Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Nanchang Road Fortune Telling _ Nanchang Fortune Telling

Nanchang Road Fortune Telling _ Nanchang Fortune Telling

Notes on the numerology of Qingyun Road-External Prediction (1)

External prediction refers to taking the predicted person or thing as the taiji point, taking the "omen" and "omen" appearing in the space-time environment at the time of prediction as the prediction tool, and judging success or failure by analyzing these "omens". This kind of prediction is the application of the theory of "harmony between man and nature", and it is an advanced prediction from avenue to simplicity.

External prediction is a kind of prediction technology originally created by China ancients. Ancient ancestors looked up at astronomy, looked down at geography, and looked far away, and summed up this super-time prediction technology. In specific applications, according to the classification and analogy of various objects in vitro, such as color, position, movement, direction, object, category, tone, smell and so on. The predicted person or thing can judge whether it is good or bad.

Here, I would like to introduce two books: Taoism and Nature-Guiguzi Shen Duan by Mr. Zheng Yongqiang and Interpretation of Natural Language by his student Mr. Dong Keping. These two books don't need any numerology knowledge, and we can judge things according to the phenomena we see. I will attach a summary of my personal experience and examples to share my learning experience with you.

On the page 17 of The Mystery of Guiguzi, the essence of Taoism, it says, "A lady from Xi 'an told me that when she and her second husband took wedding photos, there was nothing. The staff of the studio apologized again and again, saying that they didn't know why they were all exposed, so they took it again. I told her,' You should be prepared for a second marriage and divorce. A few years later, at 1998, the conflict between her and her husband intensified and she had to break up again. A case like this reminds me that when I was in Zhuhai, a Hong Kong boss divorced and wanted to marry a female secretary. Although the secretary promised, he kept dragging his feet. He has no idea and wants to ask me for a test. When he told me that one day they wanted to take wedding photos, because it began to rain, they couldn't take photos outdoors. So, I concluded that he had no fate, but the boss kept shaking his head and never gave up. He didn't know the details for many years. I knew he was wishful thinking and suffered from emotional torture. I hope he can give up vulgar feelings and live a free and easy life. Is it very leisurely! Oh! Here is another example. When watching Zhao Benshan's TV series "Ma Dashuai 1", Xiao Cui, the daughter of the marshal, wanted to marry Gangzi, but the wedding photo was not taken. When my wife saw this scene, she said, "According to your theory, they are doomed to fail." Later, the plot proved that Xiaocui married Mr. Wu. "

Personal example: My second numerology teacher wanted to buy a house many years ago. As a result, the mortgage company sent people to take pictures at home twice, but they were unsuccessful. For other reasons, he didn't buy this house. Half a year later, he saw a news report that bad guys broke into the house and tied everyone inside! ! !

Taoism and Nature —— The Mystery of Guiguzi —— Page 19-20 There is a great psychologist in Switzerland. His name is Jung. He wrote a book called Coincidence, which was published in 1952. He has been studying a "coincidence phenomenon", which is an accidental phenomenon in common sense. According to Jung, there is no causal relationship between them, but there is indeed a connection between them, and this connection is very interesting. It complements the "causal effect", and human beings will know it sooner or later. Jung himself bravely tried and explained the connection between these phenomena, but it was not perfect. He also thinks that this is a blank and difficult point in human understanding, which is also specially studied by my natural language theory. These two phenomena seem to be unrelated "non-causal relationship", and the horizontal chain in chain theory specifically studies this relationship because they are similar, although they run in their own tracks, and they are two independent chains, which do not interfere with each other and do not affect each other. When the same theory in physics is established, the relationship between them will be satisfactorily explained in physics. I hope Hawking of Cambridge University and others can finish this task as soon as possible. "

Personal examples: "coincidence phenomenon" is also "synchronicity (English: synchronicity, translation simultaneity; German: Synchronizit? T)) ",a theory put forward by Swiss psychologist Jung in the1968+0920s, refers to" meaningful coincidence ",which is used to explain phenomena that cannot be explained by causality, such as dreams come true and people appear when they think of them. Jung believes that these seemingly causal events have non-causal and meaningful connections, and these connections often depend on people's subjective experience.

