. Fate: It reflects the information about a person's fate.