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Fortune teller says bad luck can change luck _ Fortune teller says bad luck can change luck?

The fate is bumpy, how can I change my fortune?

The fate of a person depends on the size of our blessings, the quality of our luck, the good and evil in your heart, what you have done, and so on. The so-called: "good heart and good life, rich and old; Life is not smooth, and happiness becomes an ominous sign; A good heart and a bad life turn disasters into blessings; Heart and life are not good, suffering and poverty; The heart can hold life, and the most important thing is the benevolent; Life is made by the heart, and good or bad luck is only called by people; Believe in life, do not cultivate the heart, yin and yang may be empty and positive; As long as you obey the orders of your mind, heaven and earth will protect themselves. " If you read these words too much, you will naturally understand some truth! Buddhism often says, "Fu Hui is solemn", so we must accumulate more blessings and resources in this life, cherish self-love, accumulate more virtues and cultivate kindness, and be generous and kind to people. This will naturally improve the environment, which comes from the cultivation of good law. Fu Bao represents the economic environment in our lives, and people who are with Fu Bao do everything smoothly. Without Ford, you will encounter difficulties in doing anything and often feel at a loss, so it is very important to cultivate blessings. There is a saying in China that "you can enjoy the cool under a big tree". A tree with dense branches and leaves, the bigger the shade, can accommodate many people to enjoy the cool under the tree; On the other hand, if trees are gone, people will lose their shelter. As far as the family is concerned, if parents don't have good news, the family will be very bitter, and it will be difficult for children to learn what to do. So is the company. Without Ford's karma to the person in charge of the company, it would be difficult for the company to develop and its employees would suffer. On the contrary, if the person in charge is blessed, he can shelter many employees; The greater the blessing, the more people will be sheltered. People in China often say that Fu Lushou has three stars shining high. Blessing is blessing, blessing is blessing, Lu is official position, rank, monthly salary, and longevity is longevity; Fu Lushou is enough, and everything he does in this life can achieve great success; Otherwise, this life will be bumpy and everything will go wrong. People in China often say that Fu Lushou has three stars shining high. Lu has official positions, titles and official positions. People with official positions are called posts, and deacons are a kind of posts. Happiness is the economic ability of life, and everything you enjoy in life is a blessing. Longevity, longevity and good health belong to longevity. Fu Lushou is complete, and I am very happy to have these three. Modern people think that Fu Lushou is not enough, but also needs to add a happy. It is a pleasure to have more children. It is also joy in joy, and it is even more joyful to be able to double happiness. And these all depend on our usual efforts, because this is a kind of karma. Everyone likes this karma, but most people only know how to pray, but they don't know how to work hard in it. Bodhisattva fears the cause, and all beings fear the fruit; Seeing the bad environment and bad results, all beings just want to escape and hope to get all the good things. Bodhisattva, on the other hand, knows that meeting goodness is the cause of past lives, and now it is even more necessary to redouble our efforts in the realm of goodness; Difficulties and bad things are also evil causes planted in the past. We need to be ashamed, repent and face the reality before we can break through. This is the wisdom of the Bodhisattva. If everyone is willing to work hard in their career, they will certainly get happiness and good grades in the future. Buddhism says that we should not only cultivate blessings but also cultivate wisdom. Most people think that it is enough to have food, shelter and play. Why should we cultivate wisdom? Wisdom is knowing what is right and seeing what is right, not being smart. If there are blessings but no wisdom, do not know how to use them and do not know how to accumulate them, the blessings will increase. There are also some people in society who are rich but lack wisdom. They are indulging in the blessings, desperately pursuing them, and even breaking the law. In fact, even if you escape the law and get rich by luck, it will not end well. From this perspective, wisdom is very important. With money, you know how to use it to cultivate, benefit and accumulate wealth. If you have power, you should use it to benefit the society and the public. This is to cultivate goodness and accumulate goodness. On the other hand, if you use your power to run amok, you are creating bad karma. Therefore, Buddhism tells us that, on the one hand, we should practice good dharma and collect the karma of Fu extensively; On the other hand, we should cultivate wisdom and know how to distinguish right from wrong. Mastering these two principles will make life brighter and more rewarding. If you don't know Guangfu and have no wisdom to distinguish right from wrong, you will certainly encounter many obstacles. This is true no matter from the experience of historical figures or various phenomena in society. Buddhism is the truth of life. If you follow this principle, you will get one point if you do it once, and one point if you do it ten times. If you go against this truth and do evil everywhere, you will eventually reap the consequences. "The cause of the