Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Female 1993 February 12 Born at 8: 05 on the 21st day of the first lunar month, she plans to open a fortune-telling shop this year.

Female 1993 February 12 Born at 8: 05 on the 21st day of the first lunar month, she plans to open a fortune-telling shop this year.

It doesn't mean to be fierce if you make a mistake. Any evil spirit has good luck and bad luck. Here I will give you an excerpt from my post in Baidu Post Bar.

When it comes to Gai Hua, many people think of loneliness, loneliness and emotional dullness. The bad impression of late marriage, if you go deeper, will feel a bit literary and suitable for the art of writing, which is related to the five techniques of metaphysics. In fact, the canopy is a symbol of luxury. Why do you say that?

1 first of all, the original meaning of the canopy is the big umbrella on the emperor's travel car. Explain that this thing can show people's extravagance. Otherwise, now rich people like the whole Rolls Royce and Lamborghini. Ferrari or something

Gai Hua is the treasurer of the three-in-one game, and he is ugly in the morning. Then, if a person has Woods You Mao, the god of kings, in his horoscope, then this canopy is not lonely. Because Gai Hua has a pursuit, he can be the refuge of the God of China. His extravagance and waste may be reflected.

Besides, Gai Hua's loneliness mainly comes from himself. Unlike other gods who represent loneliness. Is active loneliness. To put it bluntly, it is high cold and lofty. By talent and pride. You can't. I'm brilliant. You don't deserve to talk to me. I don't want to have fun with you. Something like this. 80% of Wen Qing, who likes to pretend to be forced on Douban, has a canopy.