Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Disease fortune-telling tutorial _ disease fortune-telling tutorial diagram

Disease fortune-telling tutorial _ disease fortune-telling tutorial diagram

Course fortune telling

Sharing: barefoot

Hand diagnosis seen by TCM is not fortune-telling, let alone superstition, but it is very scientific and can stand repeated verification, and it is a very common diagnostic method in TCM diagnosis.

People are like people, and hands are like their hands. They are all the same image. If you understand the image of the hand, you can infer the image of the body. This is a hand examination.

Open your palm and you will find:

The palm of your hand has two sides, and the Tao just has two sides of yin and yang;

There are five fingers, just five organs;

There are three fingers, just three times the focusing system.

This is not a coincidence, this is the law of "image", and the law cannot be changed. If you understand the unchangeable law and deal with the unchangeable changes, hand diagnosis will become easier.

1 Palm is yin, back of hand is yang, palm represents material level, and back of hand represents functional level.

Five fingers represent five elements.

Thumb belongs to soil, corresponding to spleen and stomach;

The index finger belongs to gold, corresponding to the lung and large intestine, corresponding to the human respiratory and digestive systems;

The middle finger belongs to fire, corresponding to human energy system and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;

The ring finger belongs to wood, which corresponds to the purification system of human body and the antidiarrheal function of liver and gallbladder.

The little finger belongs to water, which corresponds to human reproductive system, kidney and reproductive function.

The finger has three segments, the upper segment corresponds to the upper focus, the middle segment corresponds to the middle focus and the lower segment corresponds to the lower focus.

Similarly, the palm is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower, which also corresponds to the triple energizer.

Heaven and man correspond, and people palm accordingly; It's nothing big, it's nothing small. It's all the same.

2. How to see a hand consultation?

My personal suggestion is from the whole to the part. Visible to the naked eye, look at it and analyze it with your mind; We should not only look at the tangible level, but also feel the invisible "God". God can't see, so we can only feel with our hearts. Therefore, you need to use both "heart" and "brain" when looking at your hands. The entry level is to use the brain, and the master is careful. This is a function that can only be possessed by continuous cultivation.

Focus on hand diagnosis and look at these seven aspects.

Look at the hand shape

The piano player on the left, Sandy is slender, with long fingers and short palms. This kind of people are naturally delicate in mind, rich in emotions, anxious and suspicious in character, easily influenced by emotions, easy to stagnate liver qi, and easy to get emotional diseases;

The brick hand on the right, with short fingers and thick palms, represents rough and unrestrained, strong and overbearing, does not pay attention to details, is easy to get angry, often has good spleen and stomach functions, and is prone to gastrointestinal blood-related diseases.

Obesity refers to: too many substances belonging to yin in fingers, suggesting that there are too many substances in the body, suggesting that the body is overweight and turbid.

Finger leakage: Fingers belong to yin, which indicates that there is insufficient substance in the body, suggesting that the spleen and stomach are dysfunctional, the diet is poor, and the sleep disorder consumes too much semen.

Second, look at the color.

Five elements correspond to five colors. If there is something wrong with any organ of the body, the corresponding color will not be absorbed, and the color will be reflected in the hands.

The whole body is white, suggesting that qi and blood are insufficient;

The overall redness indicates that the heart is too strong;

Overall yellowish, suggesting spleen deficiency and dysfunction of spleen transport and transformation;

On the whole, it is dark, suggesting poor circulation of qi and blood and blood stasis.

Look at your fingers.

The upper part is red and the lower part is white (the first knuckle is red and the third knuckle is white), suggesting that the upper part is hot and the lower part is cold.

The upper part is thin and the lower part is thick (the first knuckle is thin and the third knuckle is thick), suggesting that the upper part is weak and the lower part is solid. People with upper body deficiency and lower body deficiency are characterized by insufficient upper middle focus and edema of lower limbs.

Fourth, look at the hot and cold.

Redness represents heat; White stands for cold.

This hand, the spleen and stomach area is black and white, and the surrounding liver and gallbladder area is red, suggesting that the liver and gallbladder are hot and the spleen and stomach are cold.

The veins stood out when five people saw it.

The blue veins stand for blood stasis, qi stagnation or blood stasis.

If the corresponding finger has blue veins, it means there is something wrong with the corresponding system. For example, the blue veins in the middle finger indicate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular blockage.

If all fingers have veins stood out, it means that there is something wrong with the whole body blood, indicating that there is something wrong with the blood purification system of the liver.

Sixth, look at deformation.

Look at this hand, the little finger is severely deformed, suggesting kidney disease, gynecological disease, andrology disease and reproductive dysfunction. If the other fingers are deformed, and so on.

Look at your nails together

Normal nails have a crescent, the crescent is of moderate size, and the nails are bright without stripes and bruises.

There are vertical stripes on the nails, suggesting stagnation of liver qi.

There are black bruises under the nails, suggesting that liver toxins are deposited too much.

There are horizontal lines on the nails, suggesting that the gastrointestinal digestive system is dysfunctional, and it is likely that there has been trauma in recent months.

3. Let's analyze a hand image for your reference.

First look at the overall situation: the whole palm is dark, suggesting that qi and blood are not running smoothly, and there are stagnation of liver qi and blood stasis.

Look at the location: the spleen and stomach area is obviously dull, not full and sunken. The dark hint is not smooth, and there may be stagnation of phlegm-dampness and qi stagnation; Depression suggests weakness of the spleen and stomach and poor digestion and transportation ability.

Look at the hepatobiliary area again. The hepatobiliary area is red and black. Red indicates fever, and dark indicates liver and gallbladder dysfunction, qi stagnation and blood stasis, and liver and gallbladder are more blocked.

From the tangible level, we can probably see this information. From the intangible level, we can see more information, which can't be described in words and can only be understood by ourselves.

Hand consultation, that's all I can share with you.