Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Who is the captain of Cheng Haixi team?

Who is the captain of Cheng Haixi team?

At the end of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, a peasant uprising army led by Wang Boxuan was active in the Jiangsu and Anhui areas of Chenghai. After Bo Xuan died, Zhu Liangbao of the Ministry succeeded him as the leader. In the area from Lianyanghe to Donglongxi, we continued to hold high the banner of the uprising, resist rent and taxes, rob the rich and help the poor, and local farmers joined the rebel army one after another. The rebel base camp is located in Puying at the foot of Nanzhi Mountain (now the dividing line between urban and rural areas), and a lookout tower is set up on Xiadaimei Traffic Mountain in the southwest of the river, which has a huge momentum for a while.

When the capital learned the news, it was furious and sent loyalists back to the north of Yanglian River by boat and landed in Chengyanggang Township in an attempt to wipe out the rebels in one fell swoop. Zhu Liangbao relied on the commanding heights and strictly defended; On the one hand, the tactics of luring the enemy in depth were adopted, and some rebels were sent to bypass the process of Yang Gang Village, outflanking loyalists in a roundabout way, and attacked at both ends. Liang Bao's two generals, Shi Feng and Tie Feng, were extremely brave, and everyone in the rebel army was United as an enemy, killing loyalists in flight and killing more than 300 people. After that, many attacks by loyalists also failed.

Zhu Liangbao was dizzy after winning the first battle. He didn't want to expand armaments and food, but he was king, ordering a villager to build a city and set up four gates, east, west, north and south. He also built a palace in the south of the city and wanted to live a royal and rich life. Although Zhu Liangbao was opposed by the Ministry of Stone and Iron and the Great Xia, he still went his own way and finally died alone.

After several unsuccessful attacks, the loyalist decided to send spies to sneak into Tucheng under the cover of selling hexagrams, trying to gain Zhu Liangbao's trust and become one of his little leaders. The spies spread rumors everywhere, saying that Shi and Tie had an affair with officers and men and plotted to serve the city. Liang Bao really believed it, and for a pretence gave a banquet to entertain the two generals. After getting drunk, tie your hands with beef tendon and wet tea oil and draw your sword to kill them.

The loyalist got the news, knew that the disaster had been eliminated, and attacked again. First, straw was hung on the barbed bamboo around the city base, and the arrow was poured with soybean oil, which was shot into the bushes and ignited, making Tucheng suddenly become a fire city. The loyalists stormed again, spies spread rumors in the city, the morale of the army was scattered, and the soldiers had no fighting spirit. Zhu Liangbao was frightened, knowing that the tide had receded and the city was difficult to keep. He rushed to the south gate to break through, and was finally shot by the big dog dragon, and the rebels were also killed.

The loyalists hated Zhu Liangbao's rebellion, set fire to the palace, and dug 99 toilet pools there in order to make Zhu Liangbao famous for thousands of years. Afterwards, the villagers buried the bodies of the insurgents in Longdongpu, which was called "mass graves". Although the peasant army led by Zhu Liangbao was defeated, the villagers did not forget him and still called his village Tucheng Town. Now at the southern foot of Nanzhi Mountain, the old site of Zhu Liangbao's rebel army-the military tent whistle in Huangmaoshi is still preserved.

Anti-Chiang armed riot

Chenghai peasant army's armed rebellion against Chiang Kai-shek was the first armed rebellion against Chiang Kai-shek in Chaoshan area: 1927 After Chiang Kai-shek's "April 12th" counter-revolutionary coup, there were successively "April 15th" counter-revolutionary coups in Chaoshan, and Shantou prefectural committee of the Communist Party of China quickly set off an armed rebellion against Chiang Kai-shek. /kloc-On the night of April 6th, 0/5, the ministries and commissions of Chenghai County of the Communist Party of China set up an uprising headquarters composed of Chen Guowei, member of Shantou District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Huang Qi, He Dancheng and Zou Keying, acting secretaries of ministries and commissions of Chenghai County of the Communist Party of China, which fired the first shot of the armed uprising against Chiang Kai-shek in Guangdong. The county is divided into east and west battlefields, and more than 5,000 farmers participated in the riots. During the riots, the peasant army in each area arrested more than 65,438,000 reactionaries, paraded the streets and executed dozens of reactionaries. The Kuomintang mobilized troops to attack the peasant army in the United States and garrison headquarters. In order to preserve their strength, the ministries of Chenghai County of the Communist Party of China evacuated party member and more than 200 peasant troops who participated in the riots to the former Holly Country Mountain in Raoping.

China * * * established the first revolutionary regime in Chaoshan area-"Seven Days Red in Chaoshan" 1927. In mid-July, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to hold the Nanchang Uprising, and set up a committee of the former enemies of the Communist Party of China composed of Li, Yun and Peng Pai as its secretary. August 1, He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De, Liu Bocheng, etc. Leading more than 20,000 people of the National Revolutionary Army controlled and influenced by the Party to launch the Nanchang Uprising. On August 3, the insurgents began to leave Nanchang and go south to Guangdong.