past, the result of the present; Now, in the future. " Buddhism is not only truth, but also truth in truth. Life is endless. People don't only have one life. The efforts in this life not only benefit this life, but also benefit the afterlife and the afterlife. If you think that people only have this life, you are short-sighted and short-sighted. Buddha's wisdom is vast and complete, and he understands all karma; You can observe the past, present and future. Everyone has Buddha nature, and the wisdom of Buddha nature is not out of reach. As long as you go deep into Buddhism and practice the truth of Buddhism in your life, you will certainly achieve something. After understanding Buddhism, we know that people have a past, a present and a future. In infinite time, our life is very long, and people with this knowledge will never commit suicide, because they know that people are not dead. Moreover, the living space is also vast; Buddhist scriptures say that all the worlds, east, west, north, south, east and west, are in our minds. The time and space of life are so extended and vast. If we can realize the infinity of life, our hearts will be freed. Buddhism says that there are three generations: past life, present life and afterlife. Understand this truth, we can realize the immeasurability and vastness of time and space in life. Most people don't understand. They go to fortune telling, fortune telling. It is estimated that this year is not good. The east can't go, the south can't go, and the north can't go. The living space is shrinking. Buddhism tells us that as long as we work hard in the direction of cultivating happiness and wisdom, there will be endless time and space for development. Some people are dubious about this truth, or don't believe it at all, thinking that there is no future when people die. People with this concept only see the present, but not the future, and are short-sighted, so their minds are getting narrower and narrower. If we want to expand our minds, we must be correct in our knowledge, broad-minded and popular, and expand our career. Human blessing is very important. People who have great blessings will not be short-lived or suffer losses. For example, it was reported in the newspaper that there should have been a person on this flight before the large-scale air crash, but his name could not be listed. The man tried to take this flight again, and as a result, the airline arranged for him to take another small plane to reach his destination. The man felt uncomfortable at that time, but he had no choice but to accept it. Soon after the news of the air crash came out, he realized that he was lucky and missed the plane that died. Most people will think it is coincidence and pure luck. In fact, in terms of Buddhism, everything in this world is in karma. Observe slowly, and you will find that everything is the same. Buddhism is indeed an eternal truth. In this world, all laws are formed by karma and combination. Practicing good law is a good cause, and achieving good law is a good cause. The achievement of good karma is bound to be rewarded, and the truth of karma is absolute. As far as Buddhism is concerned, practicing good dharma can improve people's fate. Most people like to find someone to change their life, orientation and feng shui. In fact, everything has a cause, and they want to change their destiny by others. This practice is very confusing and upside down. If you want to change your destiny, you must start from practicing good laws. Historically, Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin sent general King Cao to attack Yibin County, Sichuan Province. Before he left, the immortal from Chen Tuan said to King Cao, Marshal, you are successful in your middle age, but you are unhappy in your later years. You can do more good deeds to change your destiny. After King Cao arrived in Yibin County, he won the battle and all the soldiers and civilians in the city surrendered. At that time, King Cao's aides suggested closing the city gates, concentrating all the people and soldiers in the city, and then setting fire to the city to avoid future troubles. King Cao remembered the advice of the immortal Chen Tuan, not only did he not set fire to the city, but also ordered all soldiers not to take a cent of the lives and property of the people in the city. For prisoners of war, they must not be hurt or killed; If prisoners of war are willing to stay in Yibin, they will be divided into fields for reclamation; If he wants to go back to his hometown, he will pay the toll and let him go home. After the promulgation of this policy, all people in Yibin are very grateful to Marshal Cao Bin. At that time, people in Yibin County built Cao Gong Temple to express their gratitude in memory of King Cao. When King Cao led the army back to the imperial court, he met the immortal of Chen Tuan. The immortal of Chen Tuan saw it and said, "Marshal, your phase has changed. You must be very lucky in your old age, and you will be below one person and above ten thousand people in the future. Your fate has changed so much, you must have done a lot of good things. " Later, King Cao was really a big official, and he was really above ten thousand people and below one person. Moreover, he lived to be over 90 years old and had nine sons, all of whom contributed to the country. He can be said to be a successful son and grandson. Cao Bin turned the massacre into a good law, which saved the lives and property of the Li people, stabilized their lives and reduced social chaos. This is the way to cultivate goodness. Buddhism mentioned that it is beneficial to practice in public affairs. The practice of a common people affects a small area; If the chairman of a company, even the mayor, county magistrate