Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Psychological reasons why boys ignore you.

Psychological reasons why boys ignore you.

1, I used to be bored, but now I have something to do.

Just because a man always comes to you for days or weeks doesn't necessarily mean that he likes you. Maybe he was just bored and wanted to find someone to kill time, and that person happened to be you. So if he keeps looking for you because he is bored, then when that state is over, he will naturally ignore you.

I think you don't like him, and he doesn't want to waste time.

A man who likes you, at first, he will really always turn around you, test you and see your reaction. During this exploratory period, if you don't give him a definite response, then he will think that you are not interested in him at all, and he is hopeless here. In this case, he often chooses to leave without saying hello.

I don't think you are suitable, so I choose to give you up.

Sometimes, a man has a crush on you just because of your appearance or a certain behavior. He didn't know you well at that time. In order to get to know you better, he will approach you, but if in the process of getting along with you, he finds that you are not what he imagined, not what he wanted, then he will give you up at any time.

He cast a net in a large area and you were released.

Not all men are single-minded about their feelings. When they like a person, they only like one person. Many men always like to cast nets in a large area and seduce many women at the same time. When he has too many women to care about, then he will selectively break some. Slow, too difficult to chase, too serious about feelings, he will naturally break contact first.

If you have someone you like more, you will change your goal.

At first, that man may really just be in contact with you alone. However, when in contact with you, when he meets a woman who moves him more, he will often be rude and put all his enthusiasm for you directly and hastily on that woman. At this time, you are no longer in his eyes, and he certainly won't care about you anymore.