Nanchang Uprising Army arrived at Sanhe Dam in dapu county on September 19. On the afternoon of September 23rd, the main force of the insurgents occupied Chaozhou. On 24th, the Revolutionary Committee of Chaoan County was established, and a meeting to welcome the rebels was held in West Lake that day. On the morning of 24th, an insurgent army entered Shantou city, fought side by side with the workers and peasants, captured the police headquarters and surrendered. On the afternoon of 24th, Zhou Enlai and other members of the Front Committee, Revolutionary Committee, He Long and Ye Ting arrived in Shantou and set up their headquarters in Tai Po Hall. Shantou Revolutionary Committee was announced today. On the 25th, tens of thousands of people in Shantou held a grand rally in the cattle slaughterhouse to welcome the rebels.

According to the operational deployment, the insurgents left Chaozhou for Jieyang on 26th. On the same day, the Jieyang Party organization mobilized civilian boats and set up a pontoon bridge at Mayadu to welcome the main rebel forces into the city. On September 26th, Zhang, alternate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Provisional Political Bureau, member of the CPC Southern Bureau and new secretary of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, secretly came to Shantou from Hong Kong, and held two meetings of the Southern Bureau in Tai Po Hall on the same day and 28th.

Taking advantage of the momentum of the rebel invasion of Chaoshan, Chaoshan counties further expanded armed riots. From the invasion of Chaoshan by Nanchang Rebel Army to the establishment of a group of revolutionary regimes of workers and peasants, these days, it has been called "Seven Days Red in Chaoshan" by the masses.

Chenghai uprising

1On April 5th, 927, farmers in Chenghai County, Guangdong Province, under the leadership of China * * *, held an uprising against the anti-communist massacre of the Kuomintang Rightists.

1in the spring of 926, Liu Xisan, a member of * *, went to Chenghai County, Guangdong Province, and together with the * * * people who had already worked in the county, went deep into various districts and townships to mobilize and organize farmers, reorganized farmers' associations, and actively carried out the struggle against taxes. The membership of the county farmers' association has grown to more than 2,000 in a short time. On February 2, 1927 1,1,the right-wing forces in the seventh district arrested the special commissioners of the local farmers' associations; In March and April, another group of people gathered to hold armed demonstrations and beat students of Dongli civilian school for no reason; What's more, more than 200 armed men were gathered to raid the county peasant association, killing Pippen, the coach of the peasant army, and later arrested more than 20 members of Chenghai County Committee, members of the peasant association, the peasant army and teachers and students. 12 After Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution in April, the anti-communist situation became more severe.

In order to counter the anti-communist massacre of the Kuomintang Rightists, the the Communist Party of China (CPC) Party Organization led Chenghai farmers to hold an uprising on April 15. Thousands of participants attacked Dong Zhang and Guanlong strongholds in two directions. After planning to break through the stronghold, we will jointly attack Chenghai County. The rebels besieged the above positions for nearly a month. In mid-May, because the Kuomintang Rightists sent reinforcements from Shantou, the situation was extremely unfavorable to the uprising farmers, so they stopped besieging the strongholds, and Liu Xisan and others led 100 armed men to fight in Qinglanshan area. By June 1 1, the party member of the Communist Party of China in Chenghai County had grown to more than 170 people, and 24 rural party branches had been established, and the members of the peasant associations had also developed greatly, creating favorable conditions for the later revolutionary struggle.

The Japanese army slaughtered the city in three days.

1939 The Japanese invaders slaughtered Chengcheng for three consecutive days from May 30th to June 2nd of the lunar calendar, which was inhuman.

Before the "Holocaust", the Japanese army had an attempted attack in Chengcheng. At that time, the people of the whole city were in a panic, and it was expected that the Japanese aggressors would not leave it at that. So since that afternoon, every family in the city has abandoned their homes and fled to relatives and friends in the countryside or other places. Two or three days passed and nothing happened. On the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, a group of people returned to the city one after another. On the morning of May 30th, the Japanese army began to slaughter the city. More than 300 Japanese troops stationed in Iijima, Shantou besieged Chengcheng and nearby towns. They first bombed the city with artillery, and then fired with intensive firepower-light and heavy machine guns and rifles. The defenders were unable to resist and retreated eastward. At noon, they were captured.

At that time, the enemy assembled a brigade of more than 300 people and carried two teams in rubber boats to attack. One team landed in Waisha, the other team landed at Shangjiao Ferry, and the score was killed by the road. The first team arrived in Longtian Township, occupied the roof of Cai's high-rise building and shelled the whole city. Seeing that they didn't fight back, they attacked in different ways. The first team went from the top of the mountain to the top of the dike in Pumei Xinxiang, and then divided into two roads, all the way through the East Lake into the East Gate and all the way into Pumei.

After the Japanese invaders entered the city, they slaughtered and burned at will, regardless of sex, age and age. Life and death depend on their emotions and rivers of blood. It was raining cats and dogs in summer, and it rained for three days. The Japanese aggressors slaughtered for three days, and the evil wind was miserable and rainy, which was doubly bleak. The people in Chengcheng and nearby towns experienced an unprecedented disaster. This time, more than 700 journalists' names will be slaughtered, and many others cannot be searched. The scene of the massacre was terrible. For example, the Japanese invaders arrested 28 people in Biansheng Hospital (now a Chinese medicine hospital), dragged them out of the hospital gate, beheaded them, and pushed their bodies down the Daiyu River. Blood-stained river, bodies all over the river.