In 1952, Jung defined the concepts he had to deal with in detail in On Synchronization. In his view, synchronicity is a coincidence phenomenon, which is not limited to the psychological field. It can leap into the state of consciousness from "the interior of the mind matrix" and "our external world", or even from these two aspects at the same time. When both occur at the same time, it is called "synchronicity" phenomenon. "

One night in the summer of 2006, I dreamed that my father's eyes were bleeding. A few days later, my mother said that my father had fainted from heatstroke while working on the boat.

20 18 one afternoon, I chatted with a friend on wechat about Mr. X, the owner of the local newspaper, and then I saw Mr. X stop in front of my unit to discuss things.

On the 20th page of "The Essence of Taoism-Guiguzi is broken", it says "1998. The wife of Mr. Liu, the leader of a municipal party committee, introduced me to an object provided by Han. We have been together for a month, and we always find it difficult to communicate. We want to refuse, but we can't find the right time. 65438+February 6, I was free, so I decided to go to see each other that day. I made it clear that on my way to Xiao Han's work, my trousers fell off. I understood that breaking up was a matter of course, which also confirmed that my approach was correct. We parted politely that day. "

Personal example: Many years ago, my parents had an old friend. He and his wife want to introduce their daughter to me. At that time, they bought my mother a RMB of 180 in Beijing. My mother was very happy. As a result, this band was broken a few days later, and my mother's blood pressure rose to 180, so she went to the hospital at night. This obviously means no.

On page 30, "Tao is nature-guiguzi is broken" wrote:

"I drove straight to Hefei, didn't stop in Huainan, Anhui, and picked up a friend in Hefei to go to Jiangxi. As a result, the driver remembered the wrong place. My friend is in a street near the government. Our car goes around the government, but we can't find the street, so we have to wait at the government gate.

I was going to get on the train from Hefei to Nanchang, but I was repairing the road and changed the road again. We came back again and walked a long way from west to east to get to the railway station. I have decided that this trip is in vain.

We talked in Nanchang for two days, and finally realized that the operation mode of the other party was completely different from the original. We can't accept it and have to die. "

Personal example: On the morning of May 7th, 2000 1 1 I attended a job interview. The unit is in the northwest of my address, and it's usually 15-20 minutes' drive. I left home at 10 in the morning and drove north. As a result, when a road should turn left, the red light remains unchanged for 7 minutes, so I have to drive forward, then turn around and go back to the avenue to my destination. After arriving at the address, I entered a building and found that the number of floors of the interview unit was wrong. Turns out there's another building behind the same address! ! ! It was past 10: 50 when I got to the office. I didn't get the job either. Once something important goes wrong, it is usually difficult to succeed.

On the 42nd page of "Nature of Taoism-Broken Guiguzi", it says "199810/0 on the evening of October 22nd, at Professor An Wang's home, he said that his good friend was a pilot, and recently he had a tumor on the kidney of the Fourth Medical University and was about to undergo surgery. I don't know whether the operation will be successful. I said right kidney, and he said yes. I said it would work. Then the operation was successful. At that time, Professor Wang showed me a divination they measured to help them analyze their friend's illness. Because it was night, the wall lamp in the living room was dim, so he brought a more powerful light bulb to change it. At this time, the living room is much brighter. I analyzed the result according to this natural language, but judging from their divination, it was a fatal divination. Therefore, I ching is more vague and abstract than natural language in predicting things, but natural language is very clear and specific. Sometimes it is even clear at a glance. Because the Book of Changes was obtained by looking up astronomy, geography and people, it shows that the Book of Changes originated from nature. The sages created eight diagrams and sixty-four hexagrams in order to spread their views on nature to later generations, but later generations are often more willing to believe in "size" than "foot" when studying, and natural language is "foot". The most direct answer is right in front of you, and the answer you want to ask does not need a complicated process such as six tricks to deduce. In this way, false information will inevitably be injected in the deduction process, because there will be errors in "size", at least there will be obstacles in words, because words are not "Tao" at first, but only the carrier of "Tao", but many scholars are entangled in easy words and methods. These methods are like boats crossing the river. Once you cross the river and reach the other side, you have to "Tao". What's the use of a boat? So when you haven't given up these easy laws, then you haven't learned the truth, and some people are too poor to enter the easy hall all their lives. People who learn Yi should think about it: Tao is simple, simple, and Tao is natural.

