Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is the truth that a good man is worth 10 thousand yuan and a good woman is hairless for three generations? A man with more body hair is good?

What is the truth that a good man is worth 10 thousand yuan and a good woman is hairless for three generations? A man with more body hair is good?

There is no necessary connection between men and women. The amount of body hair is largely stimulated by androgen, that is to say, male and female hormones react differently to the stimulation of hair follicles, and the sensitivity of hair follicles is different, resulting in the amount of body hair.

Men will have more body hair because of more androgen. This does not represent this person's physical state, but only that his hair follicles are more sensitive to hormones, and it is easier to grow some body hair, which does not represent his physical state. As long as it's not too much and the number is not too much, it won't affect his normal life, because we always have a rejection psychology for those who look particularly weird, which will affect his normal interpersonal communication, but normal development will not have any impact.

Women actually have less body hair because she has less androgen. Therefore, whether the body hair is so vigorous does not prove what kind of physical state this person is. As for the online saying that whether body hair is strong or not is related to sexual desire, it is even more nonsense, because it has nothing to do with it at all. This is just different skin sensitivity, which can't represent how much a person uses estrogen and androgen to secrete hormones, and it can't represent what kind of attitude this person holds towards sexual life.

If you feel that excessive body hair has affected your normal life, you can have corresponding medical treatment. In fact, both men and women can, and it will not affect our overall health, but the breathing of the skin may have a slight impact, but it will not affect our whole body.