The cruelest massacre was on the second day of June, when the Japanese invaders evacuated Chengcheng, they arrested more than 40 porters, packed their luggage for their troops and threw them on rubber boats at the ferry head of Waisha. All of them were killed, none of them survived. There are many ways of execution, such as beheading, amputation, transection, chest piercing, laparotomy, whole body stabbing, or shooting with machine guns. All kinds of terror are unbearable, and the enemy is extremely cruel, which is a kind of enjoyment. People in Chenghai Township fled in succession. On the afternoon of the second day of June, when the enemy retreated from Chengcheng to Anbu, they posted notices in the city, threatening to intimidate the people and set up a stability meeting in Chengcheng within five days, otherwise they would send troops to slaughter.

When Japanese troops evacuated Chengcheng, they set fire to it inside and outside the city. The burned buildings include the Yao teahouse (now at the entrance of the city stadium) that was robbed for three nights, and the embers have not been extinguished for a long time. There are noodle shops near Wu Tong Bridge, 1 households downstairs in Bajiao, several shops such as Jirentang Medicine in the south gate, more than 20 shops and workshops near Tiexi Street and Yanchang Street, and Wanghai Building on the top of Bogong Mountain outside the east gate, all of which were burned down.

Battle of south bridge

At noon on February 27th, 1940, the Japanese Futian Brigade arrived at the west bank of Waisha River and immediately shelled the position of China Army on the east bank. Because its plot to cross the river from Waisha Ferry failed, it changed to Nanqiao as the main attack direction, hoping to attack Chengcheng from here. As soon as the enemy's guns rang, Wang Xiyue, the squadron leader of Nanqiao No.3 Squadron, dropped the opium pipe and slipped away without wearing shoes. Zhang zhen, the discipline official, came forward to dissuade him, and Wang Xiyue pushed the team under the command of Zhang zhen, and chickened out under the pretext of "transferring troops". Chen Xiong, the squadron leader of the Fourth Squadron, went home on the pretext that his leg hurt before he entered the city. The team is led by political trainer Zheng Jianfu. At this point, the fourth detachment moved to Nanqiao, unified by Zhang zhen and assisted by Zheng Jianfu. Because Zhang zhen, Zheng Jianfu and other * * * members and members of youth resistance organizations unite with the members of this squadron and often educate them in patriotism, when they come forward at this critical moment, more than 0/00 members of the two squadrons/KLOC-expressed their obedience to the command and resolutely fought the enemy to the end. On the 28th, the Japanese army concentrated 100 elite troops in an attempt to capture the South Bridge in one fell swoop. Zhang zhen and Zheng Jianfu led the self-defense team to fight calmly, and repelled the enemy's charge five times in a row from 9 am to 4 pm.

While the front-line soldiers fought bloody battles, the Chenghai Youth Anti-Japanese Combat Team in the rear braved enemy fire to go deep into the front position for rescue, condolences and battlefield encouragement. The people of Chengcheng sent food, tea and labor, and the heroic scene of the army and the people fighting against the enemy side by side appeared.

In front of the Great Wall built by soldiers and civilians in China, the Japanese army suffered heavy losses. On the 29th, the Japanese army reinforced a large number of cavalry and artillery, and surrounded Chengcheng on three sides (Yanglianhe on the other side). 1 year in March, the enemy increased its troops, with a total strength of 1000, and attacked the city in six ways. It was not until the evening that the China army left Chengcheng. At this time, it has been fighting for 5 days and nights continuously, which has dealt a major blow to the Japanese puppet troops. Zhang zhen's troops won a bonus of 100 yuan from the authorities for their achievements in the struggle against the enemy, and all the newspapers praised Zhang zhen as "General Nanqiao Zhang". Chenghai county magistrate Li Shaoru also visited Yang Lianjiang to welcome the withdrawn Self-Defense Forces, and announced the promotion of Zhang zhen as the deputy squadron leader of the third detachment and the captain of the first detachment. The county committee of the CPC Chaocheng Rao Center also reported and commended the heroic deeds of Zhang zhen and others.

1943, Chenghai experienced a drought rarely seen in history.

From the winter solstice of 1942 to the spring of 1943, it didn't rain in Chenghai for four consecutive months, and it began to rain on March 2 1, and it was dry again in April. The land in the county is cracked, and the salt tide is upwelling (Xixi goes directly to Shenzhou in the outer sand, and Dongxi goes up to Guishan boundary in Shang Hua). Due to the drought, most of the crops that can be sown in the county died, which is a rare drought in history.

It's time for the tide to ebb. Mizhu has won the laurel and is hungry. On the road, "edema feet" are everywhere. Nearly one third of the county's population starved to death, and countless people fled. Coupled with the cholera epidemic that year, the streets, the people who left the bodies, and the streets in the countryside showed a miserable scene everywhere.