Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Inspirational quotes about financial investment

Inspirational quotes about financial investment

1, start saving and investing as soon as possible, which is a good habit worth developing.

2. Any direct investment is professional investment, and professional investment needs professional knowledge as the foundation.

3, when the position is constantly subject to its chaos, indecision will miss the opportunity and need to be decisive.

If you want to succeed, you must have enough free time.

5. You must have a trading plan before entering the market. Don't listen to people in the market!

6, don't complain about missing, the stock market always contains opportunities.

I was born poor, but I can't die of poverty!

8. Experience shows that the market will speak for itself and the market is always right. Anyone who despises market ability will eventually suffer!

9. Whether investors have business experience is not necessarily related to the profitability of investing in stocks.

10. Investing in a market where people believe in the effectiveness of the market is like playing bridge with someone who is told that he can't read the cards well.

1 1. For most investors, what matters is not what he knows, but what he knows clearly.

12. If we have firm long-term investment expectations, then short-term price fluctuations are meaningless to us unless they can give us an opportunity to increase our holdings at a cheaper price.

13, only those who are not greedy can become the final winners in the stock market, and those who have opinions can stand on the stock market for a long time!

14. The more time you spend on stocks, the more knowledge you gain, and the greater the possibility of making profits in the future. On the contrary, on the contrary.

15, quit immediately when business is not smooth, and then find a fighter after adjusting the status.

16, vitality always appears in despair. When it is unbearable, endure it for another five minutes; When you want to give up, try again!

17, the amount of money makes little difference to you and me. We won't change anything, except that our wives will be better off.

18. Going to the next level of business, you can't be greedy, let alone insatiable.

19, hype is like the forest law of the animal world, specifically attacking the weak, which is often successful.

20. You know, when you play poker, someone will have bad luck. If you look around, you can't see who will be unlucky, and that is yourself.

2 1. By superimposing the K-line charts of the market and individual stocks, we can judge whether the stock has a main force and whether it is strong or weak.

If an owner or investor tries to combine himself with the managers of well-managed enterprises, he can achieve great success.

23. If you don't want to own a stock for ten years, don't consider owning it for ten minutes.

24. We also have fear and greed, but we are afraid when others are greedy, and we are greedy when others are afraid.

25. The stock market is a social finance university without walls. It only repeats grades and never graduates.

26, don't easily convince others to buy and sell stocks, the stock price is the most difficult to predict, so as not to make mistakes.

27. If the operation is excessive, even if the market judges correctly, it will still be defeated.

28. If the market is always effective, I will only become a tramp with tinplate in the street.

29, talking and laughing can be a band, and you can only play for a short time when you are nervous.

30. It was better to be rational and restrained than to clean up the mess or even do business at a loss.

3 1, a word of advice, when you enter the market, think about whether you can find someone more stupid than you.

32. Don't go to work unplanned, and don't place an order unplanned!

33. If there are no rules, financial predators will bully the small with the big and bully the weak with the strong.

34. Remember that the source of profit is definitely not a good wish, but conforms to the market!

35. There is no shame in making mistakes. It is shameful that the mistake has been obvious but has not been corrected!

36, injured must be nursed back to health, not injured for the time being. Don't rush to make a comeback after suffering losses in the transaction, wait for the next opportunity!

37. When the stock market falls, the trading volume need not be enlarged; when the stock market rises, the trading volume must be enlarged.

38. If you can't sleep at night, sell your gub! Industry first, supplemented by stock investment. Doing stocks can help you make a fortune, but it is not a career.

39, any stock operation theory, has its shortcomings, the most trustworthy is the shareholders themselves.

40. For me, investment is both a sport and an entertainment.

4 1, don't invest all your property in the stock market, and don't borrow money to buy stocks.

You must endure the temptation to deviate from your guidelines: if you don't want to own a company for ten years, don't consider owning it for ten minutes.

43. Trade only active stocks, and avoid those stocks that move slowly and trade less!

44. In the stock market, look for mutations that others have not yet realized.

45. Today's investment achievements are due to self-discipline and stupidity of others.

46. It is much better to own a part of a diamond than to own a synthetic diamond completely.

47. The maximum loss is the maximum investment.

48. Patience is the key to success, and leaving is the best way to avoid one's fingers itch.

49. It is foolish to own a stock and expect it to rise the next morning.

50. The price increase will rise sharply; The increase of price decline will drop sharply; The reduction of price increase will turn down; The decline in price will prevent the decline.

5 1, when the main force really sucks, it is silent. If you put a lot, it will attract your attention.

52. To make money in the stock market, we must find out what others don't know or what others won't do.

53. Luck is the chief culprit in increasing risks, and hesitation is the chief culprit in missing opportunities.

54, any kind of industry, if there is a swarm of bees, excessive development, it will cause destruction.

55. When choosing industry stocks, choose two, but don't just look at two, choose the best and the worst!

I was born poor, but I can't die of poverty!

