Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Palmprint fortune-telling chart Palmprint _ Palmprint fortune-telling chart What does palmprint represent?

Palmprint fortune-telling chart Palmprint _ Palmprint fortune-telling chart What does palmprint represent?

Understanding with bare hands: What is the fate of a woman with a broken hand?

Palmers with broken palms always have one thing in common, that is, strong personality and unhappy marriage. A woman's broken palm is said by outsiders to be a representative of misfortune. So what happens when a woman breaks her palm with one hand in a photo album? Is it the same as what the people say? Take a look at it with the palm map of the broken palm!

The ancient photo album said, "Men have broken palms and women have broken palms and kept them in the house." In other words, if a person breaks his palm, he will have the ability to create wealth, which is worth millions. In fact, many successful men do have their palms broken, but they should be treated differently from other lines. If both hands are broken palms, it is even harder.

However, a woman's broken palm means that her parents are emotionally weak. "adoption" means that she has to be adopted by others since she was a child, or she has followed her grandparents or other relatives since childhood. If a woman gets a palm print from this, it shows that she is a hard-working person with a strong personality, which hinders the fortune of her relatives around her. Therefore, her own emotional journey is so bumpy, which hinders her marriage and has a greater chance of divorce.

People with broken palms are subjective, temperamental and persistent. On the bright side, such people are determined and persistent, and the goals they set will certainly overcome all difficulties and will not give up halfway, so they will make greater achievements in their careers. On the other hand, even if you know that it is wrong, you will be wrong in the end. This is a stubborn temper. In addition to bad temper, the punishment for family members is also heavier, and the fate with parents, brothers and sisters, husband and wife children will be shallow, so it is advisable to get together less and leave more, otherwise the family members may be unlucky or sick for a long time. People with broken palms, both men and women, should not marry early, marry early and leave early, and marry late is more appropriate.

A woman's right hand was broken. According to Ma Xiang, this is a lifetime. At the same time, it also means that the fate with parents is weak, and they may adopt others from an early age and grow up with other relatives. If a woman has this kind of palm print, it is hard and tough and carries unfavorable information, which will hinder her relatives around her. Moreover, their own emotional path is bumpy, full of obstacles, and there are many divorces. People with this kind of palm print are subjective, tempered and paranoid.

The woman with a broken palm print on her left hand represents a very thin fate with her father, while the woman with a broken palm print on her right hand represents a very thin fate with her mother, or she grew up with her grandparents and wet nurses and belongs to a hard-working person. Love is very important. If she falls in love with someone, she will try her best to make the person she loves happy and make the person she loves feel extremely happy. She will never change this feeling. But if she unfortunately loses his favor, she will turn love into hate, love more and hate less, and no matter what the occasion, she will be reckless to embarrass the other party. Therefore, a woman with this personality is not always smooth on the road of feelings, and there is a great chance of divorce.

However, this kind of woman with broken palm prints has a strong sense of responsibility, can finish everything and has strong management ability. Such a woman emphasizes power, so most of the leaders' palm prints are broken. A woman with a broken palm in her left hand likes to go it alone. She doesn't make friends easily and doesn't trust anyone easily. Therefore, if she is the boss of an enterprise, she won't be a good boss, because the boss who cut her hand is the real good boss. She does everything by herself and doesn't trust others. Such a person is suspicious. It belongs to the alarmist type.

Therefore, it is difficult for a woman with a broken palm print to succeed in her career, but once she succeeds, she will firmly grasp these industries and grow bigger and bigger.

Classification of broken palms and basic knowledge of palm reading "The position of broken palms can be divided into four categories.

One is called emotional action. This kind of palm-breaking enthusiasm is generous to money and likes to waste money.

Another kind of broken palm is called heartless broken palm. This kind of palm-amputee is too serious to get close to. This kind of person is also stingy with his own money, almost stingy.

The third pattern is the hand pattern, and there is a rational line from the broken palm pattern. This can restrain your anger and obey the truth. Such a broken palm will help to improve the extreme character of the broken palm, which is also a good result of paying attention to cultivation and accumulating virtue.

The fourth pattern is the branch line of the emotional line protruding from the broken palm, or the wisdom pattern with the branch line protruding downward. We call it a fake palm.

It only shows that the mind and feelings are not mature enough, so the mood is not very stable. Sometimes I love seriously and do things stubbornly, but sometimes I look like a joke, naive like a child, and my personality is unpredictable.

Personality characteristics of a woman with a broken palm.

A woman with a broken palm belongs to a more rational person. She is informative, strong and self-disciplined, and objectively will not be bound by feelings or family ties. From the analysis of this personality alone, this kind of woman is known as an out-and-out personality, and there are always great fluctuations in marriage, which is inevitable. But because family life is not very favorable, it is easy to succeed in career, and the probability of becoming a strong woman is higher than that of other women.

A person with an almost stubborn personality.

(2) A strong sense of responsibility. Whoever starts something, no matter how difficult it is in the middle, will never leave it behind and always bite the bullet and finish it.

I am not good at getting along with others, even with my family.