Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Gambling fortune-telling video

Gambling fortune-telling video

My family is infected with online gambling. How can I get him to quit gambling? For this problem, if you want to help your family when they quit gambling, you can't blindly help gamblers when they quit gambling.

If you want your family to quit online gambling addiction, as a relative, you should pay attention to the following three aspects:

Let him see the essence of online gambling clearly, and let him be afraid of his own online gambling problems.

In fact, it is difficult for many gamblers to quit online gambling, because they mistakenly think that the money lost in online gambling is bad luck. They have no idea about the fraudulent nature of online gambling, and they always fantasize that they can win it back. For the online gambling platform, the platform's winning or losing for gamblers is done under the control of posts, which is unfair to gamblers, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is fraud.

Gamblers will also be afraid of losing money in online gambling. After all, what they lost was their hard-earned money. Because of this, there are always many gamblers who are unwilling to lose money. With the luck of online gambling, they will always gamble again. Faced with such a problem, as a gambler's family, if you want to quit gambling, you must let gamblers see clearly the ways of online gambling fraud, and let him know that online gambling is impossible to win money, and the gambling process is controllable, which has certain psychological help for gamblers to quit gambling.

Beware of gamblers gambling again. For online gamblers, the probability of gambling again is very high.

Addicted to online gambling, for gamblers, there are not only economic losses, but also psychological injuries, because online gambling will distort a gambler's three views, so gamblers will always remember how much money they lost and always want to get it back before quitting gambling. Among most people who quit gambling, many have the experience of gambling again. As for why they will gamble again, in fact, the gambler can't control himself. Internet gambling addiction can make a gambler out of control.

As a family member, when you choose to help an online gambler quit gambling, you should be prepared to deal with his gambling again while helping him. Subjectively speaking, you will gamble again. Of course, if you give him effective help, you can still avoid this gambling problem. As for the gambler's reply, if you help the gambler and he gambles again, the consequences will be more serious, and the help you gave him before will become meaningless.

Let an online gambler quit gambling, remember not to help him blindly.

When many family members help gamblers quit gambling, they always think that as long as they pay off their debts and stop gambling in the future, they will quit gambling. In fact, this result does not exist in online gambling. For an online gambler, the more you pay off the debt, the more he loses when he gambles again. It's not that you help him pay off his debts and the problem is solved, so gamblers can quit gambling. This is the terrible thing about online gambling.

For people who have gamblers at home, paying off debts is not the most important thing to help them quit gambling, and you should not blindly pay off debts. Before helping gamblers pay their debts, first determine whether they have the possibility of gambling again, so as to make their help more valuable and gamblers can quit online gambling faster.