57. Don't make a big mistake: investors don't need to get many things right. It is important not to make big mistakes.

58. When the waves fall, finding support is a thankless task. The rate of decline is three times that of rise, because fear is more terrible than optimism.

59. If your investment effect is good, follow your feelings and put all your assets into it.

60. To seize opportunities, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

6 1, reflect on your own operation, experience and lessons, and constantly correct the wrong investment methods in order to strive for profit in the stock market!

62. When the general trend is weak, there are also wild stocks; When the general trend is rising, there are also unlucky stocks.

We should pay attention to what will happen, not when

Besides rich knowledge and reliable judgment, courage is your most precious asset.

65. The market is sometimes like an alcoholic who cries when he hears good news and laughs when he hears bad news.

What matters is not whether your judgment is right or wrong, but how to exert your strength when you are right!

67. Luck and hesitation: Luck is the chief culprit in increasing risks, while hesitation is the chief culprit in missing opportunities.

68. Those who make excuses for failure in the investment process will eventually pay for their excuses.

69. Don't try hard to get to the bottom and avoid the top. The top and bottom are naturally formed, not artificially set. Success is when you can eat to the middle.

70. I am greedy when others are afraid, and I am afraid when others are greedy.

7 1, the index environment can not be ignored, while paying attention to the volume. Technical and fundamental aspects should complement each other appropriately.

72. Little experience: The yellow line has broken through the first wave of highs in early trading, which means that the differentiation will last for one day!

73. Investors' persistent weaknesses: fear and greed. Hesitate when you should buy, and don't give up when you should sell. Tickets often go up in hesitation, and what goes down in a good cheer will be counterproductive.

74, determine the long-term investment goals and principles, for the primary issue of stock trading.

75. I think students majoring in investment only need to take two appropriate courses: how to evaluate a company and how to consider the market price.

76. If you want to swim fast, it is better to use the power of tides than to paddle with your hands.

77. The stock market didn't beat you. You beat yourself.

78. Be bold enough and have many opportunities; If you are not brave enough, the policy will not be great.

79. We must find out the reason for the heavy volume in order to get the safest judgment. I'd rather buy high and bright than buy low and confused.

80. By investing in index funds on a regular basis, those amateur investors can achieve more achievements than most professional investment masters!

8 1, trading volume is the vitality of the stock market, and the stock price is only the performance of quantity. Trading volume usually leads the stock price.

82. The essence of trading is that it is better to fight in laughter than to win in tension!

83. Investment must be rational. Don't do it if you don't understand it.

84. A good forecaster even a bad trader will go bankrupt.

85. The only value of stock forecasting experts is to make fortune tellers look good.

86. The key to successful investment is to buy the shares of excellent enterprises when the market price is far lower than the value of operating enterprises.

87. From the perspective of investment; Invest through speculation.

88, handy, don't get carried away; The veteran waits, but the novice is helpless.

89. The stock market can be invested and speculated, but not gambled.

90. Don't go against the stock market and don't speculate for specific needs.

9 1. Investors make money from other people's mistakes and lose money from their own mistakes.

92. The overall market is the product of national policies and the main force of the market, and the stock market is the one-man show of the bookmakers.

93. We welcome the market decline, because it enables us to buy more stocks at new and frightening low prices.

94. The success of venture capital requires strategic vision and superb tactics, as well as discipline in execution and patience in waiting for opportunities.

95. Finance is to make a market bigger, then short it, wait until the last minute, pull away, take away all the wealth, and leave an empty shell.

96. Five conditions for investing in the stock market: knowledge, patience, courage, health and capital.

97, engaged in stock investment, will get a lot of intangible income.

98. Take risks. Blame it, remember not to put all your eggs in one basket!

99. There is nothing new in the market, but it is constantly repeating.

100, which profit model is correct? Of course, what suits you is the best!

Investing without doing research is as blind as playing poker without looking at your face.

102. When you build a bridge, you insist on carrying 10,000 pounds, but only 10,000 pounds of trucks are allowed to shuttle through it. The same applies to the investment field.

103, don't indulge in the stock market, keep a proper distance from the stock market, even if you have stocks in your hand, you should try your best to have no stocks in your heart.

104, the most cost-effective transaction, at first, from the numerical point of view, almost all told you not to buy.

105, no rabbits, no eagles, no sales, no follow-up.

106. Making mistakes repeatedly may be the most frustrating experience.

107, always abide by the rules of your investment plan, which will strengthen good self-control!

108, don't invest in business that only fools can do, because fools will do it one day.

109, the most worthless thing in the world is the investment advice given by dishonest people.

1 10, invest in people who are not intelligent, and you will definitely beat the game of intelligent people.

1 1 1. What affects the market trend is not necessarily the truth of the event, sometimes people just agree with the event itself.

1 12. The financial crisis is not terrible. The terrible thing is that we have no confidence in the status quo and facts.

1 13. The success of an investor is directly proportional to whether he really understands this investment.

1 14. Preventing high-priced lock-up is the most important lesson in learning to buy and sell stocks.

1 15. He who laughs last is the best, and the profit will be known when it is finally decided.