Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Sun Ce's story: Make friends, make great strides and build a foundation.

Sun Ce's story: Make friends, make great strides and build a foundation.

Sun Ce was a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The word "Bo" symbolizes. Fuchun people in Wu Jun. Sun Ce's hero is resourceful, knowledgeable, and has a strong sense of responsibility, which has laid the foundation for the founding of Soochow. But sometimes he was so rash and arbitrary that he died young.

First, Sun Jian, the father of Jiang Ce, once befriended Hao Jun and Wei Zhen, but did not return for many years, and his home was Shouchun. When Sun Ce was a teenager, he had made many friends and was very famous. Zhou Yu, a native of Shu County, admired the name of Sun Ce and made a special trip to Shouchun. Zhou Yu and Sun Ce are the same age, both young and ambitious. Shouchun met them, treated them sincerely and became friends. Zhou Yu advised Sun Ce to move to Shu County to get closer to each other, and Sun Ce readily agreed. Zhou Yu gave up his big house near the road and lived in Sun Ce. He went to church to meet his mother, so they shared what they needed.

Sun Ce 17 years old when Sun Jian died. After burying his father, he crossed the Yangtze River and stayed in Jiangdu, where he became a hero and wanted to form wings to avenge his father one day.

Celebrity Zhang lives in Jiangdu because of his mother's death. Sun Ce visited several times to discuss the current situation with him. Sun Ce said that he planned to go to Yuan Shu to visit his father's staff, and then go to Danyang to take refuge in his uncle Jason Wu, collect scattered troops, take revenge on Wu Jun and Huiji in the East, and become a foreign vassal of the imperial court. Zhang _ said: If we can really live in Danyang and gather Wu Jun and Huiji's soldiers and horses, Jingyang will be completely annihilated, and revenge is just around the corner. By then, relying on the Yangtze River to strive for greatness, sweep away heroes and rectify the Han Dynasty, your achievements will surely last forever, and you will be more than just a foreign vassal. Sun Ce listened to Zhang _ and decided to act immediately, entrusting his mother and weak brother to Zhang _.

Sun Ce rushed to Shouchun and asked Yuan Shu for his father's staff. Yuan Shu refused first, and then returned Sun Jian's staff to Sun Ce. From then on, Sun Ce gradually showed his true colors as a hero, which attracted people's attention. Soon, the court appointed Sun Ce as a captain of Huaiyi. Yuan Shu's generals, Jojo and Zhang Xun, also admired Sun Ce's style. When Yuan Shu saw Sun Ce's young hero, he once lamented, "Why regret having a son like Sun Ce?" ! There was a cavalry in Sun Ce who escaped punishment after committing a crime and hid in a stable in Yuan Shu. Sun Ce sent people after him and went straight to Yuan Shu camp, where he found the criminals and beheaded them on the spot. After the incident, Sun Ce went to Yuan Shu to explain the situation and apologize. Yuan Shu said: The mutiny of the sergeant should be punished together, and there is no need to apologize.

This incident further enhanced Sun Ce's reputation, and the soldiers were more in awe of Sun Ce from now on.

Yuan Shu is a man of repeated actions and often breaks his word. At first, he promised to appoint Sun Ce as the satrap of Jiujiang, but he was soon replaced by someone else. After that, he made a vow to take Lujiang and let him be the satrap there. As a result, Sun Ce won Lujiang, and Yuan Shu appointed his old men as the satrap of Lujiang. In this way, Sun Ce thought he left Yuan Shu on the grounds of taking Jiangdong.

Sun Ce then led his father's staff and hundreds of visitors to the east. Along the way, people kept coming to vote and the team continued to expand. In Liyang, it increased to five or six thousand people. Zhou Yu also led troops to meet Sun Ce and sponsored shops. So Sun Ce immediately led his troops across the river, attacked Hengjiang and Dangli, and conquered them one after another. Then, Sun Ce continued to attack, and the attackers were defeated. They defeated Rong Rong and Lu You, the strongmen in the south of the Yangtze River, and entered Qu 'a.

Wherever Sun Ce's army went, soldiers strictly obeyed orders, and Qiu did nothing. The local people were very happy and rushed to reward the army with cattle and wine. Sun Ce paid tribute to the soldiers, issued a proclamation, and told his subordinate counties: Liu You, Rong villagers and those who surrendered had nothing to ask for; Those who are willing to join the army can join the army, exempt from family tax corvee; If you don't want to join the army, you will never be forced! After the proclamation was issued, followers gathered from all directions and soon recruited more than 20 thousand soldiers and more than 1000 horses.

