Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Cold hands and feet. What is the reason?

Cold hands and feet. What is the reason?

Cold hands and feet is a kind of cold syndrome. First of all, it must be a manifestation of yang deficiency, which is actually closely related to the five internal organs of traditional Chinese medicine. The specific reasons are:

Deficiency of kidney yang

First of all, look at the kidney. Kidney is the foundation of the body, the innate foundation of people, and the kidney is long. Yuan Yin Yuanyang is the foundation of the whole body. Kidney Yang can warm our viscera, body and orifices. Therefore, if people's kidney Yang is insufficient, it will lead to dereliction of duty in warming the viscera and orifices, resulting in palace cold, including other whole body chills, including cold hands and feet.

spleen asthenia

Looking at the spleen of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is the foundation of the day after tomorrow. It transmits subtle Shui Gu, and then produces qi and blood, which affects the whole body. In addition, if the spleen is deficient, the source of biochemistry will be scarce and the qi and blood will be insufficient, then the muscles of the limbs will lose warm nutrition, which will also lead to such a symptom of deficiency and cold.

Stagnation of liver qi

Furthermore, looking at the liver, Chinese medicine believes that women are blood-oriented, the liver is congenital, and the liver stores blood. The blood stored in the liver can help some physiological activities of women, including menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, which are all related to sufficient blood. The liver is an organ for storing blood, and many women's physiological functions will be influenced by liver blood deficiency. Liver governs qi stagnation and regulates people's mood and emotion. If the liver qi stagnates, some women do not pay attention to the self-regulation of emotions. If the pressure of stagnation of liver qi remains high for a long time, it will lead to poor blood circulation, which will also lead to weakened blood circulation in our limbs, leading to loss of warmth and chills in our limbs.

Deficiency of heart yang

Chinese medicine says that the heart governs the blood vessels and the heart governs the blood vessels. After the heart fluctuates, blood vessels will reach the whole body, including the four ends. If the heart yang is weak and the stirring ability of the heart is insufficient, it will lead to such a function that the heart controls the blood vessels, and it will also lead to such a blood circulation that the blood flows to the limbs.