Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why can't you predict your own destiny for free?

Why can't you predict your own destiny for free?

Since the traditional culture has been circulated for more than 8,000 years, there must be a reason for its existence. Predictors of Yi-ology should not only have good Taoist cultivation, rich knowledge accumulation, but also have enough experience summary. Seriously, it is not easy to analyze a divinatory symbol or a fate carefully. At present, in the era of market economy, it is only natural that the prediction teacher should give people a serious prediction, pay mental work and get due remuneration. As long as he is mature, he will know that there is no free lunch in the world. As long as he succeeds, he will know that there is a helpless fate in the world! In ancient times, these things involving fortune-telling and divination had to be given to Shi Yi or Taoist priests with gifts before they could ask secrets, so that they would not be blessed by asking secrets. Taoist priests in Yi Shi were ordered to eat daily food. This knowledge is obtained through hard study and practice, and it is also a special function given to you by God and the spiritual world to help you answer questions, so you will not be condemned by God for missing the open-air machine. Anyone who has been to Taoist temples and Buddhist temples will have seen merit boxes. When you ask Xiang to make a wish and pray, it is necessary to do good. If you ask the gods to help you, you should also accumulate merits. How much money you put into the merit box is a trivial matter, what matters is your sincerity and mind! However, modern people regard fortune-telling as entertainment, ask people to help fortune-telling everywhere, and do fortune-telling every day when they are free. Especially now, many people in the society are keen on free fortune-telling on the Internet, and they can't wait to give people free fortune-telling when they meet any high-ranking people. I took the trouble to enter my life table test, and published my birth date forecast online or in public, but I didn't know that my life span would be shorter and shorter, and the richer I got, the thinner I became. Remember, everyone knows that there is a price to pay for leaking secrets! Life has Chen Yuan, and divination has divination. If you profane these taboo cultures at will, your fate will also be profaned. Especially those who don't respect and ridicule Master Yi, even if they forget, don't believe that they don't do what Master says, and blame Master for not being able to do it! Speak ill of the master! Because people who know Yi are experts in learning Taoism and practicing Buddhism, they have aura and a great magnetic field, and everything they say when predicting has certain spells! It can also be said that it is a kind of spiritual communication between the divine world and the spiritual world. If you fight back and don't respect him, you will reverse the curse and you will get what you deserve! It's called self-reporting. The shelf life is fast and slow! Unless you open the birthday map again, there are Taoist priests and Yi-ology masters around to protect you. Either you open a horoscope in a Taoist temple or a temple, because with the protection of gods, the healthy gas field can suppress evil spirits or lonely souls to spy on your horoscope, so don't tell fortune by the roadside, and open a horoscope without any blessing, which will let some evil spirits or lonely souls spy on your horoscope. I have only superficial knowledge. Now I mainly study and practice Buddhism, and seldom help people predict fortune-telling. Sometimes friends ask simple things or practices, and I don't pay them, so I let them do good deeds, or read the Taoist classics "Tao Te Ching" and Buddhist scriptures for blessing! In addition to letting everyone know that fortune telling costs money, after all, it is better for you to spend money than to have good luck, and let everyone know that fortune telling is a very serious and solemn thing. Don't "look down" on your life! If you offer Jin Run to Taoist Yi Shi first, it means that you have sincerely sought happiness, and the way that Taoist Yi Shi gave you to avoid misfortune will not make you happy. Master Yi should also keep some of the money he earned as a health subsidy, and the rest should be used to study and practice, protect the three treasures of Taoism or Buddhism, give back to social welfare undertakings, accumulate merits for himself, and don't damage his good luck because of the open-air opportunity. Taoists and Buddhists who are good at learning and practicing are evil spirits. They are destined to make friends with you. If they become friends, frequent contact with magnetic fields can increase luck and health. Learn more from them, read more classics, and do more good deeds, which will help yourself and future generations to repay your kindness! There is no limit to merit! However, the masters have no chance to associate with you. Don't pester others every day and waste your time! If you ask the master of the Book of Changes to make divination for you, but you don't pay the money, you must read Laozi's Tao Te Ching and other Taoist scriptures for 99 times to cultivate your mind, or read the title of "Southern Guanyin Bodhisattva" in order to return to all beings in the dharma world, or get rid of it for good luck! In this way, all of us will not have any causal debts. So I sincerely advise those who are keen on free fortune telling that you are playing a very dangerous game. Please remember that there is no free lunch in the world. Every time you do free fortune telling, you will use your own blessing to Shou Yuan as a bargaining chip. The original good fate will make these "masters" who practice birthdays take turns. If your destiny itself is not good, then Yi Shi will tell you "your destiny is not good" according to the calculated real result. If one Yi Shi says that your life is not good, you will be cursed by a force once, and if ten Yi Shi says that your life is not good, there will be ten curses on you. Do you think your life will go there? You know, all fortune-tellers are born with a strong magnetic field force. If this Yi Shi knows how to practice Buddhism, or is very kind-hearted, then the magnetic field of this Yi Shi is positive and can relieve some disasters for you. If this Yi Shi only knows how to predict, but doesn't know how to practice Buddhism, and fortune-telling is purely for making a living, then the magnetic field of this Yi Shi is negative, and you are naturally influenced by this negative magnetic field. Some people go online every day to set up some formulas designed by so-called masters for their free fortune telling, painstakingly input their horoscope tests, and make their birth date predictions public online or in public. They think it's fun and free, and they are not allowed to scold the master for addiction. They are very happy! You don't know how to respect teachers, you are desperate. You despise yourself and no one respects you! So many people find their lives getting worse and worse. That's the reason. Every time a master who practices Taoism helps someone predict, he should pray for this person to practice Buddhism, that is, mobilize the invisible energy in the universe to resolve the disaster and try not to let the predicted disaster happen! Because even top experts can't eliminate disasters and solve problems, and it's impossible to eliminate disasters. In fact, most disasters that are too big are decomposed, that is, in case of life-threatening, several people in the family have to bear this difficulty. Sometimes it is inevitable that several people will be damaged, but at least one person's life can be guaranteed! Of course, there are other ways to eliminate disasters and increase luck, so I will skip it here. ) So I warn you, the fortune teller must pay Jin Run, or don't ask the master to predict. A master who predicts your fortune for free will only explain your fortune and will only say that you can't understand it. My own fate will only increase my troubles, but I don't know what to do. Don't want to spend money, don't have sincerity, don't believe in easy learning, bother the masters. Why? It's better to talk about daily life and enhance friendship! When you are willing to spend money and have sincerity, go to the masters to predict! So I advise you not to make any unnecessary free predictions if you have nothing to do! If something really happens, please give up gold and ask the expert to predict! Spend money with peace of mind! Of course, some people openly analyze some life cases in order to learn academic exchanges and discussions. This is an exception, because people who learn Yi generally learn Taoism and practice Buddhism. Usually, they recite scriptures to ward off evil spirits, and the life chart will have strong positive energy protection! I want to tell you a way to really change your destiny without spending money, and that is to practice Buddhism devoutly and do more good deeds to accumulate virtue. As long as you recite their Taoist and Buddhist names wholeheartedly according to the three treasures of Taoism or Buddhism, or read the Taoist and Buddhist scriptures such as Laozi's Tao Te Ching, you can change your destiny and avoid misfortune! Why not spend half a cent to do such a simple thing? Author: The study of the word Hong Xin by Jin Yide has been easy to learn for more than ten years. Author of three monographs on Yi studies.