Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Simple ancestor worship at home

Simple ancestor worship at home

Simple ancestor worship at home

Simple ancestor worship at home. Since ancient times, ancestors have been the main object of family sacrifice. Therefore, people attach great importance to ancestor worship in their lives. Generally, ancestors are worshipped regularly. Customs vary from place to place. This is a simple ancestor worship at home.

Simple ancestor worship at home 1 1, and the day is sacrificed.

Generally speaking, it is that family members should worship their ancestors. There are many opportunities to worship ancestors, such as ancestors' birthdays, anniversaries, major festivals every year, and important days for future generations, such as birth, birthday, marriage, festivals and so on.

2. Determine the object of ancestor worship

Every day, for some big families, or some big families, there will be a grand ancestor worship ceremony. Speaking of large families, naturally many ancestors will be included in the worship scope. In addition to the rituals and procedures considered in ancestor worship, we can also consider the personality characteristics and preferences of ancestors. Like good wine?

Step 3 prepare sacrifices

Usually there are three cups of rice wine, red candles, chopsticks and spoons. Paper money uses silver paper, towels and clothes.

Different places will also prepare local specialties due to different seasons. Such as: cakes, glutinous rice balls, tide cakes, zongzi, fruits, sacrifices, rice cakes, etc.

With the times, we will also prepare some paper flowers, paper buildings, paper carts, paper computers and so on.

It can be specially equipped according to the wishes of the ancestors.

4. Reasonable placement of sacrifices

Lamps-ancestral tablets-candlesticks-sacrificial lamps-three sacrifices (from inside to outside).

Ancestor tablets should not be higher than idols, and should not be placed in front of the sacred furnace. Because they belong to yin, they should be lowered and retired.

If there are two memorial tablets, the main surname is on the left and the deputy surname is on the right, they should be separated from the incense burner with red silk thread.

The number of bowls and chopsticks placed during ancestor worship should be decided by several ancestors, not too many.

Scissors, medicine bottles and other sundries are not allowed on God's desk, nor are instruments.

5. Sacrificial ceremony

Japanese hosts got up early in the morning, including children and grandchildren living in other places and married daughters.

Neat shrine

Burn incense (seven incense sticks per person), offer tea fruits, and arrange sacrifices such as grain, table and rice for sacrifice at noon.

The elders pay homage first, and then pay homage one by one in order.

Say the words of sacrifice (old saying)

On a certain day and month of the lunar calendar, it is auspicious, peaceful, prosperous, full of Buddha's light and bright town houses, which will bless the whole family with all the best. Good health, help from noble people, rolling in financial resources, successful career of the whole family, and great achievements. I wish my family happiness, excellent children and auspicious days. )

Finish reading; Pray silently and make a wish for one minute.

After the incense is over two thirds, burn paper money, and burn it in the order of Da Shou Jin, Shou Jin, Jin Chu and Land Gong Jin.

Polite, quit

Other considerations:

1, after the throne is decided, it is advisable to have incense sticks for three days.

2. Give a gift to God every year on the 24th of the lunar calendar1February, and you can clean the furnace.

3. When moving, the ancestral tablet should be paved with gold under the box, and "Fire Day" should be selected. It should be moved forward from 0: 00 to 5: 00. If there is sunshine, bring a black umbrella.

On the day of pacification, you should worship the landlord at dusk.

How to worship ancestors at home?

The first step is to support

Incense, candles, fruits, flowers and cakes (don't use meat, cigarettes or wine).

The second step, worship

During the worship, I meditated as follows:

1, Gratitude: Grateful for the blessings of ancestors and grateful for the upbringing of parents;

2. Report: report your achievements in the past year to your ancestors and repent your mistakes;

3, make a wish: break evil and cultivate good, improve practice and honor ancestors.

The third step is to recite the Buddha, recite the Buddha and hold the mantra.

If time permits, you can read Amitabha Sutra, Infinite Life Sutra and Bodhisattva's Original Wish Sutra.

Step 4: Pray.

