Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The story of a beggar

The story of a beggar

Once upon a time, there was a beggar who lived by begging every day. He wants to beg for more rice every day so that he can get a wife in the future, but no matter how hard he tries, rice can't fit into the rice jar.

One day, he was in a daze beside the rice jar and suddenly found a mouse in the rice jar. He was very angry and asked the mouse why he stole my rice. So many rich people came to my rice jar instead of stealing it. I also prepared rice for my wife.

At this moment, the mouse spoke. You are destined to have only eight buckets of rice. No matter how you pretend, you are not satisfied. What does the beggar ask? The mouse said, I don't know. Ask Buddha.

The next day, the beggar went on his way, ready to ask the Buddha why he was destined to have only eight buckets of rice. Ask a Buddha passing by a member's house. The member asked the beggar, where are you going? The beggar said, I'll ask the Buddha why I'm destined to have only eight buckets of rice. This member thinks, if you see the Buddha, ask my daughter for me. She's eighteen. Why don't you talk? I'll give you more money on the way. The beggar agreed. I'll ask for you.

The beggar continued on his way and passed a temple. The abbot saw the beggar and asked him where he was going. The beggar said, I'm going to ask the Buddha what I'm destined to do. The abbot said, can you ask the Buddha for me? I've been practicing here for 500 years, and I haven't been enlightened yet. The beggar thinks this is quite big, so he must ask the abbot for me.

The beggar hit the road again and came to the river. He is worried about how to cross the river. At this moment, a turtle swam from the river. The tortoise asked: Where are you going? The beggar said, I went to pray for Buddha, and my hit was only eight dou meters. The tortoise wants to see the Buddha, so can you ask me why I have been practicing here 1000 years and I haven't become an immortal?

Hearing this, the beggar is quite big. When he sees the Buddha, he will surely beg you. The tortoise crossed the river with a beggar on his back.

Walking, the beggar fell asleep on the road and saw the Buddha in his dream. Buddha said I can answer three questions for you. . The beggar thought, if you want to cross the river when you go back, ask the tortoise first. The beggar asked the Buddha, why didn't the tortoise become an immortal after practicing 1000 years? Buddha said: because I can't bear to part with its turtle shell icon. The beggar understood.

The beggar remembered the abbot of the temple and asked the Buddha why the abbot had not been enlightened after five hundred years of practice. Buddha said that he could not bear crutches. Beggars understand that when the last question is whether to ask for help from the outside world or themselves, they finally choose to ask for help from the outside world. Why hasn't Buddha's daughter 18 spoken yet? Buddha said she hasn't met her sweetheart yet. I was just about to ask myself something when the Buddha disappeared.

The beggar came to the river and was ready to go back. The tortoise asked, will you ask the Buddha for me? The beggar said, Buddha said you can't bear to part with your turtle shell. The tortoise replied, yes, there are many pearls under my shell. Now I give up my shells and give them to you. The tortoise really soared.

The beggar came to the temple and said to the abbot, you can't be enlightened. Buddha says you can't bear to part with your crutches. The abbot said, yes, it was handed down by the master. I don't need it now, so I will give it to you.

When I came to Mr. W's house, Mr. W's daughter spoke, and the man who asked the Buddha came back and threw himself into the beggar's arms.

At this time, the beggar finally understood the Buddha's good intentions. If you want to realize your dreams, you must first learn to realize others' dreams. If you want to change your destiny, you must try to help others? To change their destiny. You have to cross other people's hearts to cross yourself.

If one can help others, others can achieve you. This is to treat all beings, but to be treated by all beings.