Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What kind of person is Mr. Tian in Lifelong Event?

What kind of person is Mr. Tian in Lifelong Event?

Tian teacher is also an obstacle for Tian Yamei to realize her ideal. Mr. Tian has received many years of western education and has certain enlightenment thoughts. He is firmly opposed to the superstition that his wife asks God to tell her fortune. Mrs. Tian took out a poem signed by Guanyin. He was very angry and scolded, "Bah! Bah! I don't want to see it. I don't believe in these things! You said this was your daughter's lifelong event. You can't trust yourself. Can the bodhisattva carved in clay believe it? " Seeing that Mrs. Tian refused to accept it and defended herself with the words of the fortune teller, he immediately reprimanded with a straight face: "Forget it! Forget it! Stop talking nonsense. You have eyes, but you refuse to use them yourself. Instead, ask the blind man without eyes. Is this not a joke? " However, Mr. Tian, as a Chinese-Western hybrid, although he opposed his wife's interference in his daughter's lifelong events with feudal superstition, he moved out of the feudal patriarchal temple rules and resolutely opposed his daughter's marriage with Mr. Chen on the basis of "China's customs and habits". Seeing that Tian Yamei was dismissive of this absurd concept, she flew into a rage and said, "I feel useless, and the society recognizes it, and the old gentleman of that class also recognizes it." The author vividly depicts and exposes Mr. Tian's personality and thoughts with a new look and old bones through the expression technique of first promoting and then restraining. By denying this new figure, he expressed his criticism of the feudal patriarchal clan system and also showed the long and arduous struggle against feudalism.