Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Does Dong Can Fang Shuo really marry a daughter-in-law every year in history?

Does Dong Can Fang Shuo really marry a daughter-in-law every year in history?

In 2002, there was a TV series called The Son of Man, which was played by Huang Xiaoming and played by Teacher Chen. At that time, Dong Fangshuo was really a sacred person. However, with the in-depth understanding of history, it is not easy to find Dong Fangshuo.

Dong Fangshuo was a famous ci writers in China during the Western Han Dynasty. Because he is humorous and good at rhetoric, he was deeply loved by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty for some time. Although Emperor Wu still regarded Dong Fangshuo as a juggler, Dong Fangshuo's outspoken suggestions still had a great influence on Emperor Wu.

Known as? Man, the first paragraph? What kind of person is Dong Fangshuo?

Dong Fangshuo, the word Manqian, is studious and intelligent, and especially likes reading. According to Hanshu, his parents died when he was a child, and he was raised by his brother and sister-in-law. However, Dong Fangshuo is still developing towards all-rounder. He is not only familiar with all kinds of classics, but also familiar with the art of war and even fencing. He is really an all-rounder in civil and military affairs.

In the first year of Jianyuan, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty just ascended the throne, hoping to attract scholars from all over the world to serve the court. Scholars from all over the country have written to recommend themselves, and Dong Fangshuo is one of them.

But Dong Fangshuo is very different from them. Other scholars may only recommend themselves with a few bamboo slips, but it took Dong Fangshuo a long time to write more than 3,000 bamboo slips to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It takes two people to lift these bamboo slips.

It took Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty two months to read it all. After seeing it, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty thought that Dong Fangshuo was a talented person, so he was asked to wait for being summoned at the bus stop. However, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was a busy man and soon forgot about Dong Fangshuo.

Dong Fangshuo stayed at the bus station, not only with a low salary, but also without a place to display his talents. He didn't think it would work. Dong Fangshuo thought of a way and said to several dwarfs who fed horses to Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty: Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty thinks that you people can't fight and govern the country, so he wants to kill you. Beg the emperor, and he may spare your lives. ?

These dwarfs were very scared when they heard about it, and immediately went to ask for mercy from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was confused at first, but he was also angry when he asked what had happened, so he called Dong Fangshuo out.

Dong Fangshuo was in no hurry in the face of the emperor's censure, and said humorously to the emperor. I did it because I had to. I stayed at the bus station, and my salary was really meager. Those dwarfs are only three feet tall, while I am nine feet tall. These wages are enough for them to live, but not enough for me. If you don't want to reuse me, just let me go home. I don't want to waste food in Beijing. ?

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty laughed and thought that Dong Fangshuo was a great man and asked him to wait for a letter at the Golden Horse Gate.

Is it true that Dong Fangshuo marries a daughter-in-law every year? Why?

There are many rumors about Dong Fangshuo and unofficial history in history, and there is indeed Dong Fangshuo in historical records. Married at the age of 18? Record.

When he was a Langguan in Dong Fangshuo, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty often gave him some food, and Dong Fangshuo held the rest of the meat in his arms every time after eating.

However, it will stain the clothes. It is estimated that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty couldn't stand Dong Fangshuo talking to him in greasy clothes before sewing new clothes for his property.

Dong Fangshuo married beautiful young girls in Chang 'an with many rewards from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but these girls will be abandoned after one year, and Dong Fangshuo will give her a sum of compensation, and then they will remarry. Why did Dong Fangshuo do this?

This is actually one of his wisdom. As the saying goes? Accompany you like a tiger? Since ancient times, emperors have been suspicious. They are most afraid that officials are too outstanding, and high political achievements will produce rebellious psychology, and they are afraid that officials will form a clique for personal gain. However, Dong Fangshuo thus exposed his shortcomings and spent all his money to marry a daughter-in-law. Naturally, he has no property to make friends with other officials, and he will not engage in cronyism. Although this practice made him controversial, it did make Dong Fangshuo safe.

Dong Fangshuo's behavior made the DPRK ministers often criticize him for being greedy for money and lustful, disobeying etiquette, and liking the new and hating the old. But Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty didn't think so. He said that Dong Fangshuo is a smarter person than all of you. It can be seen that Emperor Wu understood what Dong Fangshuo was thinking.

How did Dong Fangshuo end? There is a general plan for governing the country, but it has never been reused.

Because of his humor, Dong Fangshuo was able to play with Emperor Wu, so he was trusted by Emperor Wu. Dong Fangshuo recommended his son to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty as a Langguan, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty agreed to promote his son to be an official.

However, Dong Fangshuo's life is not an official visit, and his highest position is nothing more than a Chinese medicine practitioner. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, although Dong Fangshuo was prized, he only played an awkward role and did not make great achievements.

Dong Fangshuo has been remonstrating with Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty with his humorous language art, and Zhao Pingjun, the nephew of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, committed a big murder. Before, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty promised his sister that if Zhao Pingjun committed a crime, he would be spared death.

But at the last moment, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty didn't want to break the law and hesitated. It was also Dong Fangshuo who proposed a toast to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, praising his integrity, which further strengthened the confidence of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in just law enforcement.

Dong Fangshuo was in poor health in his later years, and one day he suddenly advised Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "Poetry?"? Camp bluefly, stop at sailing. A gentleman should be honest with others, and should not be credulous of gossip. Gossip is useless, and the four countries are in chaos. May your majesty be wise and return the slanderers. ? In other words, slanderers make the world restless. I hope your majesty will stay away from those treacherous little people and don't believe their slanders. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was surprised and said? Why is Dong Fangshuo speaking so seriously today? ? As a result, Dong Fangshuo died soon after. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said with emotion:? This is a dying man. His words are good. ?

There are many places to commemorate Dong Fangshuo in later generations, including the Temple Fair on March 3rd in Dong Fangshuo and the memorial archway in Dong Fangshuo. It can be seen that Dong Fangshuo's image in people's minds is still very good.