and president of a country, is willing to treat Xiu De well, more people will benefit. This not only developed the cause, but also accumulated the merits of good law; If we can cultivate more goodness and accumulate more blessings, it must be a contribution. There are many records in history that show that people can cultivate goodness and accumulate blessings, which must be a great merit. Buddhism mentioned that there are positive and negative aspects in cultivating goodness; The positive cultivation method is open source, and the negative cultivation method is to cherish the blessings and reduce expenses. Cherish is cherish. For example, if a person has NT$ 5 million and pursues modern enjoyment every day, he will soon spend all this money. In order to maintain his old age, various problems may arise. However, if we can save money, this five million can be used for a long time. People's longevity is the result of past efforts, past causes and present results; You can enjoy1100,000, 5,000,000 and1100,000 in this life, all of which have been accumulated by practicing good deeds and accumulating blessings in the past. It is innate, and most people say it is brought by nature. Therefore, to change your destiny, you must rely on your current efforts to change the future results. If you don't know how to work hard, you can only drift with the tide in your life; If you want to change your destiny, you must cherish and cultivate the present blessings. There are two ways to accumulate wealth, one is to open up sources, the other is to cut costs; Throttle is a daily necessity, try not to waste it. Open source means actively practicing good dharma, so that we can have good help. And how do office workers repair Ford? For example, public things will be used for official business, and most people will ignore the phone calls of companies and groups, which is wrong; Talking about business is legitimate and will not detract from your good luck. If you engage in malpractices for personal gain and talk about personal affairs, you will waste a person's good luck, because this virtually violates the theft rules and embezzles public time, electrical appliances, telephone bills and other resources. Buddhist scriptures say that the result of stealing is poverty and meanness in the future; Making a phone call is a trivial matter. The money for a phone call is not much, but it will be considerable after a long time. If we look at it from another angle, it is an opportunity to cultivate happiness and Xiu De. If we pay attention to our actions and don't waste public funds, we can accumulate our own blessings. For another example, the working hours are assumed to be eight hours. Are you serious about these eight hours? Do you misappropriate some time for personal affairs? Are you late or leave early? Always reflect on whether you are dedicated and responsible for your work, that is, give your time, strength and wisdom to the company. These are all blessings that you have repaired. Cherish your own blessings, that is, cherish your own blessings; To cultivate happiness is to create your own resources. Understand this truth, you will find the direction of doing things, and your daily life can be implemented. Any place is a Dojo, a Buddhism, and everyone can practice. Buddhism does not look at fortune telling or fortune telling, but "fortune telling" is also related to Buddhism. For example, the Buddha has 32 phases, and the Buddha's lover is the result of his past cultivation of goodness and accumulation of blessings; As long as the average person has one of them, Ford karma must be enough. Buddha's nose is solemn, and it is tall and straight. Many people have had surgery and rhinoplasty to keep their noses straight. Although the nose is solemn, it is artificial, not cultivated. Some people like to cut double eyelids, thin face and change their appearance in various artificial ways, but because it is unnatural, it has many side effects. There are thirty-two phases and eighty kinds of goodness in Buddha, all of which are obtained by practicing the good law. The so-called Buddha is not only solemn but also full of wealth and wisdom. Most people pay attention to appearance and only look at the surface; Careful observation shows that some people are good-looking, but they may not have good luck and a lot of troubles in this life. This is because they don't have good Buddhism in their hearts, and they can't practice Fu Hui extensively at ordinary times. Even if you look good, there is no good news to enjoy. So we must cultivate kindness in life to change our destiny. Buddhism tells us that on the one hand, we should cultivate goodness, on the other hand, we should review and reflect on ourselves, so as to be pure, compassionate and soft. Even though our appearance is poor, we will be kind, kind and noble, and we will get good help. It depends on our own efforts to change ourselves from the heart. Phase is the achievement of previous life karma, from which we can see a person's good fortune; If you haven't repaired it in the past, you can work hard from now on, which can not only change your fate and good luck, but also change your appearance. Historically, three people have entered this gate, namely Deng Tong, Zhou Yafu and Pei Du. It stands to reason that all three people should starve to death, but the first two people starved to death, and Pei Du did not starve to death. In the Han Dynasty, there was an official, Deng Tong, who was a doctor. He often waited on Emperor Wendi. Deng Tong was a courtier, specially pleasing the Emperor of China, and was very popular with the Emperor. One day, a fortune teller told Deng Tong, "The entrance of your vertical tattoo will die of poverty and hunger in the future." Deng Tong