Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Yuan Tiangang's mausoleum is clearly there. Why hasn't anyone dared to steal for thousands of years?

Yuan Tiangang's mausoleum is clearly there. Why hasn't anyone dared to steal for thousands of years?

Speaking of grave robbery, it has a long history. It started thousands of years ago, and it became more rampant in the Han Dynasty. Cao Cao himself set up the position of a captain who touched gold, but in the Han Dynasty, ten tombs were empty because of the rampant war and robbery. Later, grave robbers even figured out some rules in grave robbery. No matter how prominent you are before your death, there will be no peace after your death. But there was a man whose grave was clearly laid, but even after thousands of years, no one dared to steal it. He is Yuan Tiangang.

Yuan Tiangang is the most famous master of Yi-ology in the Tang Dynasty, who knows astronomy above and geography below, and is proficient in Feng Shui. At the same time, there was a rare person named Li, who was in the same period. They also wrote a book called "Pushing Endorsement", which predicted what would happen a thousand years later. It seems that these two people are almost the same, but on the one hand, Li is still far from Yuan Tiangang.

During the period of Wu Zetian, in order to test who these two fortune tellers were, they were ordered to choose their own graves. Li visited Xianyang and finally chose a place on a mountain in Ganxian County. After Li selected it, he dug a hole and buried a copper coin to testify. Coincidentally, Yuan Tiangang also came to this mountain, and it was also in this place that he inserted a gold hairpin, which happened to be inserted in the copper hole. Wu Zetian saw the performance of the two men, and there was no way to tell the winner.

Just by looking at the two people choosing the tomb for Wu Zetian, we can see the level of the two people choosing the tomb. Both of them wanted to leave a treasure house for themselves, so they began to choose their own tombs. What a coincidence this time, two people came to Chang 'an County. They chose their own graves, but there was still some gap, about a few hundred meters away. It can be seen from here that the level of tomb selection between the two men is almost the same, but after hundreds of years, the two men are instantly distinguished.

In the Tang Dynasty, they were famous and protected by the royal family, so their graves were peaceful. However, after the demise of the Tang Dynasty, Li's tomb was stolen, but at the same time, Yuan Tiangang's tomb was cleverly avoided because it was classified as a military important place in the Song Dynasty. Once it was a coincidence, twice it was an accident, but later dynasties chose this place as a military stronghold, and even we in China chose this place as a military stronghold. You know, the difference between the two graves is only a few hundred meters, which caused such a gap. Yuan Tiangang took a fancy to the geomantic omen here and figured out that this is the place where the station troops were stationed, so his grave was not stolen, just look at the gap between the two people.

This article was originally written by the author, and the pictures came from the Internet. Please do not reprint to other platforms without permission.