Second, in the first year of Jian 'an, Liu You gave up Dantu and fled to the west, and Sun Ce moved eastward to capture Wu Jun. In August, Sun Ce led the troops through Zhejiang to match Huiji. Hui Jigong Cao Yu persuaded Wang Lang, the satrap, to avoid Sun Ce temporarily, but Wang Lang wouldn't listen. He sent his troops to stop the attack on Guling, but Sun Ce failed in several attacks. Sun Ce's uncle, Sun Jing, gave advice and suggested a diversion to win by surprise. Sun Ce followed the plan. So, at night, we lit torches everywhere to confuse and contain the enemy ahead, while separating the military forces and attacking Chadu quietly. Wang Lang was afraid and quickly sent Zhou Xin to fight with his troops. Sun Ce killed Zhou Xin and drove straight in. Wang Lang was defeated and took Yu Fan to the east by boat. Sun Ce courageously pursued, and Wang Lang and Yu turned and surrendered. Sun Ce pacified Jiangdong, appointed Jason Wu as the prefect of Danyang, Zhi Zhu as the prefect of Wujun, served as the prefect of Huiji himself, and still made contributions to Yu Fan.

In the summer of the second year of Jian 'an, Wang Pu, a negotiator sent by Cao Cao, went to see Sun Ce with the imperial edict of Emperor Han Xian, appointed him as the riding captain, attacked his father Jue as Wu Chenghou, served as the satrap of Huiji, and ordered him to crusade against Yuan Shu with Lu Bu and Lu Bu. Sun Ce felt that he was in charge of military forces and rode a surname, and his position was a bit low. He wanted the title of general to show his self-respect and sent someone to see Wang Puwei. Wang Pu immediately announced in the name of the emperor that Sun Cequan would replace General Han Ming.

In the third year of Jian 'an, Sun Ce sent Zhang _ to contribute to the Han Dynasty, and Cao Cao appeased Sun Ce and made peace with him. He was appointed general of rebellion and was named marquis of Wu. At this time, Yuan Shu appointed Zhou Yu as director of Juchao and Lu Su as director of Dongcheng. Knowing that Yuan Shu could not succeed, he abandoned his official position and crossed the river to take refuge in Sun Ce. Yuan Shu wooed Zulang, who had fled to Anhui, and asked him to encourage Shanyue to deal with Sun Ce together. And Taishi Ci also occupied Jingxian County, claiming to be the prefect of Danyang and deterring Sun Ce from moving westward. Sun Ce decided to pull out the two nails first, so he attacked Lingyang and captured Zulang alive. He attacked Li Yong again and occupied Taishi Ci.

In the fourth year of Jian 'an, Sun Ce attacked Huang Zu. 1On February 8th, Sun went to Shaxian County. 1 1 day, Sun Ce led Zhou Yu, Lu Meng, Cheng Pu, Sun Quan, Han Dang, Huang Gai and other generals to go hand in hand at the same time, and launched a fierce battle with the enemy. Huang Zu was almost wiped out, while Huang Ran escaped.

Sun Ce, high-altitude, eastward into yu zhang. At that time, Liu You was already dead, and many people pushed Hua Xin to be the satrap. Sun Ce thinks that Hua Xin is a famous person, and he should understand the righteousness deeply. I went back to Hua Xin, interested, and led Hua Xin out of the city to surrender. Sun Ce separated a part from Zhangyu County and established Luling County, with Sun Ben as the Zhang Yu Prefecture, Sun Fu as the Luling Prefecture, and Zhou Yu as the Baqiu Prefecture. Sun Ce defeated Zou Lun, Qian Tong, Warren Wang and Yan Baihu successively, and the territory was settled.

When Cao Cao heard that Sun Ce had pacified Jiangnan, he sighed and said, "It's really difficult for children to fight!" ! So he betrothed his brother's daughter to Sun Ce's younger brother Sun Kuang, and asked his son Cao Zhang to marry Sun Ben's daughter. Sun Quan and Sun Yi were invited by courtesy, and the Yangzhou secretariat was ordered to recommend Sun Quan as Cai Mao.

Third, the history of light hunting and assassination contains Sun Ce's beautiful appearance, wit and humor, open-minded, persuasive, daring to choose people, and courtesy to corporal. Scholar-officials are willing to work for him, even willing to sacrifice for him. To some extent, Sun Ce was able to occupy Jiangdong, which was related to his courtesy and making good use of the National People's Congress.

Sun Ce likes to hunt lightly. In this regard, Yu Fan is not at ease and has already advised. Sun Ce knew that Yu Fan was right, but he still couldn't get rid of this habit.

In April of the fifth year of Jian 'an, Sun Ce went hunting again. He rode a good BMW and drove the deer away, and his followers couldn't catch up anymore. Just as he was running like a gust of wind, three people suddenly jumped out of the towel and shot at him with bows and arrows. Sun Ce ducked, and an arrow hit his cheek. At this time, the retinue cavalry came to the back and killed all three people.

Sun Ce was shot by an arrow, and the pain was unbearable. Knowing that he was dying soon, he invited Zhang Zhao and others to take care of the funeral. He said: The Central Plains is at war. With wuyue's military forces, the Three Rivers are in danger, and we can sit back and watch the success or failure. I hope you can help my brother.

Then Sun Quan was summoned and stamped with his seal, saying, "When the two armies confronted each other, they decided to compete with the heroes of the world. You are not as good as me; " I'm not as good as you. Let them do their best to protect Jiangdong.

That night, Sun Ce died at the age of 26.