Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - It is said that people's lives are hard and bumpy. Are boys divided into fairies and ghosts?

It is said that people's lives are hard and bumpy. Are boys divided into fairies and ghosts?

The understanding of children's life is also divided into Taoism and Buddhism, and the understanding of Taoism and Buddhism is slightly different. Here, I mainly tell you about the theory of Buddhism.

Children are also divided into fairies and ghost children. Fairies are mainly for the following three reasons:

I was demoted because I made a mistake around the fairy, a mistake.

God's command, with some kind of mission.

Before the 3 immortals advance, they need to rob the mortal world.

And guizai, it is these three reasons:

Before reincarnation, you were not a person, but a person in this life.

A spiritual ghost was forcibly possessed by the fetus.

3 evil things, want to return to reincarnation, young son possessed.

Whether it is a fairy child or a ghost child, we all call it a boy's life. More than 80% of the cases are fairies, and few are ghost children. However, whether a child prodigy or a child prodigy, the characteristics are basically the same:

1. I was a little uncomfortable or weak when I was a child.

2, feelings and marriage, the whole life is extremely smooth, there are many times the danger of divorce.

3. Life span is uncertain, 8 years old, 18 years old, 48 years old, 53 years old. These years are difficult times. Most people die in emergencies, such as car accidents, sudden illness or accidents.

Most young people are middle-class in appearance, while others are good-looking. We usually say that beauty is short-lived, and most people are childlike.

Most wealth is good, in a few cases wealth is extremely poor, and they are basically well-fed.

6. In some ways, you must have special skills. With ordinary people, I always feel that others are much more clumsy than him. Most of them are confident people, but they are not absolute.

7. A few young people-they often dream of supernatural things and have a strong sixth sense. They can predict some bad things, or they can see or encounter some strange things.

To sum up, the most terrible thing about this young man is two points: first, his life is bumpy; Secondly, before he was 53, his life was always worrying.