Physical and mental health, career prosperity, family prosperity, social stability and world peace. I only wish the buddhas and bodhisattvas, the gods of heaven and earth, and the ancestors of past dynasties mercy and protection.

Step 5: Return the goods.

Parents in the world, the karma of the dead disappears, and the living is in bliss; The living ask questions and understand, and live a long and healthy life. Returning to all sentient beings, including ancestors, can get rid of the pain of reincarnation as soon as possible and achieve supreme bodhi Buddha fruit.

Intention determines interest.

Tomb-Sweeping Day's different ways of ancestor worship express the same wish, that is, to raise our gratitude and respect for our ancestors, to raise our compassion for all the deceased, and to sublimate our inner spirit. At the same time, it also inherited the merits of Buddha and Bodhisattva and the blessings of ancestors, which made our family prosperous and life smooth.

Simple ancestor worship at home Three things you must know about ancestor worship at home 1 1.

1. What if the incense burner is full of incense ashes?

Answer: The incense burner at home should always be kept clean. When I first became a monk, Master often told me that when the incense burner was finished, I should pull out the incense sticks and smooth the ashes in the incense burner. Never be crowded and dirty. If there is too much incense ash, dig some out and put it in a flowerpot. Don't let others step on it.

2. What should I do after the fragrance is finished?

A: We in China always respect Buddha, and incense is used to worship Buddha. Don't throw your feet after burning incense. Just like dealing with damaged classics, cremate them and put them in a clean place. A little respect will pay off, but don't be too persistent. If you can't handle living in the city, wrap it up and throw it in the trash can. If there is a way, handle it better.

When the Buddhist temple lights at home, it is on for 24 hours. Is this like a law?

A: There are basically two kinds of sayings, based on "Sage and Foolish Classics?" It is difficult for a poor woman to get a product: in the Buddha's time, there was a woman who begged for a whole day to get something, so she changed it into oil to light the Buddha. Buddha usually tells me to blow out the lights at dawn, but the lights lit by beggars can't be blown out. According to this statement, lighting is from night to dawn, not during the day. In addition, the saying in "Pharmacist Classic" is: 49 life-prolonging lamps, lasting for 24 hours. So both are ok, but pay attention to safety first.

Some people say that after twelve o'clock, there is no need to burn incense for self-study in the evening. Is this correct?

A: Basically, incense is called the Buddha's envoy, and lighting incense means informing the Buddha or offering sacrifices to the Buddha. Just like the Buddha, just click if you want. There is no rule that you can't order incense after twelve o'clock. And there are two kinds of incense, called "upper offering" and "lower offering". Some incense is used to support buddhas and bodhisattvas, and some incense is added with spices and food, which can be given to all beings outside. Because many ghosts and sentient beings smell, if you order incense and food, they will be very happy.

5. Do the five sides and five soils at the door, the kitchen god and the ancestors all use them for lighting?

A: Motivation is everything. In the past, we worshipped the landlord and begged him to make us rich. This motive is wrong. Now, if you were here, I would light a lamp for you and make you happy from your pain. This motive will do. Motivation is everything. I can't control you to find the land Lord just because I worship Buddha. That is wrong. After I worship Buddha, the earth god still exists. Everything has a god. Agama wrote it clearly. The Buddha said: Every lane, street and road, including a small sapling, has a ghost attached to it. Why? Ghosts are as numerous as dust and have no fixed place to live, so they are attached to every place, so we learned this. Compassion can light a lamp for them, but not beg them. If you beg them, the future is like raising a child. When he wants your things in the future and you can't return them, he may make you suffer in various ways. So don't let ghosts do anything. We have a moral spirit and naturally respect you. Even if you help him, he will thank you. This is a natural phenomenon.

