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How are British dynasties divided?

The division of British dynasties:

1, the western Saxony dynasty is in.

Britain experienced the rule of the Roman Empire. After the Romans retreated, they entered a period of scuffle between the small kingdom and the small tribal alliance. By the 6th century, the invading Anglo-Saxons had formed seven kingdoms. The kingdom of Wessex is getting stronger and stronger. In 829, King egbert conquered other kingdoms and became a co-owner of England.

2. Normandy dynasty

1066, Edward the Confessor, on his deathbed, instructed witenagemot to elect Hadro II as king. But William, Duke of Normandy from northwest France, crossed the ocean and conquered England. He is William Ⅰ the Conqueror, who founded the Normandy Dynasty.

3. Plantagenet Dynasty

After Stephen died, Henry I's grandson succeeded him as Henry II. He was originally the Earl of Anjou in France, and his coat of arms had the pattern of plantagenet, hence the name Dynasty. The Hundred Years' War between Britain and France broke out in this dynasty. This dynasty lasted for eight generations, including King John.

4. Lancaster dynasty

This dynasty belongs to the descendants of Anjou family. Richard II, the last king of the Plantagenet Dynasty, was deposed by his cousin in a court coup, and staged the tragedy of boiling beans and burning beans. Henry IV, who recently came to power, was the son of the Duke of Lancaster, hence the name Dynasty.

5. York family

This dynasty lasted only 25 years, and the York family also belonged to the Anjou family. Edward IV of England of England was in power most of the time. Henry V, the son of Henry IV, reopened the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France and ravaged most of France, forcing the French king to recognize him as his heir. Unfortunately, he died suddenly in the French battlefield.

His son Henry VI became the king of Britain and France before he was one year old, but the appearance of Joan of Arc turned the tide of war in France, and the British were driven out of France.

Henry VI's rule in Britain will soon come to an end. 1455, the Duke of York, the descendant of Edward III's granddaughter Filipa, rose up and rebelled. The history of this war is called Red, White and wars of the roses. Henry VI was abolished and rebuilt, and was finally defeated by the York family.

English Edward IV of England of York family succeeded to the throne and established York family. However, wars of the roses is not over yet. 1485, henry vii, son of Gunter, Duke of Lancaster, attacked Britain from abroad, killed Richard, the late king of York family, and established the Tudor dynasty.

6. Tudor dynasty

This dynasty is named after its founder. Henry vii's paternal ancestors were Welsh aristocrats, his mother was Margaret beaufort of Anjou family, and his father and Henry VI were half-brothers.

He succeeded to the throne because his mother was descended from Edward III, the plantagenet dynasty. After winning the throne, he was called henry vii. He married the princess of the York family, another branch of the Anjou family, and the two families became one.

The dynasty consolidated its rule with the help of new businessmen and new noble. Henry VIII broke up with the Pope because of marriage problems, which led to the establishment of the Episcopal Church. The last monarch was Queen Elizabeth I.

7. Stuart dynasty

The paternal ancestor of this family originated in Brittany, France, and later became the king of Scotland. James I, the first generation monarch, is a descendant of Henry VIII's sister and was originally a Scottish king. Since Queen Elizabeth I died childless, she was able to go to London to inherit this great system.

This dynasty was overthrown by congressional troops in 1649, and Charles I was executed. Cromwell, the leader of the congressional army, appointed himself the protector of the country. 1660 restored the dynasty and later changed to a constitutional monarchy.

Charles I, the son of James I, was overthrown in the English Revolution of 1640- 1648 and was finally guillotined. Cromwell was lord protector.

8. Hanover family

After the death of Queen Anne of Stuart dynasty, according to the law of succession to the throne, James I's granddaughter Sophia should inherit her throne. But she died and the throne was succeeded by her son, who was a German candidate in Hanover and was called George I. From then on, house of hanover began and continued until Queen Victoria.

9. Saxony-Coburg-Gotha Dynasty

Queen Victoria's husband is related by marriage to many royal families in Europe. His surname comes from the Principality of Saxony-Coburg-Salfeld, Germany. 19 14 years, World War I broke out and the British army was involved.

When the battle reached 19 17, the war was in a stalemate, the hope of victory seemed slim, the casualties in Flanders trench were shocking, and Germany became a terrible enemy.

The British people will appreciate the bitterness and bitterness of war. Tiredness of war and strong frustration were the common mentality of many British people at that time. In order to vent their fear and hatred of the Germans, people hysterically cursed the German emperor William II.

Smashed and smashed German shops, punched and kicked beloved German dachshunds, and people lashed out at anything that could be associated with hateful Germans.

This is not enough for revenge, and the anti-German is directed at the royal family. Because Britain was under the rule of Saxony-Coburg-Gotha dynasty at that time, the paternal ancestor Coburg family of this dynasty ruler came from Germany, and the name Saxony-Coburg-Gotha also came from German.

So at this time, the royal family just picked up this German flag from the Royal Church in Windsor Castle, which is far from calming the public's anger.

10, Windsor Dynasty

During the reign of George V, the son of Edward VII, he caught up with the First World War and refused to use the surname of the enemy Germany. He changed the royal surname to Windsor and the name of the dynasty to Windsor.

The Windsor dynasty has continued to this day. Elizabeth II, who is currently in office, is her fourth king. Her mother, Queen Elizabeth, is Scottish and of French aristocratic descent. Daughter-in-law Diana, Camilla and grandson Kate also have the British royal blood of Anjou or Stuart.

Baidu Encyclopedia-British Dynasty (Royal History)