reported this to Emperor Wendi, who replied, "I have the right not to starve to death. If I make you rich, you will be rich. I let you starve to death, and you starve to death. " Therefore, Emperor Wen of Han gave Deng Tong the Tongshan Mountain in Sichuan. This mountain produces copper, and Deng General uses copper to cast money, which can be said to be the richest in the world. After Wendi died, his son Han Jingdi succeeded to the throne. Knowing that it was a traitor, Emperor Jing of Han Dynasty promulgated a decree that only the state could make coins after he ascended the throne, took the copper coins for himself, violated the national law, confiscated all the property, removed his official position, put him in prison, and starved to death after three meals. The second is Zhou Yafu, a brilliant minister. The emperor at that time was jealous of his fame and talent, and even worried that he would usurp the throne in the future. So he was put in prison on trumped-up charges. Soon, Zhou Yafu died of hunger strike. There was a prime minister named Pei Du in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, when he was preparing to take the Jinshi exam, he met a fortune teller and said to him, "You don't have to take the exam, you will definitely fail. Even if you are admitted, you will starve to death in the future. " Pei Du believed in Buddhism and believed that everything had a cause and effect. One day he went to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha, and then went to the gazebo to rest. I saw a jade belt on the stone table of the pavilion. This jade belt is very valuable and should be worn by North Korean officials. Pei Du thought the host must be very anxious, so he sat in the pavilion and waited for the host. After a long time, a woman came to the pavilion in tears and looked around nervously. Pedro asked the woman if she had dropped anything. The woman replied, "I put a jade belt in the pavilion." I rested for a while, because I was busy on the road, I forgot. " It took me more than ten miles to remember that the jade belt was still in the pavilion. This jade belt is very important to me and my family! "It turns out that this woman's husband is a North Korean official and was falsely accused of being in prison. This jade belt can rehabilitate unjust imprisonment and save the lives of a family of five. Pei Du heard the reason, confirmed that the woman was the owner, and returned the jade belt to her. A few days later, Pei Du happened to meet the fortuneteller again. The fortune teller was surprised and said, "Your luck has completely changed. You must have accumulated a lot of virtues. In the future, you will be blessed, below one person and above ten thousand people. "Soon, Pei Du took the exam in Beijing and won the Jinshi. Later, he became a prime minister and enjoyed a long life. Because of compassion, because of cultivation, because of accumulation, the fate of life has changed. This proves that Buddhism says that fate can be changed, but it depends on yourself, not others. Fate depends on cultivating wisdom, and it changes from karma. Some people think that changing a person's position, feng shui or name can change a person's life. However, if this can change your destiny, why can't fortune tellers change their own destiny? If changing the name can make you rich, then the person who changed the name will already be rich. Fortune-telling is a philosophy and an experience, because faces can reveal a person's heart. Therefore, the change of mentality is the most important. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a holy monk who was a Zen master and knew how to tell fortune. After enlightenment, I said a few words: "Seven feet are not as good as feet and face, feet and face are not as good as three inches of nose, and three inches of nose is not as good as brains. "He said that a person's height does not represent the rich and the poor. The face shape of one foot can tell the fate of this life, but the three-inch nose can better see the rich and the poor and the length of life; A three-inch nose is not as good as a heart, and the heart is the most important. The good and evil of one's thoughts directly affect the whole life and one's own destiny. Understand this truth, life will find a bright road. No matter in the company, family, Dojo or any living place, we can do it according to the two principles of cultivating goodness, accumulating goodness and cherishing goodness. There are more and more blessings, and there is no end. We should cultivate wisdom and happiness in life. There are blessings and fortunes. If you don't know how to make rational use of them, you will spend a lot of time eating, drinking and having fun, creating bad karma, although fortune will easily lead to corruption. There are some pets in society. Their owners hold them every day, dress them up and send them to beauty salons. They live a better life than ordinary people. However, after all, all beings are animals. Although they were blessed in their previous lives, they did not have the wisdom to distinguish right from wrong, so they did evil things and fell. Therefore, we should cultivate wisdom when compiling blessings. With wisdom, we can properly use blessings, increase blessings and avoid depravity. Wisdom is different from knowledge. Knowledge is acquired and accumulated through learning. For example, science, astronomy, geography and other majors are all knowledge. And wisdom is born, not acquired from the outside world; Review and reflect from time to time to see if there are any mistakes in your heart. Are you greedy, angry, infatuated and dull? If there is, then correct it, slowly transform your habits, and let this mind calm like water, without dirt like a mirror, and