Personal example: 20 17 10 1 I predict, "Can I get along with Ms. XXX?" Shake the No.364 brand "A Shinto, follow your footsteps, talk to everyone and show your spirit everywhere." Log in.

◎ Literal translation of poem signing: "Shinto": capable person. "One Shinto, whatever you want": a metaphor for meeting a talented person and helping you from it. "statement": Guan said, get through the joints. "Talk to everyone and see the spirit everywhere": Metaphorically, this person is amazing, and he can follow you forward. Whenever you encounter difficulties in your actions along the way, he will stick out his tongue and try his best to explain for you, remove obstacles, solve difficulties, turn the corner and finally succeed.

Situation: The goal you are pursuing now, because there are many other competitors, and the crisis you are facing is quite serious. You are not familiar with the key issues of the matter and can't find a good way to deal with them. On your own, there is little chance of success. Fortunately, I can meet a capable person who can respond to you and help you. This man is quite amazing. He can walk with you, try his best to remove obstacles, solve difficulties and finally succeed. The current situation is very critical. If you can't get help from others, you will end up in failure. Don't be careless Noble people have the status of middleman, introducer, matchmaker and teacher.

◎ Wish: You can't fulfill your wish by yourself. Fortunately, you can meet a capable person who can help you. This man is amazing. He can go with you. He will try his best to explain things to you, remove obstacles and solve difficulties, so that you can finally succeed.

I was very happy when I signed the 364th, but a few days later I got the reply that Ms. XXX was not interested.

I later reflected that the key to the success of this signing depends on the middleman. The middleman's WeChat is called "Prosperity", which has the same pronunciation as "Prosperity to Glory". Prosperity refers to Su Nan's ex-wife, and Rong refers to Ma Rong, the ex-wife of the famous mainland artist Wang; The former is accused of constantly demanding and forcing her husband to death; The latter not only hooked up with her husband's manager, but also took almost all the property. Netizens compared two women and created a new idiom "Yan Xin is thriving".

At that time, I saw the name of the middleman WeChat, but I didn't think too much. Now it seems that this name is a bad sign.

126 page "Taoism is natural-guiguzi is broken" wrote "in 2002, when I was in Beijing company. One day, I was about to climb the ancient Great Wall in Huairou with Mr. Wang. A reporter from Beijing Morning Post came to talk to me about advertising, but it was very unpleasant because of the cost. At noon in a farmhouse restaurant in Huairou, there was another dispute because the boss cheated in the tourist area. In the evening, when we had tea with Mr. Wang and Mr. Gao, our cooperation ended because of the contradiction in treatment. The events of this day are always linked. Interestingly, when I came back from Huairou, I brought some local specialty chestnuts, which also implied the sign of' separation from my boss'. These are all manifestations of chain reaction in natural language theory. "

Personal example: 20 1 16 went to a sporting goods store to buy things in the morning of January and found that there was nothing I wanted to buy. As a result, I went to a fast food restaurant and bought a large drink. When I was driving home, the mug was knocked over and all the drinks were spilled. This is precisely "happiness never comes in pairs, but it never rains alone". Lucky things often don't come one after another, and unfortunate things often don't come only one. Lucky things are not easy to cause a chain reaction, and often only one person comes; Unfortunate things easily hurt other things, and they often follow.

On page 133 of Interpretation of Natural Language, a friend asked him if he could speculate in stocks. He is optimistic that many people will speculate in stocks, so he is eager to try, but the stock market has not been very good in recent years and he is a little worried. I wish I could help him. I asked him: Can you cook? He doesn't know what this means. Is cooking related to stock trading? I told him that although there is no direct relationship between cooking and stock trading, in our eyes, a person who can cook a good dish will pay a price for stock trading. If you don't like cooking and have no talent for cooking, then I suggest you try your hand in the stock market. "

Personal example: A boss of our company started as a financial investment and wealth management product in 1990s. At present, the company has hundreds of employees and branches in many parts of the world. 20 17 when he was having dinner with us, he accidentally mentioned that he hadn't cooked for 20 years.

Welcome friends who are interested in numerology to communicate with me.