6. I converted, but what if my family wants me to burn incense and worship God in the morning and evening?

A: You can't worship God after conversion, but you can change, because many of the gods you worship are Buddhists, such as Guan Gong, Wei Tuo and Mazu. Why should we worship him? At night lessons, when I praised him, I said, "Wei Tuo will become a bodhisattva", right? So you can skillfully look at the god worshipped by your family, which is the hand of Diwang Bodhisattva. You have read the earth book. There are so many men in the earth king, all of whom are incarnations of bodhisattvas. Helping the earth king is a vow in the hell. The gods who manifest the way of hell and the way of hungry ghosts think they are Buddhist disciples and manifest bodhicitta to help Bodhisattva save all beings. If you think so, you won't violate it. Since all the gods in that family have worshipped buddhas and bodhisattvas, it is also possible to worship buddhas and bodhisattvas. Just improve the status of Buddha and lower the status of other gods.

On the centenary of mother's death, the car broke down on the way to worship. What classics should I read to eliminate repentance?

A: The car broke down on the way, which may have its karma. There is no accident in Buddhism. This karma may be telling you to take your time, so it doesn't matter what you read. The Buddhist scriptures spoken by the Buddha are blessed as long as they are read out. In this case, chanting, chanting and holding spells will calm your heart, and maybe you can see some signs. For example, I sometimes kick before going out, and I will wait for the phone call: "Master! It's half an hour late. I see. It's no use going too early Every time you want to do something, the dharma protector will try to make you feel that it is a religious experience, so just keep a clean heart and read more scriptures at any time.

8. My family has been dead for eight years. How can I cross over to perfection?

A: It is perfect to return to all sentient beings. If you still love your family very much and remember it clearly even after several years of death, then you are persistent. Looking back, it is said that all beings in the dharma world are called turning back. You know this year is the eighth anniversary of his death. It must be helpful to help him make meritorious service, not to help him support the elderly, seal the scriptures, get rid of it, and then return to the dharma world.

9. My son went to the United States to study for twelve years, but he gave up the newspaper when he graduated and died. What is the reason? What method can eliminate the extreme sadness inside?

A: Apart from his personal karma, it may be that you paid off his debts and he left. Why does Buddhism talk about compassion, and sometimes it shows the love of mothers for their children? Because my mother lived to be a hundred years old and still thought about her 80-year-old son until her death. Now your son has given up the newspaper, but from the perspective of Buddhism, you should know that he is not really dead. After his death, he will be reincarnated in a place where he is destined to become another image and individual. If you can't stop your grief, you should actively help him practice his merits, set him free, and seal the scriptures, so that he will be happier and live longer in the afterlife than in this life.

10, we worship the memorial tablet of our ancestors. If they have been reborn or gone to other places, is it useless to worship like this?

A: As long as he has not transcended reincarnation, even if he is reincarnated as a human being now, he can still get the benefits of blessing by using Buddhism to help him recite scriptures and offer flowers to the Buddha. Assuming that he was born the next day, his descendants will seriously help him repay his merits. With this merit, he can be born on the third and fourth day. Assuming that he is in Elysium, his taste will also improve. This is called the origin of Buddhism. Therefore, we should make more friends now. After my death, as long as my disciples think of the waves, they will help me release Mengshan and seal the scriptures, so that my taste in Elysium will be higher. If I am reincarnated as a human being, my blessings will get bigger and bigger, which is called mutual increase.

1 1. When my sister died, I went to worship and touched her body. Some people say that if she touches the body of the deceased, she can't burn incense and worship Buddha when she goes home. I wonder if there is such a taboo?

A: Absolutely not. Listening to others doesn't count. Listening to the Buddha counts, and listening to the disciples of the Buddha is correct. However, if a person has just died, try not to touch his body, because the ancestors said: as soon as a person dies, this bardo will leave the body, and it will hurt like a turtle shell for eight to twenty-four hours. Touching her is for fear that she will be tempted and unable to maintain mindfulness, so try not to touch her, don't cry, don't call her, and keep chanting. Do you remember? When Anita Mui died, he said to his friend, "Don't read my name. Come back after reading my name. You should read Buddha." Don't call him by his name because she is dying. If you like this article, or find it practical or interesting, please share it with more people!