your wisdom will be presented. The troubles of greed, anger and delusion in the heart are dirt, because the greed for money, lust, food, sleep and fame has covered this heart with dust, and the wisdom in the book cannot be revealed. Not being greedy doesn't mean wanting nothing, but taking what you deserve. For example, monthly salary is hard earned and part of wealth, so it is not greed. On the contrary, taking more money is greed. Even if you get the money, it will be lost from other places in the future. Cause and effect connect three, past cause, present fruit; The cause now, the result in the future. If you want to be rich and famous, you must work hard from your career; Because, if nothing else, it is to cherish and cultivate the blessings. There must be blessings for people; People who have Ford can't steal the money they earn. Without Ford, even if you make a lot of money, you can't keep anything. People's blessings are different, and the realm they see outside is different. According to Buddhist scriptures, two friends crossed a mountain forest. The person walking in front saw a snake in the tree and ran away quickly. What the people behind see is a string of money hanging on the tree; Without Ford, even money was regarded as a snake. Goode also said: "When gold comes, iron is like gold. "The season is full of karma, and everything is smooth sailing; The season has passed and everything is not going well. Therefore, in peacetime, it is easy to achieve something if you want to cultivate wisdom and wisdom. Everyone has his own wisdom, a clean and calm heart, leading to a high degree of wisdom. It is mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures that "everyone has Buddha nature and everyone can become a Buddha". Buddha's nature is our awareness, and the public's listening to Buddha's dharma is the heart of thinking about the spirit and knowing the spirit. If this consciousness is disturbed, you will lose discipline and can't see the real situation clearly. Therefore, Buddhism emphasizes "seeing nature clearly and treating nature as Buddha". If the mind is pure and the consciousness is manifested, wisdom can be produced. There are two principles in doing things: one is to cultivate happiness; One is Xiuhui. Know how to distinguish right from wrong, good and evil, be knowledgeable and knowledgeable, but also know how to review and reflect, feel at ease, and meditate; Working hard in this direction is to cultivate wisdom. Being able to cultivate fuhui is a bodhisattva, and the worldly law is the birth law. " Buddhism is in the world and never leaves the world "; Buddhism is not far in the sky, nor in the west, nor is it where Buddhism will become a Buddha. Buddhism in daily life, the mind is observing. The so-called "water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it", and water refers to our heart water; When the water is calm, the ship can move forward smoothly and reach the other side smoothly. In case of storms and stormy waves, the ship will not only fail to move forward smoothly, but may even capsize and even lose its life. The same is true of heart water; With good thoughts, good words and good deeds, this life will become brighter and brighter. This is "water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it". On the contrary, I always want to get wealth by speculating, taking the side door, cheating and stealing, and even taking advantage. This kind of mind must be getting darker and darker, bringing disaster to itself. This is "water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it". "Causality is a truth, and everything in this world is a manifestation of karma. Causality is a rule, not a superstition. No matter how far technology develops, it is inseparable from this principle. The karma mentioned in Buddhism is not for us to passively sit here and resign ourselves to fate, but for everything, we must rely on our own efforts. Without the efforts of local authorities, we can never achieve the desired karma. For example, if you work in a company, you won't be late or leave early, which is why; I work hard and seriously every day, that's why; If you keep working hard for this, your future career will definitely develop. This is cause and effect. Students who are studying don't wait until the exam to prepare hard, but usually work hard. If they don't skip class, review, listen, write and remember more, they can work hard from the cause and do well in the exam in the future. This is causality. Success is in your own hands, and failure is also in your own hands. It is mentioned in Buddhism that being a bodhisattva and a demon is your own; It is our original intention to live in pure land and go to hell. It is a bright road to realize this idea and live in mindfulness and kindness forever. At this rate, life will become more and more blessed, wiser and healthier. The so-called "water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it", and water refers to our thoughts. In this society, people are interdependent and interdependent; To gain wealth and success through mutual assistance and cooperation, we should know each other, be grateful to each other and give back to each other. In modern times, some people have wrong ideas. In pursuit of utility, people use each other, attack each other, be selfish and hinder each other, which leads to many disputes and dangers. This is that water can carry a boat and also overturn it. Our philosophy is to achieve each other's career and achievements on the basis of interdependence and mutual help. This is that water can carry a boat and also overturn it. With the correct concept, life will be full of hope, and the more you go to the light, the pure land will be everywhere, and you will be lucky and safe.